Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Two for the price of one

Yes, that´s right Today I´m doing two posts. That´s the good news. This one isn´t about GRATIS COMIC TAG 2011 either. That´s the bad news.

And it´s not really about comics either. But it´s the one I initially wanted to write before I realized that Today is Betty Brosmer´s birthday. Now that one may not have been comic related at first sight but I´m sure that, being the most famous pin up girl of the 50s, Betty inspired a lot of comic artists from that time. I mean, doesn´t this cover of her remind you of some of the girls Frank Frazetta or Dave Stevens draw ?

You will have to wait a bit longer to get some free comics like I will have to wait till I can get my hands on some comics from FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2011. As I have already mentioned the comicshop where I have my subscription has moved and it seems that they haven´t unpacked the box with the FREE COMIC BOOK DAY comics. All the ones I have so far I got from an onlineshop and at the moment I´m waiting on an order that will - hopefully - contain a few more. But that´s the topic for a future post anyway.

So, this post is mostly for my german readers to announce 2 things. The first one is about ZETTGEIST the podcast from german indy publishers ZWERCHFELL VERLAG about movies, books, games, tv shows, food, zombies ( a whole lot of zombies ! ) - and every 50 shows about comics.

Which was one of the main reasons that I didn´t listen to it on a regular basis since they were very often talking about movies ( mainly zombie movies ) that I haven´t seen since I don´t go to the movies that often anymore. The last two movies I have seen in a theather were THOR and GREEN LANTERN and while both movies weren´t as bad as I feared the whole moviegoing experience hasn´t spiked the urge to go to the cinema more often in the future.

As somebody who has to be very selective which movies I watch in the cinema because of my tight budget I find it strange what reasosn other people seem to have for going to the movies. The least of all seems to be to watch a movie, some don´t understand the whole concept of movies having their own sound and thus not needing comments from the audience and for some it seems the perfect place to be rude to people hoping to start some fights.

No wonder audiences are shrinking in Germany and they will continue to shrink unless the owner of the movie theaters do something about it. Because with today´s technologies nobody really NEEDS to watch a movie in the theater. But back to Zettgeist.

Starting with Zettgeist 152 it´s not longer going to be an audio podcast but a live video podcast. The first new episode shows our three main contributors Naomi Fern, Stefan Dinter and Sasha Thau at their workplace talking about stuff. The video quality is not HD but I don´t think that is the ultimate goal. Since lately too much time has gone in editing the audio podcasts this is a try to make the shows more uncut and unfiltered.

You can watch the video via livestream or vimeo and I´m excited to see how this all unfolds.

The other thing is AUFGEZEICHNET TV a new show about comics hosted by Flix that you can watch on their own website or on their youtube channel . Due to the usual restrictions the first episode ( which is all about the Comicfest München ) had to be cut into 9 parts but the shows done very professional. Now that A COMICBOOK ORANGE seems to be on a creative hiatus comic readers need a new comic video show and it looks like AUFGEZEICHNET TV is up to a good start.

The next episode is announced for September the 15th and topics are the AnimagiC 2011 and the Apokalypse in comics and mangas.

Looks like there are going to be more much needed shows to watch for german comicfans.

And speaking about watching shows about comics today there was a show called GESAMMELTES WISSEN : COMICS on ANIXE that is going to be rerun at 00.10 hours. Since it´s one in a series of shows about various hobbies involving collectible things the main focus is on the collector side of things but any comic reader is - in some way or another - a kind of comic collector so there may be some good tips for you. And for all non comic readers ( we really need a better word for comic muggels ) it might be interesting to see how the normal half lives.

So, that´s it for today, short and sweet. I hope my non german speaking readers haven´t been bored too much and for my german readers : you have enough to do right now. No clip at the end of this post as I have already embedded two of them.

Next time : more comics, probably some 70s Marvel references or even - dare I say it - the first part of the GRATIS COMIC TAG comics.

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