Saturday, October 24, 2015

Were - Weekend : Creatures on the Loose

As promised Yesterday here´s my post on Marvel´s MAN - WOLF. It´s a black and white post on CREATURES ON THE LOOSE issue 34 by Dave Kraft, George Perez, Frank McLaughlin, Joe Rosen and Phil Rache.

The color pages are courtesy of this post on DIVERSIONS OF THE GROOVY KIND ( where you can find more from this series ) and the black and white art was found on this page from ROMITAMAN where you can see - and purchase - all kinds of neat art. If you have the necessary cash. Thanks to both of them and before you read on I want to mention that there is also a post about CREATURES ON THE LOOSE 34 on STEVE DOES COMICS .

Since Halloween is coming up - and I shamelessly use any excuse to put a Yaya Han video on the blog - here´s one that might come in handy where Yaya gives a few tips about comic conventions and costume making.

Yes, I already posted this video in Yesterday´s post but since I found a video with Mike Ploog creating a piece of art and because Yesterday´s werewolf cover post already has two videos about WEREWOLF AT NIGHT I decided to exchange the two videos. So here is - once again - the Top Ten werewolf movies although I must say that such dreck like GINGER SNAPS, DOG SOLDIERS or the UNDERWORLD series would not be on my list. At least they included most of my all time favorite werewolf movies.

One of the movies in the Top Ten is the classic THE WOLFMAN from 1941 starring Lon Chaney Jr. It was not the first werewolf movie but to this day it is the most watched and most influential werewolf movie - inside the comic industry and outside - so here´s a Lon Chaney Jr documentary.

Another Halloween classic is Bobby Pickett and the Crypt - Kickers´ Monster Mash. I already posted a version with Vincent Price here is one with clips from the classic black and white Universal horror movies.

Last but not least here is Mickey Mouse´s Haunted House from 1928, another classic. You might have seen various parts in music video clips.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

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