Monday, June 08, 2009

Hulk 12 printing error

I have always seen this blog as half my own personal playground and half a public service. So I wanted to use this space to announce that there were some misprinted pages in issue 12 of Hulk.

With a price tag of 3.99 you should expect that MARVEL would be a little more concerned about the quality. Well, last week I was at the comic shop where I got issue 12 of the Hulk but since I hadn´t read issue 11 yet I didn´t flip through the pages. So I just discovered it at home and will now have to bring the copy back to the comic shop to see if they have another copy withoout the printing errors.

So for all comic readers : you should check out your copy if it´s okay. And for all dealers : you might want to do the same. I have no idea if the issues are returnable but that´s just not right for 3.99.

And since this post is not only to bitch here are the pages that were misprinted for all the comicfans out there who want to know what´s going on there.

So these are the pages that couldn´t be read in my issue. Since I don´t want to upload the whole issue ( I´m at the limit for pictures as it is ) I´m making an exception to my " no download links " rule. You can get the issue as a pdf file right here :

  • hulk 12

  • update : I´ve been to my comicshop and all the copies they had left, regular editions as well as the variants, had the same printing error. I have called blackdog and it seems their copies are fine. So it seems it were just a few that the Sammlerecke got. Still sucks if you got one of the defectuous issues.

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    1. Anonymous3:03 AM

      Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

    2. Yeah there are some mistakes, however we should understand the inkers are humans too, and they are exposed to commit some mistakes, don't you think?? Also anyway the comic book is good.
