Monday, January 13, 2014

Another year another Traci Bingham post

Since it´s her 46th birthday Today I wanted to give a big shout - out to one of my favorite tv hardbodies, nubian sex goddess Traci Bingham.

She is of course best known for her role of Jordan Tate on BAYWATCH and I did the whole oversexed picture post lat year which was just one big excuse to put lots of Playboy Baywatch babes on the blog. And Halle Berry with her mega cleavage on The Tonight Show in 2013 because I hadn´t gotten around to do that on Halle Berry´s birthday from that same year.

So Today I wanted to do more kind of a comic post and talk a bit about the Chris Claremont / John Byrne run of UNCANNY X - MEN since there is a movie adaption of one of their most influential stories DAYS OF FUTURE PAST coming. And you know that those Hollywood guys better do a good job or they probably will be killed by an angry mob of raving X - Men fans.

I guess I´m probably the only one on the whole wide world who would cast Janet Jackson as Storm. In my opinion she got the best body in showbiz.

Especially her incredibly round derriere is awesome and could go head to head ( or butt to butt ) with the likes of Beyonce. Sadly, Janet doesn´t seem to think so but if you have seen her ultra raunchy live performance of her hit ALL NIGHT ( DON´T STOP ) at Jay Leno where she had one of her best almost wardrobe malfunctions EVER you know it´s true.

During that performance Janet had some problems with keeping her pants on as it seems that she miscalculated the weight of the cable box thingie.

Now Janet is already wearing her jeans way low but the added weight of it

plus the chains she put on her jeans are pulling her pants down showing

lots of butt cleavage ! Also her constant grinding and hip shaking doesn´t

help much either. But Janet is a real trooper and keeps going even if the

audience gets to see more than she initially intended to show. Throughout

the entire performance she keeps pulling up her jeans to cover up her

juicy cheeks and at the end she almost manages to get it under control

but at the beginning you can see that she really has no reason to be

ashamed in that department. She didn´t completely loose her pants - sigh

 - but it slid waay down to give a good view of her almost uncovered

bubble butt and you even could see her bum cleft for short periods.

A few more GIFs of Janet Jackson´s bootilicious ass in full out action  :

We don´t want to focus too much on sex symbol Janet´s derriere , since besides her fant - ASS - tic butt she´s also a wet dream from the front.

More grinding action and almost loosing the pants with Miss Jackson :

And the end of this little mix brings us to Janet´s signature move : the patented Jackson boob shake, more effective than viagra and cheaper.

Okay, let´s watch this part again but this time a little bit faster, Janet.

No, not the whole thing, just keep repeating the part with the boob thing.

Okay, I had three more like this but that are just variations on a theme and I guess you can wear yourself out on the GIFs I have already posted.

I´m sure I´ll find some place for them on other post. But for the moment I wanted to put the bulk of the Janet GIFs here. Now some of these may vanish from this post as there are a few redundancies among them just in case I need it on another post. This way I know where to find them. One last GIF of the whole bucnh I was able to make thanks to the fine folks at imgflip is a compilation of Janet´s best parts of the performance. Enjoy !

And here´s the video of Janet´s ASS - ential performance :

Man, that Jay Leno guy really gets to kiss all the best women in the world.

But back to celebrity birthday babe Traci Bingham, for a long time I was hoping that they would cast her as the next Storm, preferably donning the black " swimsuit with leather boots " outfit which she would totally rock

or maybe even the yellow bikini she wore in the Savage Land storyline.

Or maybe something even skimpier, in this case less is really more.

Boy, that John Byrne guy really knew how to draw some hot babes which was one of the reasons why I got hooked so easily by the series. Subzero wasn´t old enough to buy Playboy so comic book massitaas were my porn.

And sometimes it was even kinky bondage porn without my knowing.

Naturally John Byrne was good at drawing everything, not just bodacious babes. Here´s a splash page with Alpha Flight member the Guardian :

Okay, back to Traci Bingham - she is after all the celebrity birthday babe of Today - and my dashed dreams of ever seeing her in an X - Men movie as Storm in a yellow bikini. Here she is sporting a yellow two parter :

And here´s a close up of Storm in a yellow bikini by John Byrne.

Oh, if only we could have seen Traci Bingham going all the way on the big screen ( I know she went full frontal for Playboy ). I mean in the comics Storm always wanted to swim nude so it would not be out of character.

Or imagine Janet Jackson´s bare buttocks frollicking in the sand as she plays Storm relaxing at the X - Men beach party in Acapulco or Jamaica.

Alas, but so far that has not come to pass. And now that Halle Berry has announced she will reprise her role of Storm for the next X - Men movie I´m looking at it with - like the germans say - one crying eye and one laughing eye. The crying one because once again we won´t get to see Traci showing her naked hardbody getting it on with Janet all wet and the laughing one because we get Halle who still has a great looking cleavage.

And don´t forget her rack - tastic appearance on the Jay Leno show 2013. Man, at 46 she made all them eyes pop out with her sexed up f me dress !

Well, it looks like I wasn´t entirely successful in doing an entirely comic related post as I couldn´t resist the temptation of posting hot pics of showbiz Üeber MILFs Janet Jackson and Halle Berry. Even I´m only human.

But there was more comic content than last year. Who knows ? Maybe next year I will mention Traci Bingham briefly and then go to the comic part for the rest of the post. Hey, it could happen. Anyway, once again I want to say : Happy birthday Traci Banghim and many happy returns.

Like last year I didn´t find a good video with Traci Bingham to post and I don´t want to post the obvious trailer for the X - MEN : DAYS OF FUTURE PAST movie - or like it is for some unknown reason called in Germany X - MEN : ZUKUNFT IST VERGANGENHEIT ( X - MEN : FUTURE IS PAST, man I really want to know how the guys who come up with those stupid titles manage to get paid ) I´m posting something entirely different. Or not.

Since I have mentioned the hot women on the Jay Leno show here´s  a boob - tastic one with Mariah Carey in a black dress that has no hope of restraining her huge melons and Jay Leno is chest choking, just joking.

But seriously Mariah Carey looks just totally doable in her black dress.

Next up is Jessica Simpson´s wowing appearance on the Jay Leno show ( you might say she´s not the brightest lightbulb but daimn, she had a booming body back then ) where she looks almost like Marilyn Monroe.

Okay, the porn version. Did she ever play a femme fatale or porn star ?

Also here´s Jennifer Love Hewitt in a black dress on the Ellen Degeners show where she´s almost falling out of it. You go girl !

It´s been a long time since I posted a video with Janet Jackson on this blog, mainly because I did that kind of stuff over at my boobblog how  it was so aptly put by a reader. Man, I should have copyrighted the name.

But now that the blog is gone I´m posting this video I surely haven´t posted before. It´s Janet´s famous live performance of Black Cat at the 1990 Mtv Music Video Awards where she takes her shirt off. Yes, she wears a black bra beneath it but back then this was a big deal for me.

I know it´s a video that is not easy to find on the internet so enjoy it.

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