Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Now that a superhero has become the president of the United States it's about time to officially change the name of this blog to SUPERBLOG - as you may have noticed by the new header. I know that TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN sounds cool but somehow it never gathered much readers. Maybe I will have more luck with the new title. I know there are a few blogs already out there who go by the same title but this way I can hopefully get some new readers - even if they only stumble upon my blog in search of another. I'm not picky.

I'm still working on a follow up on the Legion post - meaning I'm checking some download links I found for the episodes. So far there is one episode that can only be downloaded in the Matroska file format ( don't ask me what the hell that's supposed to be ) but I will put all the upload links on the blog as soon as I can. Maybe it's not that bright but with 20 people reading my blog - who will know ? Besides I know how much it sucks to watch things on the computer or an laptop. And maybe this way we can put a little pressure on the german tv stations to show the series. And if they don't - well, at least you can see it through this site.

Otherwise I have been busy with my other blog. Despite what some people say it's not all about boobs. I have a new series going which is celebrity birthday and I worked very long on a post about Elke Sommer. So I had to neglect my duties here a bit.

But since I'm still thinking about what my next post should be that's okay. There are several things I could post about but I guess I will finish my solicitation series before anything else. Aside from that I'm always trying to improve my blog but it's not as if there's a recipe for it.

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