Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The 100 reasons why we all love comics

Today, while I was surfing on the internet I found these two links

  • 50 things I love about mainstream comics

  • why we love super heroes

  • It seems somebody started this " 50 things why I love comics " meme. Again.

    It´s not so long ago that Fred Hembeck started the " 100 things why I love comics " meme ( part one / part two ) and a lot of other people started to do the same. Here are some links I found. Most are courtesy of Mike Sterling´s progressive ruin webblog but since some of the links don´t work or the blogs they linked to are closed I posted all the links that worked. I´m beginning ( of course ) with the three from Mike Sterling himself and the others are in no particular order. Because It was a lot of work I just numbered the links without writing to which website you will be lead. Surprise, surprise :

    number 1 / number 2 / number 3 / number 4 / number 5 / number 6 / number 7 / number 8 / number 9 / number 10 / number 11 / number 12 / number 13 / number 14 / number 15 / number 16 / number 17 / number 18 / number 19 / number 20 / number 21 / number 22 / number 23 / number 24 / number 25 / number 26 / number 27 / number 28 / number 29 / number 30 / number 31 / number 32 / number 33 / number 34 / number 35 / number 36 / number 37 / number 38 / number 39 / number 40 / number 41 / number 42 / number 43 / number 44 / number 45 / number 46 / number 47

    And that´s why I will always love comics. Because it´s so damn hard to make a list that has 100 things that I love about comics. I don´t know how to narrow it down. I´m reading all these lists and I agree with a lot of it. Really. So I end up with, like, 2000 things I love about comics. And that just says it all. So whenever I´m frustrated or just forgot why put so much time and effort into this blog I just read one of the lists and I remember why. It´s because of love. Love for comics. So share the love.

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