Saturday, October 29, 2011

In preparation for Halloween

It´s been quite some time since my last post but something always came up when I was just about to get started. That´s so typical, I even change the look for Halloween but then don´t get to benefit from it.

By the way how do you like the new look ? So far I have had a few comments who have said that they like it better than the normal look. So what do you think ? Should it become a permanent thing ?

Today I´m feeling like I have been run over by a truck ( and a very large one at that ) because Yesterday I was at the Stadionbad for a job interview as addition to the sauna cleaning staff and at the evening I worked with the cleaning crew to see if it´s something I can do.

As it was the first time that I went back to cleaning work I´m not accustomed to it yet but maybe I´ll have a regular job soon. The only negative is that I´m not sure if the busses are still running when I finish work after midnight but I could go by bus and walk to Neckarweihingen. That would be better than having to drive all the way with the car at night since I´m night - blind. Another negative is that IF I manage to get the job I will never hear the end of it since my brother told me to send the application. On the other side a job means more money for comics.

Usually I´m doing comic news and links for the weekend but this time I´m doing it a little different because I´m posting stuff for Halloween. I wanted to do a big one on Halloween but since that doesn´t fall on the weekend this year I will probably be busy with other stuff. Which also means that there will be no talk about DC´s new 52 in this post. Yay !


For those who haven´t kept up with the bloggers on the blogroll GOLDEN AGE COMIC BOOK STORIES is doing a series about Edgar Allan Poe adaptions to comic and art and has such great post like Bernie Wrightson´s Edgar Allan Poe portfolio

or the poem THE RAVEN illustrated by the great Gustave Doré . I wanted to add one of Gustave Doré´s illustrations as an example but I would have had to cut it in size in order to post it and that wouldn´t do the intricate and elaborate linework by the great master any justice. Just head on over to GOLDEN AGE COMIC BOOK STORIES and marvel at his craftsmanship.

There´s also a post with Richard Corben´s comic adaption of the same poem from CREEPY 67 published in December 1974

and one with all black and white Edgar Allan Poe adaptions by Warren publications including THE TELL - TALE HEART by Reed Crandall ( Creepy 3, June 1965 ), THE CASK OF AMONTILLADO also by Reed Crandall ( Creepy 6, December 1965 ), BERENICE by Jerry Grandenetti ( Eerie 11, September 1967 ), one of my favorite tales of all times THE MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH by Tom Sutton ( Eerie 12, November 1967 ), THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER also by Tom Sutton ( Creepy 20, May 1968 ) and - last but not least - THE BLACK CAT once again by Berni Wrightson ( Creepy 62, May 1974 ).

All of the stories are worth reading if you haven´t read them previously but I think the story by Bernie Wrightson is the best known of the lot because it has been reprinted a few times. I first read it in the color version in Pacific Comics´ BERNIE WRIGHTSON - MASTER OF THE MACABRE series that had just loads of Wrightson goodness.

Over at GREAT CAESAR´S POST Max Romero continues his COUNTDOWN TO HALLOWEEN, presenting the most horrific movie scenes and Ol´Groove from DIVERSIONS OF THE GROOVY KIND has 13 cool and creepy Werewolf by Night covers by Monster Master Mike Ploog.


Not really Halloween or horror related, but interesting nevertheless ( and twice as interesting for people outside of Germany ) : aside from CHRISTOPH ROOS´ usual pop culture assortment of posts about Bruce Lee´s FIST OF FURY, turkish cigarettes, Juanita Banana, collectible cards, alien abductions or the newest illustrations of BUCH DER SCHATTEN there´s currently a western motif going on with topics like the different kind of holsters

colts and other revolvers

gunslingers , the cult classic A FISTFULL OF DOLLARS , german western movies or Carl Lindeberg the best known illustrator of Germany´s most famous western writer Karl May. Fascinating, surprising and a source of research material you won´t find anywhere else, be sure to give it a look.


I wanted to do this post Yesterday but since there were two celebrity birthdays I thought I could wait one more day because I´ve had some complaints about too many hot babes on the blog. And I was busy with the job interview stuff.

The first one was Jami Gertz ( 46 ) who was in such 80s movies like BELOW ZERO and is now the hot Mom on the comedy series STILL STANDING. She appeared in the vampire movie THE LOST BOYS ( so it´s kind of fitting for Halloween ) which also had a comic version

and the other one was Lauren Holly ( 48 ) best known for playing new director Jenny Shepard on Navy CIS but who also was on the family show PICKET FENCES that - probably - still sells on DVD thanks to a dream sequence in which she appeared in a bikini ( episode 14 of season 1 ).

The kid in the episode is experiencing his first wet dreams and I bet Lauren Holly made a generation of kids reach puberty prematurely.

I thought I had my bases cover but fate is a fickle thing. What´s the old saying : Life is what happens while you are making other plans. Today there are also two hot actresses celebrating their respective anniversaries so, to paraphrase one of the greatest artists of the twentieth century, what the heck : Winona Ryder who appeared in one of the best DRACULA adaptions by Francis Ford Coppola turns 40 Today

and hot nubian sex godess Gabrielle Union, who starred in popular tv series LIFE and FLASH FORWARD, and the movies 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU, BRING IT ON, BAD BOYS II and CRADLE 2 THE GRAVE.

Gabrielle celebrates her 39th birthday and she says her best ASSet is her bum. Boy, she really got some serious back ! To quote Sir Mix - Alot : My homeboys tried to warn me, but that butt you got makes me so horny !

Feliz cumpleaño to all four.


I have mentioned the SPIKE TV SCREAM AWARDS 2011 in my last post and I know it´s been some time since they were aired but in Germany they weren´t broadcasted this year. Usually pro 7 shows it live but this year they didn´t for some strange reason. Maybe the audience was too low, which may have something to do with the fact that THEY NEVER ANNOUNCED IT IN THE TV GUIDE so the only ones who could watch it were the unemployed, nightowls and other persons with sleeping disorders.

As for my own Halloween celebration, I have got my midnight snacks ( Milka Daim and the new Milka Oreo ), my horror audio with the third part of GEISTERJÄGER JOHN SINCLAIR - DIE ULTIMATIVE HORROR SAMMLUNG, some horror reading material with volume 70 of CASE CLOSED that includes the flesh curling story CURSE OF THE DEMON DOG, the newest issue of HAMMERHARTE HORRORSCHOCKER ( preview pages ) with its usual collection of spine - tingling horror tales

and the second trade of Chris Roberson´s and Mike Allred´s emo / hip / avantgarde I ZOMBIE. I had hoped to do a review of the first two trades for Halloween but it´s probably not going to happen.

What´s definitely going to happen is the next episode of DOCTOR WHO which looks like it´s going to be a real screamer. I tried to watch some episodes during the week but I just never got to it. And I really have to start watching them as they are clogging my hard drive.


What I have been watching the last days is the 80s cult tv series SLEDGE HAMMER starring David Rasche as Sledge Hammer that I got on DVD.

I have to confess that I mainly bought it because it was a bargain ( both seasons for 10 bucks instead the usual 20 ) and of course for Anne Marie Martin who plays Sledge´s partner Dori Doreau ( Bare with me, faithful readers, I´ll explain in a minute ) but so far it´s really entertaining. Since I´m used to the german dubbing I´m watching the german version which is especially interesting because the parts that were cut out for tv are in the original english version. So when you´re watching it and they are suddenly talking in english you know those are the parts they cut.

In the first episode there is an entire scene that was cut for television in which Hammer interrogates a criminal by pouring hot coffee on his legs and then do his own impression of sharp shooter Wilhelm Tell - although his version includes a gun and ballons. It´s unbelievable that they cut it !

But I know, you´re all thinking about the Anne Marie Martin thing being a factor for buying the series. Wasn´t Dori Doreau looking pretty normal ?

Yes, on most episodes she dresses really conservative but there are a few exceptions like the episode MODEL DEAREST in which Dori infiltrates a model agency that´s really white slavery ring and in which Sledge Hammer almost blows her cover. Anne Marie Martin really gets to strut her stuff when she´s posing as a model which is totally believable because while she plays a really classy lady in the series there´s an absolutely stunning physique beneath it all. With her trim and fit body and those incredibly long legs she could double the sales number of any men´s magazine.
But there´s more true believers, because the criminal organisation is not the only thing that gets uncovered in the episode. There´s a scene where the models are presented to one of the possible buyers where Anne Marie Martin pops out this mindblowing piece. Holy bikini atoll, Batman !

No wonder the client says : " She´ll make a good wife AND a concubine. " Her partner may be Sledge Hammer but I bet she´s a real jackhammer. Like the song says : We want a lady in the street but a freak in the bed !

Oh, and for those readers who need a comic connection : she appeared in the unsuccessful 1978 DOCTOR STRANGE series pilot / telefim.

So that´s all for today as I´m already running late again to wrap things up. If I don´t manage to write another post before Halloween I´m wishing you a splendid time and like they always said in the COUNT DUCKULA cartoon : " Goodnight out there...WHATever you are ! "

Today we got two clips. The first one is the intro for COUNT DUCKULA, one of the funniest horror cartoon series ever. The comics are equally hilarious and if you find them in a dollar bin you should get them.

This is where Peter David got his " And don´t call me Shirley. " from that he so blatantly used in most of his comics.

The second clip is the model showcase from SLEDGE HAMMER´s episode MODEL DEAREST where Anne Marie Martin shows off her hardbody.

Speaking about hardbodies, since I like to add another clip every time I have to redo one of my old posts below the 5 videos limit here´s Lauren Holly in her black bikini from the most watched episode of Picket Fences.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest
You all laugh because I am different. I laugh because you are all the same.

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