Saturday, July 26, 2008

JEKYLL and other stuff

Right now I don't have any pending topics for my blog. I'm still putting labels on all the posts which I then have to check again. There are a few things I want to mention so here it goes :

In one of my last posts LOLI LOVES VENOM I mentioned ZETTGEIST the podcast from Zwerchfeel but I forgot to put up the link. Sorry guys. Here's the link and you already know the deal : quid pro quo. You put me in your permanent links and I do the same for you.

  • zettgeist on podster

  • Another thing I wanted to announce is that I recently was googeling my blog to see if there are any new links to my blog on other websites I don´t know of and found out that this blog is now officially featured on blogger.....althoguh I don't know why it is put under " recreational ". So far the blog has neither been reviewed nor rated. So if you read this blog on a regular basis.....or if you you just read anything on this blog AND you like it....than you could drop a few lines and help me get more readership. Here's the link to write a review or rate the blog :

  • rate this blog

  • And last but not least I wanted to resurrect my entry on JEKYLL that ended up on my other blog because now they are airing this series in Spain. It's one of the best I have seen - EVER - and I wish the makers of the Hulk movies would take a look at it - or hire these guys for the next movie that features the emerald engine of destruction.

    Originally posted on the 13th of December 2007

    Other science fiction shows I´m not watching on a regular basis are STARGATE and all the spin offs like STARGATE ATLANTIS. There are just too many shows to follow them on a continual basis and I just recently started watching PRISON BREAK and BONES. MONK and DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES have finished their respective seasons in Germany but there are so much more which still haven´t been shown here like the BBC - produced JEKYLL which at the moment is the best series you can watch. I only saw it through the wonders of the internet and because my brother found it. You have to see this show to believe it. Especially if you´re a Hulk fan. Or a horror / crime fiction fan. If these guys had made the Hulk movie Hulk would be the new Batman now.

  • link to the bbc website if you want more information

  • There are some short clips on YouTube but so far I´ve not seen the full episodes there yet.

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