Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Okay, this is like the third time I´m trying to write my comments about the new solicitations but I hope I can finally finish it. Up to now there was always something that got in the way and I think I already mentioned twice that you can save 23 bucks. So before it is time for the next solicitations or another thing comes up let´s do it quickly. I don´t have that much to say, as I´m more prone to comment on comics if I have read them so therefore I won´t comment on most series I have on my pull list. By the way, I just wanted to say for all jazz fans there is a new episode of the RedJazz podcast online ( the link is in the sidebar ).

The first thing I want to mention is from DC. BATMAN GOTHAM BY GASLIGHT is resolicitated and if you don´t have a copy of the comic ( or if your copy looks like mine after reading it for the hundreth time ) you should definitely get it. The art by Mike Mignola is just wonderful and the story is one of my favorite Batman elseworld stories alongside HOLY TERROR done by Norm Breyfogle - one of my favorite Bat-artists.

I´m undecided on this item. You can´t go wrong with X-Men by Jim Lee and I would love to have an issue that´s in better condition than the one I have so far. But maybe it´s better to get the trade that includes this issue. It will depend on how it is printed. Definitely have to see this one before I decide.

What is this ? Is this some unfinished project of Jack Kirby or is he being ripped of ? Again this is a book I have to see first before I make a decision. I mean you buy the Jack Kirby comics for the Jack Kirby art but if the art is done by someone else I want to see it first. And of course it depends on the fact if Jack Kirby´s family gets any of the money.

Done ! It´s already on the list. I don´t even have to think about it. This is the second Batman miniseries by Matt Wagner after Batman and the Monster Men and I just can´t wait to get my hands on this. Matt Wagner is really working on a new Batman opus within the Batman history with BATMAN AND THE MAD MONK.

The covers to Robin just get stranger and stranger. While the last one looked like there would be a showdown between Robin and the new Captain Boomerang this cover seems to imply that they need to team up. If only to fight a common enemy. I will have to see if I can find any issues on the comic fair in Stuttgart on Saturday. Maybe it´s time for Robin to join the pull list again.

Since GREEN LANTERN REBIRTH the only other series I read was GREEN LANTERN but that was mostly for the artwork by Carlos Pacheco. But this cover intrigues me. Who´s the bad guy ? How long will it take for Guy to whup his ass ? And who´s the hot chick ? Have to check it out if only because of the chick. Hey, I´m a guy. What can I say : a hot chick in a comic never hurts especially if she has little clothing.

Now comes the part all of you have been waiting for and the real reasons you are even reading all this stuff. How can you save 23 bucks ? That´s easy : just buy the SAVAGE DRAGON 0 issue for 1.95 $. This comic contains the origin story from the IMAGE ANNIVERSARY HARDCOVER I already wrote about ( in the post called COMICS NOT WORTH THE MONEY ) and it is the only of the stories you need. No really. You can skip the rest of the stories. I just whish I knew this before I spend 25 bucks on the hardcover. But at least now you can save some money and learn the Dragon´s never before revealed origin. And believe me : it will not be what you expect.

So now you have 23 bucks of extra cash on your hands. How about spending it on the new POWERGIRL BUST ( and then some !!! ) from DC ? You can only pay for half of it with the money but that´s better then nothing. This statue is done after a drawing from Adam Hughes and it depicts Power Girl in all her glory. I know it says mini bust in the solicitations but it´s just not physically possible to have the words " Power Girl " and " mini bust " in the same sentence. If I only get one statue in all my life this will be it. I better stop now before I start drooling.

Whew, that´s the end of this post. I hope it was entertaining for you and you didn´t already buy the Image hardcover. I hope to post more in the next few days since tomorrow is a holiday in Germany and the museum stays closed for the rest of the week.

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    1. Anonymous11:28 PM

      Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.

    2. Anonymous4:59 AM

      Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

    3. Wow. My first bookmark, that´s cool.

      Somehow I can´t get the link to work.

    4. Oh, I forgot to mention : you can get a blog like this one through blogger for free. Just click on the blue thing that says " get your own blog ".

      Be sure to post a link when you have your own blog.
