Thursday, April 09, 2009

Happy Easter !

Originally I wanted to continue my solicitation rundown but because some comics I have ordered won´t arrive till after Easter I´ve put it on hold. On Monday the computer started doing strange things but luckily I wasn´t working on this blog.

On Tuesday everything seemed fine but on Wednesday I was really tired and almost slept the whole day. So Today I thought about finally doing my review of the movie KRABAT - since the holidays of Easter play a big role in the story - but the computer is starting to behave strange again. So I thought that I should do a post about Easter if I can´t post tomorrow. That way it´s up Tomorrow no matter what.

I know it may seem a bit early but here in Germany Easter starts Today on " Green Thursday " which used to be a full holiday back when I was in school. So I want to whish all my readers happy holidays. I know in Spain it´s a big deal with hundreds of processions and tourists from the whole world come to see it. I hope you don´t overdo it with the food or the alcohol and you have plenty of comics to bring you through the holidays. Happy Easter !

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