Tuesday, September 16, 2008

keep on pimpin

Just a quick update to let you know that in my constant battle to bring you the best blog possible I have now added the RSS feed that blogger was so kind to provide.

I am still trying to figure out how to add a counter with a display. So far I have only been able to add a counter that lets me see the page count but without a display.

While I'm on the subject of public announcements : my blog still hasn't been rated on blogger. I've include the link again so if you are a reguler reader and like this blog....heck, even if you are a casual reader and like this blog......put down some nice words.

And if you don't like the blog....keep on reading. Maybe it'll grow on you.

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  • And I'm still looking for sponsors. So if Marvel, DC or anybody wants me to be their bitch and shower me with free comics.....I'm still available.

    Well, I keep on trying. Till next time when I will have some real content.

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