Monday, May 08, 2006

on hiatus

You have probably already noticed that there have been no new posts the past few days. Well, if you are one of my two readers ( hello Phil, hello Lamond ). The reason for that is that I don´t have that much access to the computer anymore. One of the main occasions during which I was writing the post for this blog was the time when my older brother was working from 20.30 hours to 23.00 hours. But the working place is closed down now for a few weeks and he spends all his free time in front of the computer screen.

The second occasion was during the day whenever he was sleeping and the computer was free. Since I now have a 1 EURO job in Kornwestheim ( which I have to correct : 1,50 EURO per hour ) I have to get up pretty early and because I´m still not used to sleep before that I don´t get much sleep. Which means that now when my brother is sleeping during the day I will be sleeping too. And when I´m not sleeping there is my younger brother who spend shours in front of the computer. The last occasion on which I wrote the posts where after my older brother had gone to bed which was between 01.30 hours and 07.00 hours in the night. And that is when I have to sleep now so there is no chance I will get to write a lot in the next few days. When my brother bought this computer he said it was solely that I had a computer to use since he had another for his graphic work and didn´t want me to use it all the time. Then he started to use the computer on occasion to surf the web since he didn´t want to use the other computer for fear of viruses. Now he spends more time on it than me. Which means that I normally spend my free time waiting to use the computer and if I finally get to use it it takes me hours to read through the forums and message boards and whatnot since it has been several days I was there the last time.

If you wonder how this post comes about : I´m writing this before I go to work just to let you know what´s up with this lazy german guy who hasn´t updated his blog in the last days. I know the main reason for writing a blog is to write down the daily happenings of my life as long as they are fresh in my memory. Well, I guess I have to bend the rules a little there because right now this is my life : having no time to post on my blog. So all the posts about my preparations for the COMIC SALON ERLANGEN, the reviews of comics and all the general discussions of the ninth art have to wait till I have more access to the computer. I don´t know how long this will be but my brother has to start working again someday.

So it´s time to finish this post. It´s past seven in the morning and I have to go to work.

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