Thursday, July 03, 2008

back with a vengeance

Since my last post a few things have happened.

First of all :


Ole, ole, ole !!!

Sorry about that, normally I'm not a sportsfan and I don't watch soccer games either but it's another beast entirely for the world championship or the european championship. And especially if Spain is participating. This year's european championship has been special also because....well, usually the spanish selection has bad luck. Normally we get eliminated at the quarter finals. The last time Spain passed the quarter finals was 24 years ago. So this year I just had to watch it.

I have been supporting the spanish selection ( like all of Spain ) since the quarter finals and it just got better and better. Especially when Spain finally won the european championship after 45 years. And not only did they win but they won in such a superior manner and playing just spectacularly. They were top in all categories : they won all their games, the received the least goals, they scored most goals, they received the least cards.....etc,etc,etc....

And to top it all off there were no big shot superstars in the spanish selection. Just a good team of young professionals working together like a well oiled machine. It reminded me a bit of the last world championship where Germany was absolutely brilliant and even though they only scored third place everybody in Germany was celebrating like they had won. This championship had the same feeling of high intensity, fun and explosiveness. Another parallel is that like Juergen Klinsman the spanish coach was critisized a lot before the championship and afterwards everybody was begging him to stay. Anyway, this year the spanish selection made history and now Saint Iker and his guys are national heroes.

But enough about soccer and back to comics and what I've been up to. In my last post I wrote a bit about the problems I had......well, I wrote a bit more than what you can read on the blog but apparently my time at the internet cafe was up before I managed to post all I had written. I was still waiting for the comics I ordered from my comic shop in Germany - because I ran out of money here and since I still haven't got a job the only money I could get my hands on is the money in my bank account in Germany. While I'm writing this the comics have already arrived but I'm still waiting for an answer to my latest e - mails. It took one week to get an answer to my first e - mail, one week from my order to the order confirmation and two weeks from the day of shipping till they finally arrived here in Spain. So four weeks all in all.

I didn't get all comics I ordered and I still don't know if the comics are from my pull list or additional copies. So far I only know that I have to pay the regular price.

I also wrote in my last post that it was like the last days of earth out here in la pobla de Montornes. First of all it's pretty isolated out here and if you have ran out of reading material and all that's left to read are old copies of THE HAUNT OF FEAR you start to get weird ideas. Especially when your house is full of marrocanos who would be better of if they killed you. There are not a lot of shops out here. And to top it all of the oil prices had reached astronomical levels which lead to a truck driver strike.

So on one side you have people fighting at the gas station even though it costs a fortune. On the other side you have all truckers on strike which in turn prevents goods of all sorts to reach super markets. So they run out of stuff and people start to buy things like crazy. So in the end the super markets have more and more empty shelves. People fighting about food or the last bottle of Coke - which reminds me a bit of Peter Bagge's APOKOLYPSE NERD....which I bought at this year's Salon del Comic de Barcelona.

With which we're back to the comic part of this blog. While I was waiting for my comics to arrive I listened to my two CDs with the ComicGeekSpeak episodes ( I think I would have gone mad without them ) and I also wrote a review I'm posting in my next post. For now I've been writing long enough and I have only one hour left on the battery ( I'm writing this on our new laptop ) so that's all for today. Maybe I can finish my picture archive also. So till my next post.....remember : it's all about peace, love and comic books.

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