Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Erlangen - here we come

Today is the last day before Erlangen. Finally ! I have prepared all the important things like money, comics to sign, my little book for the sketches, a book to make some drawings if it pickels my fancy and I even got a new CD - / mp3 - player to listen to my new jazztracks. I seem to somehow have lost the two CDs with all the shows of RedJazzRadio but luckily I made a new CD last week with the 100 best free downloads from the site ( if you are interested the link is right on this page ). Not so many radioshows on this one but I think with the 102 tracks on the disc I will have enough for the four days ahead of me. So this time I won´t have to think about which music to take and I will be taking only one CD. I have programmed the VCR to tape the second episode of the mirror universe saga of Enterprise with the catfight between T Pol and Hoshi ( see last post ). My younger brother should be taping it on Sunday but he always has a tendency to only screw up the really important things so I´m also taping it with my own VCR as a failsafe.

I was at the newsstand today but as always the special issue of the COMIXENE about the comic convention in Erlangen has not come out yet. Without a doubt it will be available on Friday or Saturday when it´s all under way. Now what was I expecting ? I mean who could have known that the same thing that happened last time would be happening this time ? What´s this strange thing you called " pattern " ? Never heard of it. So I guess we will see it during the convention for the first time.

I have checked out the brushes and pencils I will be taking and I have packed the special laserlight and the notebook for the convention diary. Sadly there will be no new posts for the rest of the week. Since I won´t have computer access the blog will be on hiatus till next week. But I´m taking the notebook and I will hopefully have some time to make notes about all the happenings in Erlangen. I have already posted announcements of the hiatus on the corresponding websites like Comicforum, Paniniforum and on digital webbing so anybody will be forewarned. I know it´s hard to be depraved of Germany´s best comicblog but it will return soon. So bear with me.

Now about the preparations so far : I have had some mild success trying to convince my brother to let go of his newest hare brained scheme to get us both banned from Erlangen forever. He took my advice to inform the proper authorities and get some permission so we won´t get shot at or arrested.

Just a quick cavity search and a half hour beating. Yup, that´s about it in the worst case scenario. I just don´t understand what´s up with my brother. Every time Erlangen comes around and we say : this time we will NOT be selling our own comic, we will NOT have to pay for a table and spend most of our time pimping our, this time we come as fans. Not as professionals but as fans. We are just going to have fun and buy comics, stand in line to get sketches, go to the podium discussions, visit one exposition or two, see the newest comic movies, talk with other fans why Gambit is the stupidest X - Man ever, go to the meetings and stuff. Maybe we will even get to sleep a little. But no, that´s not enough. He always has to conjure one last minute plot for world domination which usually ends in a train wreck or worse like the last time when he managed to ruin all chances for us to EVER work with Brian Pullido ( which I won´t get into now, but believe me this story is not for the faint of heart ). More and more I´m getting the feeling to be in an episode of " Pinky and the Brain " only in this case my brother is making the plans for total world domination. Oh, and in this version Pinky is the one with the brain.

So, what am I looking forward this time apart from the cavity search by Erlangen´s finest ? Of course one big event is the fact that Humberto Ramos will be there not only at one booth but at two. He´s promoting his german release of Revelations for CARLSEN COMICS and also his series OUT THERE being published by PANINI COMICS. Which means I should have a good chance to get an original sketch from him or even some comics signed. To get them signed I´m taking IMPULSE 4 because that was the first comic by Humberto Ramos I ever got. And I didn´t even buy it myself, my brother ( my older one ) brought it for me from one of his visits to the comic store. In fact he had been arguing about it with my younger brother who had accompanied him on this special trip who thought it a bad idea to bring me this comic. Well, I liked it so much that I got all the back issues ( like I had to know what was up with Bart having fought the entire school the previous issue - that´s how you use captions, man ) and it ended on my pull list. I also am taking IMPULSE 9 and 12 which have the best appearance by XS a.k.a. Jenny Ognats, Bart´s cousin and member of the Legion of Super Heroes who is one of my favorite characters. The other comics to sign are the two part JLA : WORLD WITHOUT GROWN UPS comic which is one of my favorite works of him, OUT THERE 1 if he is only allowed to sign issues of this series and last but not least Wolverine 42. To show that fans still appreciate his current work and not only the old stuff he did. I would have liked to bring some CRIMSON comics to sign but at the moment I can´t find the american issues I have and the german trade I bought a while ago was glued so awful that it has already transformed into a random assembly of pages.

Now on the other side I was looking forward to get some sketch from Gosho Ayoma, creator of CASE CLOSED, maybe a drawing of Shinishi together with Yaiba. But it has been announced that he won´t make any sketches, he won´t sign any comics and he will be only be giving autographs on special print cards. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that if you want to get one of those you have to take part in a lottery ( or was it you have to roll the dice ? ) and win. Am I the only one who is hearing the theme from Mission Imossible in my head now ( Dan - da - dan - da - dan - da ) ? I will show up to find out what the real deal is going to be but it´s not so attractive anymore. As for getting sketches from anybody else that will depend on who will be signing and at which time it will be.

Of course there will be a lot of movies shown in the theaters during the convention so I hope to see the ones I haven´t gotten to see like V for Vendette, X - Men the last stand or Aeon Flux. I hope there will be no surprises like when we watched AKIRA and had to learn why it is a bad idea to have a cinema and a bar in the same buildng. Maybe we can even get to see some of the Animes shown. But I´m not sure. I ´m already getting the impression that my brother has other time consuming plans that have nothing to do with comics or movies.

The biggest unknown factor this time will be the hotel we´re staying at because we decided very late to go to the convention and we had to get rooms a little outside of the convention area. We´re staying at the Hotel Garni but it´s supposed to have a good connection to the local busses and it has a pool. Additionally there will be a lot of people from the Paniniforum staying there so maybe we can go to the convention together. But I mean, how bad can it be since last time we were lodging in the Twilight Zone hotel ?

There are still so many things to say but I have to wrap up this post if I ever want to put it on my blog and there are still some things I have to do for the trip. I hope you all have a great longer weekend and I will be back with many exciting stories to tell.

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