Tuesday, May 08, 2007

It all comes back to Power Girl

Well, it seems I just can´t escape the topic of Power Girl.

Somehow no matter where I start I always end up talking about her and her powergirls.

Today I was surfing on the internet to verify all the webpages for my next installment of my report on the 25 Salon del Comic in Barcelona. I had to google a lot and tried ( later on ) to find my own website through google. But the only time I managed to find my blog was when I used the searchword " talesfromthekryptonian ". And that after so much I´ve written about Power Girl.

Anyway, I tried to find my own post about Power Girl with the craziest word combinations and when I tried " Powergirl cleavage " I stumbled upon some interesting websites I wanted to share.

First one is scans daily. This website has tons of scans and of course a lot of scans about Power Girl. You can find such nice scans as these :

That´s really smooth, Booster.

Ah, yes, I miss the good old days when Bart Sears was a babe artist. Can´t beat the Giffen League.

While looking through the scans I found these. I have no idea from which comic they are but they look rather interesting. If anyone knows the comics please let me know.

And last but not least you can find tons of useful information on this page about stuff I only mentioned shortly in my post. Like the whole story of Power Girl´s baby.

  • Part one

  • Part two

  • And also thanks to this website I can now make more sense of these two pics from Dave´s Long Box post about Power Girl. Here the partial scans :

    And here are the full pages for a better understanding :

    Last but not least I found this website with a Power Girl meme which in this case is a draw off. Here you can find as nice pics as these but it can take very long to upload the page.

  • Power Girl meme

  • Another thing I wanted to add is the origin of Power Girl drawn by Adam Hughes. Am I the only one who whishes he was working on an ALL STAR POWER GIRL series instead of ALL STAR WONDER WOMAN ?

    That´s all for today. Sorry to break up my travel report but any excuse to write about Power Girl and post some pictures is welcome. With the next post we will return to the regular scheduled adventures of SUBZERO at the spanish comic convention.

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