Sunday, July 05, 2009

And on the seventh day he rested

You may have noticed that I did not do a review of Captain America 600 for the 4th of July. I know, some of my readers will be wondering what I´m talking about since I have deleted the announcement.

What happened is that I thought I had taken the issue 600 with me at my last visit at the comic shop but when I wanted to read it Yesterday I realized that it´s still in my bag back at the shop.

So I deleted the announcement and couldn´t do the post. I thought about doing a different 4th of July post but I couldn´t come up with anything that I haven´t already said in my big Captain America post ( which can be found in the top ten posts link at the end of each post) or right here and which includes a german version of the text .

The 4th of July is no big holiday here in Germany anyway and even in Spain the big date in July is the 25th which is the day of the patron saint of Spain. Which - by the way - is also MY patron saint. So instead of doing a new post I have tweaked my last post a bit. And really, that last post was a really long one. When I do a post I usually read over it the next day just to make sure everything is as it is supposed to be.

It usually takes quite some time to finish these posts and at the end I can barely keep my eyes open or look for typos. So Yesterday I read the post as well as some of the links which I hadn´t read before, added a few links ( like one for an interview with Jonah Hex writers Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti that I also included in my big Jonah Hex post ) and some text to clarify a few things. Yes, not everything we bloggers do gets noticed.

Apart from that I added a link for an episode from ComicGeekSpeak about Blackest Night 0 to my final post about free comic book day.

Then in the middle of the night I had a panik attack and started going through my comic boxes sorting out the stuff that´s going into the FOR SALE box for a few hours. So today was my day of rest and I haven´t done much aside from finishing to put my mixtapes in order, get up to date on what my link partners are writing and watching CSI and THE MENTALIST. Tomorrow I have to do a few things like going to the bank and getting new dates for physio therapy but with any luck I can continue with doing the next round of links. I thought about adding one or two on this post but I´d rather not scatter them over too much posts. The sooner I can wrap this up and get to important stuff like Power Girl the better.

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  • The only one who didn´t worry about fitting in was Hal. He let the rest of the world fit in around him.

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