Friday, August 31, 2007

The world´s greatest comic blog

In an effort to make this the best blog of the world ( after becoming the best blog of Germany ) I´m still working on those banners.

Today I found out how to put some individual text on the banners which is really important because I think that after the tenth " I´m with awesome anatomy " banner it gets a little boring.

So today I´m working on the banners trying out new text and trying to come up with funny things to put on them without sounding like a total pervert. Big chance of pulling that off.

Right now I´m still using the paint programme which is the only one on the computer right now. I´m putting in the text with black on white and then inversing the colors - it´s like an instant bizarro text. So far it looks worse the smaller the letters are but it´s better than nothing.

And they are still a little too big but maybe I can shrink them down a little if I can put better text on them.

So here are a few examples. I hope you like them. Maybe someone knows a website with more CIVIL WAR banners. Or a website with some cool text examples.

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