Wednesday, June 29, 2011

comic news avalanche - DC news

Yes, I know, I shouldn´t start a new post while I´m still working on the last one but I just had to put the DC stuff into a seperate post or it would have become too long.


Before the relaunch the GREEN ARROW series is wrapping up and here are two interviews with writer James Patrick about the last Green Arrow story before T J Krul gives you the lowdown on the new Green Arrow and Captain Atom books. And as more news of DC´s new titles is known there is also some new art that was " leaked " on the internet like Francis Manapul´s first Flash art for the new series and Jim Lee´s full Justice League lineup although there is still the mystery of the 15th female member to be solved . I´m so hoping it´s Power Girl.

For more creative questions and answers ( and some possible spoilers ) here are interviews with Fabian Nicieza on LEGION LOST , Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning on RESURRECTION MAN , Dan Didio and Keith Giffen on OMAC , Dan Didio on the end of Clark Kent and Lois Lane´s marriage , Ron Marz on VODOO , Peter Milligan on JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK and RED LANTERNS , Scott Snyder on the new BATMAN book , Tony Daniel on DETECTIVE COMIS and SAVAGE HAWKMAN , Judd Winick on the new CATWOMAN book and RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS , Scott Lobdell on SUPERBOY and TEEN TITANS , Joshua Fialkov on I VAMPIRE , Paul Cornell on STORMWATCH and Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti on ALL STAR WESTERN .

And since you´re probably tired of reading at this point here´s a video interview from CBR TV with Grant Morrison about the new ACTION COMICS book

and one with James Robinson talking about Justice League, Alex Toth, the Shade ( the villain from Starman, not Shade the Changing Man ) and more.


Now that there are more facts about it here are some articles on the DC relaunch with ( or by ) Justin Gray and Mike Costa , headwriters Jim Lee and Geoff Johns , Bob Harras and Eddie Berganza , Tom Bondurant from GRUMPY OLD FAN and from ROBOT 6 Tom Bondurant and Carla Hoffmann - part 1 and part 2 .

Over at ComicGeek Speak they have three episodes with listener feedback to DC´s announcement , a discussion about DC´s announcement and the new books and they also take a look at the 52 new titles .

For my german readers Marc - Oliver Frisch from comicgate takes a detailed look at the 52 titles in 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 parts and fellow blog COLLECTED EDITIONS has 3 arguments for and against the relaunch and tells us not to panic while also ranking the prospects of DC´s outgoing series to be collected as paperbacks . For more info CBR´s readers have ranked the new 52 titles and here´s the official solicitation . RANDOM HAPPENSTANCE also has some thoughts on the relaunch while MATCHING DRAGOONS has its own list of 52 new DC titles with such brilliant titles as CHALLENGERS OF THE STATUS QUO, LOIS LANE TOT REPORTER or JLA RUBBER. And I think everybody would buy GEORGE PEREZ DRAWS WHATEVER HE WANTS.

BULLY COMICS also has a great list of 52 new DC titles and really, you just have to love such great titles like I SHALL CALL THIS ONE THE TIME THAT AQUAMAN SPOKE AS IF HE WERE BRIAN BLESSED AND GOT HIS OWN BOOK, ARRIBA BLUE BEETLE ( which preferably is written in spanish ) or JUSTICE LEAGUE BWA HA HA. Not to forget the book every DC fan has been waiting for GREEN ARROW AND BLACK CANARY BOINK.

There are - of course - some negative reactions to DC´s plans as everybody already hates the new TEEN TITANS book and Jill Pantozzi at NEWSARAMA explains why Oracle is a stronger character than Batgirl will ever be .

Spanish blogger Pedro Angosto from MAN OF BRONZE has the link to the first protesct march against DC , speculates on the new Franchise League of America and paints a resume about the old DC series . All in spanish of course, sorry.

More DC stuff : the Detroit Free Press has an interview with Geoff Johns , England´s The List has an interview with Grant Morrison about his new book Supergods and why it´s stupid that every hero must have an origin story, Corinna Lawson from GEEKDAD has an open letter to DC comics concerning digital pricing that has some great ideas ( and is therefore probably going to be ingnored totally ) and Michael May on ROBOT 6 explains what makes Wonder Woman tick . And strangely enough his arguments are not too far from my own observations a few posts ago. To quote myself :

Wonder Woman is one of the best known female comic characters and thanks to a tv show that was better than it got credit there are a lot of things people know about Wonder Woman. She comes from a secret island of amazons where men are forbidden to set foot and she´s a princess. She´s strong, she deflects bullets with her bracelets, she can talk with animals and she has a lasso of truth and an invisible jet.

People know what her costume looks like and that she changes clothes by spinning around. Now, can anyone tell me why the people of DC think they can sell more Wonder Woman comics by changing all the things I mentioned above ? Because I can´t understand it.

As someone who is always the last to know I only discovered that there was a tv pilot being made with Adrianna Palicki as Wonder Woman when it was canceled. Now the german press would have loved this ( I can just see the Palicki Palacki - die neue Wonder Woman headlines ) but as I understand it one of the reasons it didn´t gel with the test audience was that they changed her costume. Rest my case.

Brian Cronin has a post about what is supposed to be the goofiest moments in DC´s HARDTRAVELLING HEROES but to tell you the truth, it only reminded me how awesome that book was and prompted me to re - read the run again. Maybe I´m biased on the matter since the books that are out now wish they had art as good as Neal Adams but the whole article seems a bit biased. Which may be because you really had to be reading comics at that time to really appreciate them for their breaking new ground in comics territory. Although I have to give him kudos for pointing out the Nixon cameo I missed entirely.

In other DC related things you may have already heard via COMIC BITS ONLINE that DC canceled a muslim superhero and I absolutely have to link to HARK A VAGRANT´s hilarious Lois Lane - Reporter strip.

As always, there´s a video at the end of the post and since I had a funny one in my last post here´s one I have been looking for a while now. I don´t know why but british tv seems to have the funniest stuff.

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