Tuesday, June 08, 2010

The boys are back in town

Once again the International Comicsalon in Erlangen has ended. The last time I went there was 2006, so keeping in mind that this was the 14th Salon and I missed the first one this was my 12th time.

I don´t know, but judging by the reports I read about the last one - and according to my memory - I didn´t expect it to be so big. Or maybe that was just because I´m not as fit as I used to be. That´s also the reason why I didn´t post Yesterday because I was still too groggy from the trip back and the whole experience. Thank god I can stay at home this week since the course from the Unemployment Office has closed its doors for this week. So Yesterday I spent a lot of time sleeping, eating, reading some comics and just relaxing.

In any case I still have all the comics, flyers and other stuff on my table and have to sort it out a bit before bringing my thoughts and adventures to my faithful readers.

For now I just want to thank a few people without whom I wouldn´t have survived my trip to Erlangen : first, my brother, who insisted we take the car. Without it we would never have found my Hotel. Then of course my peeps from SCHWARZER TURM : Robi, Mille, Asja, Caroline, Wittek and the rest of the crew. Thanks for providing me with a kind of homebase to crash whenever I was tired or needed a place to hide so I didn´t spend more money on comics. Sounds weird coming from me but a guy has to eat.

Anyway, thanks guys ( and gals ) and I hope we can repeat this very soon. Who knows, maybe we can meet up in Essen this year.

And of course to all the other nice folks I met and talked comics ( and life ) I want to send a shoutout and hopefully we will meet again. And last but not least, to the guy who sent me an e - mail before going to Erlangen : sorry that I missed you. I tried to warn you NOT to go and watch THE SPIRIT but I couldn´t find you. I know that movie can scar you for life.

So that´s all for now....yes, I haven´t said for Today because it has been brought to my attention that I have to post more often. And as HOUSE has been kicked off the network and MONK is in reruns there may be the chance that I can write about what happens when you go to a big comic convention like Erlangen with no preparation whatsoever. Psche, you may think that after 11 visits a guy would finally learn something.

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