Wednesday, February 18, 2009

public service

Yesterday I was at the comic news sites to catch up to what´s going on in comics but it seems most news are from the New York Comic Con and I´m not so interested in con gossip.

I like to wait and see what really comes out. Because you can´t always rely on things that are announced. When HUSH was announced I wasn´t sold on the idea of Jim Lee being able to do a monthly series...which quickly changed when I heard that he had already three issues under his belt when the announcement was made. And we all know that this one surprised all comic people because while the story wasn´t as good as expected the art delivered in every aspect.

On the other side when the ALL STAR BATMAN & ROBIN was announced it sounded like the best thing ever since now Frank Miller had entered the project and clearly the schedule would be no problem since Jim Lee had shown he could do it. Well, that turned out to be a whole different beast. I mean I really enjoy the series - and not only for pissing off millions of readers. But when it was announced as a book about Robin doing the Batman experience at the height of Batman´s career with the addition of Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Batgirl and all the other DC females Jim Lee didn´t get to draw in HUSH...I just expected something else.

So you can´t always believe the hype and not everything turns out how we first figure when it´s announced. Remember how much hype was involved with Joe Madureiras´ULTIMATES story ?

I still have to check out the german message boards but first I wanted to follow up the announcements I made in my last post.

The new link on the blog is COLLECTED EDITION and I think it´s going to become a really important resource for comic readers in the next months. As I said in my last post it´s all about the trades but I wanted to elaborate a bit about what that means. On the site you find the latest trade news about which trades are out, the changes that have been made in content or discounts.

What I like especially is that the reviews have a warning if there are spoilers, it is also noted if the trade contains all the individual issue covers as well as links to amazon where you can buy the trade ( which is not THAT important if you are outside of the US ). That´s one feature I have to see if I can add that to my blog. Seeing as I´m also going away from single issue reviews and more to the storyarc / run reviews that would be cool.

The reviews are always interesting to read, full with background info ( like where the story ties into the respective comic universe ) since there are always readers not familiar with the characters and they give you an good idea what the trade is all about. In short : everything you need to know.

Another thing is the 14th International Comic Salon de Granada that takes place from the 5th to the 8th March this year.

The first bad news is that Orson Scott Card will not be attending due to health problems :


Today, Tuesday February 17, 2009, at 18:00 we received a mail from Kristine Card, Orson Scott Card's wife, reported that Orson Scott Card has spent all weekend in the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital due to heart problems. Today the situation is stabilized and is not afraid for his life, but it must begin a process of stabilization and initiate a treatment that will prevent Mr. Card from traveling for several weeks (the doctor has forbidden displacement ).

Orson Scott Card has expressed regret at not being able to attend the XIV International Comic Salon in Granada.

E-Veleta regrets this fact, mainly concerned about the health of his genius and wishes speedy recovery. Once this has occurred they consider inviting them ( Mr. and Mrs Card ) to subsequent editions of the Chamber Comic de Granada.

I hope it´s not as bad as it sounds and that he recovers soon. The rest of the guest list includes Adam Kubert, Howard Chaykin, Pascual Ferry and Carlos Pacheco so there are still some high caliber artists on the convention.

Tickets are 3,5 EURO ( but you will get a gift too as long as supplies last ) and opening hours are Thursday 12:00 - 20:00 and Friday till Sunday 11:00 - 20:00

  • guest list

  • You can find all the important info ( like how to get there ) on their website :

  • official homepage

  • english version

  • So that´s all for now. At the moment I´m reading the TEEN TITANS issues and man, am I glad I didn´t kick the book from my pull list although it got pretty bad for a time. We had lots of artists in quick intervalls ( always announced as the new regular artist....which mostly meant three issues ) each new one worse than the one before. I mean we even had Rob Liefeld on the book ! Although that might not have been so bad since there seem to be tons of comic readers who really dig him.

    If you don´t believe me just head over to MIKE STERLING´S PROGRESSIVE RUIN ( it´s in the link section ) and read the comments on his posts about YOUNGBLOOD in lieu of the upcoming YOUNGBLOOOD The Movie. Anyway, they even had three or four different artists on one issue of TEEN TITANS and I´m really glad they kept the one I liked. But more about that in my next post. I´m pretty tired right now, so I´m going to take a nap before heading to the message boards.

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