Wednesday, October 21, 2015

JLA casting : the fickle and deceitful Fate

It seems that this post has been struck by the evil hand of fate because not only does it feature the only candidate of my casting for the Justice League movie who has failed miserably in a comic movie since I first wrote this. No, I also lost hours of work I did on the post just now.

Because my new porn shelf still hasn´t arrived - which I was promised would happen at the end of this month - I still cannot use my writing desk and have to write these posts on a box full of clothes. Which means I have to use a paper on the verge of breakdown on a hardcover comic that is tilted to support the mouse which does not work out very good. I have to press really hard on the mouse to get it to move if it moves at all, the arrow goes where it wants, I have to click twenty times for the mouse to react and if it reacts at all it does stuff it´s not supposed to do like when it goes all over the place pasting up stuff it´s not supposed to paste.

Normally I catch this before anything serious happens - I use the undo option more often than anything else - but this time I wasn´t quick enough. I was thinking if I should call it a day for now and just save the unfinished version but instead I wanted to finish this which led to the catastrophe. Thankfullly I found a cached version of this post so that I could restore parts of it but several hours of work have just been erased so I´ll post this as it is - finished or not. Maybe I´ll do some more work on it at a later date but I doubt it. I had also written a very funny and brilliant intro about the DOCTOR FATE series with the female incarnation of Doctor Fate and what a strange twist of fate it was that such a big Shawn McManus fan like myself missed it and that it´s now one of those series that are impossible to find but that has all been erased and I don´t think I can replicate that. So for the moment the post stays as it is.

Mary Alejo as Vixen ( Mari McCabe )

Okay, this may be cheating a bit since she is a filipina and not a woman of african descent but Mary as Mari ? They even have the same name. I even found a picture with her in almost the exact same pose as Vixen.

Damn, these filipinas and asians will one day dominate the world of porn. Again and again, these vivacious dark skinned hotties have proven that their bodies are just as much, if not more than, ripe for the picking for a high class sextape. Just look at Mary Alejo. This smoking sexy model was born and raised in the Philippines but has lived in Florida for the last three years. And aside from posing teasingly and very naked in different men’s magazines, she is also a make - up artist and a fitness trainer. 

Well, I wouldn’t mind getting trained by this hot chick. Just as long as she keeps coming to the gym donning nothing but a string and a sports bra.

However when I look at her, I wonder if they have sports bras in her size.

I mean, those big hooters of hers might just pop out after one exercise.

Although that would be the only way I would be cumming to the gym.

As you can see I wrote this some time ago, before my accident with the shoulder and the surgery on my knee. These things tend to take the fun out of most everything. But the more things change the more things stay the same and I wouldn´t mind some special physiotherapy now and then.

Anne Hathaway as Dr. Fate ( Linda Strauss )

This is the only one out of all my candidates where I really missed the goal and if I had to do it Today I don´t think I would pick her again.

Okay, I have to confess I hadn´t seen many movies with Anne Hathaway when I first wrote this and she owes her participation in this list mainly to the pictures from that THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA publicity party event where she wore a red dress and her boobs almost fell out of her cleavage.

It was also in great part owed to her megahot sideboob wardrobe malfunction ( show ? ) much rather than her actual acting skills.

I had seen her in the first Princess movie and clips from HAVOC and other movies where she got naked and I thought what could possibly go wrong ?

There are tons of pictures from her in dresses that provide eye candy.

She´s funny, can sing and dance, what you call a proper actress and she doesn´t shy away from nude scenes. I thought I had everything covered.

Then that awful BATMAN movie happened where she played Catwoman with the sex appeal of a 5 month old loaf of bread. What´s with that role that nobody after Michelle Pfeiffer can´t get it right ? Is it a curse ?

I´m not saying Anne Hathaway could have saved that train wreck - because nobody could have - but her performance sure didn´t help.

Especially with that catholic costume. The zipper´s there for a reason.

Say what you want about Halle Berry in CATWOMAN but her costume gets my seal of approval any time of the day. What I wouldn´t do to her ....

Anyway, back to the Justice League of America casting I´m not sure if I would cast Anne Hathaway Today. Ah, we still have the sideboob photo.

And that´s the end of the official JLA casting posts and the only one left are the alternatives which may or may not include Yaya Han as Katana.

The first clips are chosen to redeem my choice of Anne Hathaway a little. The first one is just the preview of the next one and it has a VERY busty Anne demonstrating the low tech way of showing zero gravity in movies. 

GOOD LORD !!! The cleavage on that girl is unbelievable !!! DAIMN !!!

How could they botch her role of Catwoman with a sweet rack like that ?

Anyway, here´s the full episode with Lena Dunham, Mickey Flanaghan and Anne Hathaway and Matthew McConaughey promoting INTERSTELLAR.

Here´s a clip that showcases Anne Hathaway´s comedic skills from SNL.

Finally here´s Anne Hathaway´s epic lip sync battle of Miles Cyrus´ WRECKING BALL. I wanted to post the full episode but it has been deleted as was the one that featured Anne and her opponent. To tell the truth it was difficult enough to find this one because there were dozens of videos about this on YouTube but most were just some people talking about it.

Since I mentioned Catwoman a lot in this post here´s the black and white science fiction classic ( maybe ) CAT - WOMEN OF THE MOON from 1953.

As I have run out of Justice League cartoons to post here is a video of another hero team I was blissfully unaware of : THE FREEDOM FORCE.

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