Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Odds and ends

Today I'm closing up shop meaning it's time to sort through all the old bookmarks, finish the posts I can on my blog, delete all files from the laptop and pack my stuff.

I hoped to finish my series on THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD and the comic convention in Barcelona before that. But the first one has still to much stuff to mention to wrap it up in one post and the second one.......maybe I can get to that Tomorrow but since we're invited to dinner ( a second time since the first time didn't work out ) I wouldn't count on it. There are a few things I wanted to post before closing my spanish home base so I decided to put them all in one post.

Most of the stuff are links so here they are :

The first one is an article on the publication of TEENAGERS FROM THE FUTURE an indepth look of the history of the Legion of Superheroes. They are experiencing a renaissance right now so what better time to publish it ? There are many interesting comments in the articla and you might want to check it out if you're one of the comic fans who wondered what all the fuss was about....and if you are already one of the millions of legion fans......well, you don't want to miss this one.

  • teenagers from the future

  • The second link is for an entry about The Brave and the Bold that ( among other things ) mentions the issue drawn by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez in which Bruce Wayne travels to the past via......hypnosis ! Sounds weird ? You have to read it to.....well, I read it and still don't believe it. See for yourself.

  • comictreadmill the brave and the bold

  • And what would a last post be with out mentioning Power Girl ? Incomplete. That's what. Since I have now all my SEARCH FOR POWER GIRL posts on my other blog I haven't done much on Power Girl so here are two new links that I haven't posted before. The first one is about the history of Power Girl with links to galleries.....and it's part of a database of all comic characters.

  • Power Girl history with galleries

  • The second Power Girl link is for another page about Power Girl's history this time it's an essay by Alan Kistler that a pretty entertaining read.

  • Power Girl history

  • The next set of links is for all the people who say that I'm a bit too fixated on hot chicks. The topic says it all : comic butt shots. Eat this !

  • comic butt shots 1

  • comic butt shots 2

  • comic butt shots 3

  • comic butt shots 4

  • Here's another link this time for a movie website I stumbled across during my research for my other blog. You never know what it's good for and here's the proof that somebody did a movie on DIABOLIK Italy's most famous fumetto.

  • diabolik

  • The next one is one I just found Yesterday but it seems that it's a website about movies, pop culture and it has a lot of posts about Wonder Woman.

  • no smoking in the skulls cave

  • And lastly here's a blog with thousands of political cartoons from all over the world and pictures of hot chicks. Since it's from Argentina ( I think - or was it Brazil ? ) it can be quite graphic and explicit.

  • political cartoons and sexy pics

  • And last but not least here's a little clip that you may not have seen before from the last X - Men movie :

    And that's all. With a bit of luck I can put a proper " Goodbye folks " on the blog Tomorrow and finish one or two things.....but if not : Bye, I'll be back as soon as possible though I suspect I will not post so much in the future. I'm lucky if I can do one post a week back home.

    New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN :

  • top ten posts

  • more posts of interest

  • My God has a hammer.


    1. Someone wrote :

      I ωas curious if you ever cοnsіdereԁ changing the layout of your ωebsite? Its very well written; I love ωhаt youve got to say. But maybe you сould a littlе morе in thе way of contеnt so people could connect ωith it better.

      Youve got an аωful lоt of text for onlу hаving one or 2 pictures. Mаybе you could spаce it out better?

      Well, I already changed the layout of my blog three or four times. And every time it was a pain in the ass to get it back. I know, I should change it back to the old look since the whole snow theme is not appropiate for the whole year but since winter is coming up here in a few months why bother ? I will probably change it one more time and then stay with a more seasonal neutral look.

      As for more content - I´m really trying. But I don´t think that I have too much text for the pictures I´m posting. This blog is mainly to be read and the pictures are there to illustrate my points or give a much needed break when going over the posts. Of course there are pictures I just post because I like them so much but I always try to find a good text / picture ratio.

    2. Now only if the real comics publishers do both wonder woman and power girl like this.all the fans see them that way,but DC Comics insist on doing the pc feminist crap
