Friday, January 30, 2009

new link on Friday

Okay, I know I promised some comic content for my next post but I just added another link to my blog roll and as it has become a tradition to do a small introduction.

You never know how many of your readers ( all five of them in my case ) check out the links on a regular basis. So far I have put the newest links on the top and the links are not sorted. Maybe I should do that when I reach twenty links. So far you can see them with one glance and I´m far too lazy to put them in order. Maybe I will still keep the new ones on the top for a month or so before putting them in order. Which will be on a regular basis I hope.

Now the link is for CRY HAVOK ! a blog all about a mix of things like movies, comics, tv and creative stuff in general.

It´s not one of the blogs I wrote an e - mail to so the invitation to do a link exchange came out of the blue. It´s written by two brothers, Nick and Justin, which is kind of strange for me because if I were doing a blog with my brother it would be like Superman and Lex Luthor writing a blog. Hmm, maybe that wouldn´t be such a bad idea.

Think about it : movie reviews written by Superman and Lex. Could be interesting.

Back to CRY HAVOK !!! ( I have to ask them if the name of the blog is somehow related to X- Man Alex Summers a.k.a. Havok ) Since I´m not watching that many movies because I´m at least two seasons behind with CHARMED, DESPERATE HOUSEWIFES, ONE PIECE, AVATAR and whatnot I can find a lot of interesting stuff there. Like the HULK VS DVD. Didn´t know about that. What´s even better Nick works in a movie store and so they get to review new movies before the official release.

Reading the entries reminded me a bit of my school days when we spent whole weekends with watching movies. There was a place where you could rent videos pretty cheap ( I think it was three movies for 3 Deutschmark or something ) so we rented 9 or 12 movies and watched them one after the other only taking breaks to go to the bathroom, eat or sleep a few hours. We did the whole " theme " thing were we rented like 3 movies with Harrison Ford or 3 movies by Woody Allen or just 3 horror movies.

There even was a summer where my father was staying in Spain for five or six months and every day we rented a movie. I really watched a lot of movies back then. Now I´m mostly watching what´s on tv ( I finally saw the movie THE COUNTERFEITERS which won an Oscar - I think - but I missed the new PINK PANTHER movie with Beyonce TWICE this week ) and what my brothers rent from time to time. Last year we bought a beamer and since my mother bought a big screen to watch the movies around Christmas last year ( it´s like a small cinema screen ) my older brother is kind of obsessed with watching movies.

With that I mean that he doesn´t want to see anything on the itsy bitsy tv anymore. I think he would have connected the tv to the beamer permanently if I hadn´t mentioned that this was a terrific idea because than we could all watch SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS on the big screen together. This never fails.

Anyway, movie blog.

I know I´m starting to ramble so let´s wrap this up. I haven´t had a chance to read everything that´s on the blog so far and I don´t think I´m going to get the chance Today since I have to do another post - I promised some new comic related stuff so that´s what I´m going to do. Check out the new link I´m sure you will find a lot of entertaining posts. Right now I´m waiting for a new post on their blog because the top post right now is about LOST and since the new season has just started here it´s full of spoilers. They are also showing the new season of PRISON BREAK in Germany but I already saw most of it when I was in Spain.

That´s all for now and I´m going right to the next part of WHAT´S IN STORE FOR 2009 ?

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  • 1 comment:

    1. Thanks for the shout-out! Havok's never been one of my favorite characters but I do love that battle cry. We wanted something catchy for the blog title, and since he and Scott are one of the most famous pairs of brothers in comics, we thought it was appropriate.
