Thursday, January 03, 2008

2008 - The Super year !

Yes, 2008 will go down in history as the SUPER year. Not only because there are a lot of super comics coming our way this year. But 2008 is also the 70th birthday of Superman.

He first appeared in Action Comics 1 in June 1938 and now that book is still going strong with issue 860.

To bring you in the right mood here´s the Superman title by John Williams as a mp3. You can download it to your computer or open it up in a new window and listen to it while reading this post.

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  • Throughout my comic reading career I have always been reading Superman comics in one form or the other. I can remember being a little tyke and reading the adventures of the man of steel or about the exploits of Superboy with his pals from the Legion of Superheroes in the pages of the german SUPERMAN BATMAN comics. I already wrote something about my earliest reading experiences in my series COVERSTORY and all the different german Superman publications.

    Now that I think about it the first time I read Superman was not in the pages of SUPERMAN BATMAN but in the pages of MV COMICS which always had a strange mix of DC, MARVEL and other comics. At that time I didn´t know that Superman and Spider - Man belonged to different companies because here they were all published by MV COMICS. They usually had one DC story, one Marvel story and a third. Now that third Story could be a european comic like LUCKY LUKE, ASTERIX, UMPAH PAH or it could be american funnies like ARCHIE, RICHIE RICH or CASPER. Looking back it´s kind of blurry but I remember a lot of ARCHIE comics. In fact those are the only ARCHIE comics I have read to this day. And there also were some ISNOGOOD stuff which may be the reason that it´s one of my favorite comics.

    So 70 years of Superman. I´d say that´s pretty big. I just hope that there will be some extra editions. I remember when Superman had his 50 th birthday waaaay back in 1988. To all teenaged readers out there that must seem like prehistoric times but for me it was just 4 years after I graduated from school. Yes, we were the class of 1984. I had finished my education as a car mechanik and was taking a course to study on high school before doing my military service. There was a special coming out for the 50 th birthday of Superman and I have to find it. Because it also included a story about.....THE SUPERMAN OF THE YEAR 2000......with flying cars and everything.

    I have to reread it and see if they had talking phones and if the internet is mentioned. It´s always funny to see how people thought life would be the year 2000 ( just imagine Conan O´Brian singing here ). I have a book which has to be somewhere in the cellar about LIFE IN THE YEAR 2000 with all kind of funny things. Like that people are only eating pills in the year 2000. Which is true if you´re older than 60 or a professional athlete. Or a politician, manager or junkie. Well, maybe they were right with that prediction.

    Anyway, I hope there will be some cool stuff for big blue´s 70 th anniversary and DC will put some effort in his books and push it a bit more. He is their flagship title after all. My resolution for 2008 is that I will post more Superman related stuff beginning with my thoughts on the SUPERMAN AND THE LEGION OF SUPERHEROES. Yesterday my package from the comicshop arrived with parts 2 and 3 so I can finally go and read it. Who knows I may even start with the SUPERMAN run by Carlos Pacheco.

    And to end this post here´s a picture of Future Superman trying to describe Power Girl without using words.

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