Monday, September 08, 2014

Sabrina Salerno and other 80s cult sirens

I think I can no longer put off making a post about one of my all time favorite cult sirens, Sabrina Salerno star of stage and screen.

Lately a lot of my posts deal with 80s cult shows or people who were at the height of their popularity then. Maybe I should introduce a new label called " 80s cool " or something like that but I fear that I could put it on most posts. What can I say ? I´m old and lately I´m spending more time on the computer than ever. Now I thought that I would either continue with the topic of women in comics or do something else I have been thinking about like U - COMIX. While I was doing the research for this post I came across a lot of the old covers and I realized how diverse my comic reading diet used to be and how narrow and slim it has become.

I also thought that my next post about a cult siren from my youth would be about Raquel Welch but then I realized that my old post about her was just me copy pasting the entire text from the CULT SIRENS website with more pictures so I´ll hold of that until I have something to say about her.

Before we get to the meat and gravy of today´s post I have to mention Heather Thomas, who celebrates her 57th birthday Today and once again I didn´t get to give her a post of her own. You probably know her from the show FALL GUY, where she played stunt woman and bounty hunter Jodi Banks alongside Colt Seavers. Like I said, she still has no post of her own but I talk about her at length in my long post about POPCULTURE TV SIREN MARKIE POST which I just recently gave a complete once over. I want to see this post higher in the " Popular Posts " section so do give it a try.

Speaking about FALL GUY there´s another thing I wanted to add ( I know, I´m terrible ) because as usual I find all the good stuff after I´m finished with the post. But I didn´t want to deprive my readers of this picture of the FALL GUY board game. I have never seen it before and if I had it in the 80s I would have probably used it more often than the parchis board.

I also forgot to add this page to the Nick Knatterton post where you can find the Nick Knatterton board game and lots of other toys from the 50s to the 70s. And with that out of the way let´s get to our main topic of the babes who dominated the charts in the 80s, especially Sabrina Salerno.

Sabrina was mostly known for two things ..... well, actually three things : the twins ( obviously ! ), lots of wardrobe malfunctions of the tiniest outfits that were riding up or wet t - shirts and see - through bikinis.

Last but not least she was famous for her scorching live performances which were much better than some of the videos because of the bouncing action she invented long before japanese games designers had the idea.

Now this whole thing started when I posted the video of Brigitte Nielsen on WETTEN DASS on my HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY SALMA HAYEK ! post and it kind of snowballed from there because I kept adding more stuff and writing more things. Brigitte´s performance on that show made quite an impression on me back then. My brother likes to tell the story about how mesmerized I was by her corsage outfit that when he asked me how I liked her singing afterwards I said : " Did she sing ? I don´t remember. "

What can I say, it was the 80s and I was a young lad in the prime of his hormonal virility and I was easily distracted ( or sexually aroused ).  

For those who didn´t live the 80s I should probably explain that at that time there were a lot of ultrahot sexbombs who tried - and most were mildly successful - to enter the charts through their physical attributes.

Music videos were something new and at first it was just doing any kind of video for Mtv, which at that time showed music videos instead of cartoons, animes or reality shows. The visual aspect was very important especially when somebody realized that it greatly benefited the video and therefore sales ( back then videos that were played on tv equaled record sales ) if the singer was hot or there were some scantily clad playmates.

The most successful member of this club was either sexbomb Sabrina Salerno or page 3 girl Samantha Fox depending on where you lived.

If you lived in the United Kingdom, Samantha naturally had more fans because of her nude pictures in THE SUN and various men´s magazines.

And if you lived in one of the countries that did not show the uncensored version of Sabrina Salerno´s video for her worldwide smash hit BOYS BOYS BOYS on tv like Germany Samantha Fox was the bigger star there.

If you lived in Italy, which was Sabrina Salerno´s home country she was of course the big star there since she won her first beauty contest with 15.

She was also pretty big in most countries that showed the uncensored version of BOYS BOYS BOYS like in Spain although I never saw it there.

Sabrina owes most of her career to that video and the tiny bikini top that couldn´t contain her massive ..... talents. It was quite simple : since the song had been released before without much success until the production company realized that they should make a video with such a sexbomb.

They decided to put Sabrina into a pool where she was singing and getting

all wet wearing a very transparent white bikini. As the shooting went on

it became obvious that her voluptuous breasts were too heavy for her

top. It kept sliding down lower and lower and showing part of her nipples

which already were very clearly visible through the thin white fabric so

she had to pull it up numerous times before they completely fell out .

Sabrina managed to do that in a way that got you a good look at her

milkshakes and the director was smart enough to leave it in the video

( he even included it in slow motion ) and the rest is as they say history.

They couldn´t completely ignore Sabrina in Germany because even though television only showed her cut video she somehow managed to become number 1, which I think had something to do with her hot pictures that appeared in youth magazines like BRAVO or even men´s magazines.

So they had to invite her to FORMEL EINS which was the music tv for german teenagers. The show was a total train wreck, they always cut the videos because the producer of the show was in Bavaria and they are very catholic and prudish down there. When Sabrina was there as a guest they didn´t play her video and told her she had to do a live performance. Which was obviously more than they bargained for because Sabrina began to shake rattle and roll her boobs up and down like there´s no Tomorrow.

Of course they were appalled but they could not do anything against it. The camera man tried to prevent the worst by doing a lot of close ups and just filming Sabrina´s head but as you can see it didn´t help that much.

On the british tv show TOP OF THE POPS something similar to what happened on Formel Eins occured : they wouldn´t play her music video because it was way to sexual - well, too bad for them because her sexy live performance was even hotter which in the end won over millions of fans and shot a whole generation of british boys into puberty prematurely.

But she really got famous through her New Year´s performance on spanish tv in 1988 where she sang her song HOT GIRL and her breasts got out of control and popped out of her top. In Germany they would have censored it but the spanish tv immediately put it on a loop and kept showing it in slow motion during her live performance. It is her best known clip ever.

In Germany Sabrina is always labeled a one hit wonder although she had over a dozen Top Twenty hits worldwide like BOYS ( SUMMERTIME LOVE ) , SEXY GIRL , HOT GIRL , ALL OF ME ,  ( version 2 / extended mix ), LIKE A YOYO , MY CHICO or YEAH YEAH ( version 2 ). In Italy, Spain, France and other countries she´s a big superstar, pop icon and sex symbol since she managed to turn her initial claim to fame into a career that lasted a few decades. Besides her music career she appeared in movies and tv.

Back to Brigitte Nielsen, she had just appeared in an issue of PLAYBOY.

So she wanted to cash in on that popularity and tried her luck together with Falco from Vienna best known for his worldwide number 1 single ROCK ME AMADEUS. They sang BODY NEXT TO BODY although Brigitte Nielsen´s real contribution to the video clip was shaking her enourmous

moneymakers in a little black shirt that was barely bigger than a napkin.

I remember staying up late at night way beyond my bedtime to secretly

 tape the video because they didn´t show it on tv before midnight.

You know Brigitte Nielsen always reminded me of the type of idealized women Francois Thomas used to draw in his STAN CAIMAN comics.

I think she also might have been one of the first influences on my later fixation on blonde women with voluminuos breasts like Power Girl.

Now there is not much about Samantha Fox in this post and one reason for that is that I think the post is long enough as it is. For some reason my old media player could take screenshots again, or he could do that all along and I just forgot how to do it and now I remembered it again.

Be that as it may I think I might have gone a bit overboard with the screenshots in this post but what is life if you can´t indulge yourself a bit now and then. The other reason there is not much about Samantha Fox in this post is that I think Sam never realized her potential like Sabrina did.

I always had the impression that she could do more but didn´t want to do it. I remember that some years ago, well, more than a few years because this is about a video cassette, I found a video of Samantha Fox which was kind of a MAKING OF one of her calendars. I expected to see some skin, not like hardcore but at least as much as you could see in the pics for the calendar but the video was more like something out of Sesame Street and every time there was some exposed skin Sam was frantically obsessed with covering up again as quickly as possible. Now maybe she was tired of always showing her body and being objectified but then she should have either not do the calendar in the first place or not try to sell a video that is tamer than an episode of the Muppet Babies. Just my 5 cents worth.

The post was not really comic related but I hope we can get to that soon.

I tried to find art from Manara´s Sabrina comic but I couldn´t find any.

 And that´s all for this topic, at least for now. We start Today´s post addendum with one last Sabrina live video which I couldn´t fit into it.

Now I know it´s not Halloween yet but for my german readers I want to include the TALES FROM THE CRYPT movie from 1972 with Joan Collins and Vincent Price. There was a TALES movie released in Germany but that were just the first five episodes of the later series and it was probably censored anyway. So here is in all its original gory a classic cult movie.

Yep, one more video for those who don´t want to watch this after midnight here´s the next video of Usagi guest starring on the TURTLES cartoon. Is it just me or does it really say " heroes in a nutshell " ?

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Let´s raise some shell !

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