Sunday, December 20, 2015

Alyssa Milano - the bonus round ( fight )

As promised here is the part about Alyssa Milano´s best scenes / outfits on CHARMED that I had to cut from my original ALYSSA MILANO BIRTHDAY POST which has gotten way longer than I had thought and now includes a lot of new stuff like her comic HACKTIVIST so you might want to go back.

Now before coming to the Top Ten - actually the Top Fourteen as I included four runners up - I have to mention that the selection here is absolutely subjective on my part based on which episodes I have seen and which made the biggest lasting impression on me. You may have other favorite scenes / outfits of Alyssa Milano that you might want to see included here which you can let me know in the comment section. This post is further more limited by the fact that I don´t have a photographic memory so I might have forgotten some episodes. And last but not least I also had to work with what I had which means that I could not make GIFs of episodes where I don´t have a clip. Bear that in mind when you read the following.

If all witches were costumed in as sultry and sensual a manner as the young, midriff - baring, cleavage - enhancing spellbinder the scantily clad Phoebe Halliwell, Halloween would be the highest holy holiday of the Playboy generation. Every week, the WB served up an intellectually gripping and carnally stimulating dose of sibling rivalry mixed with supernatural skullduggery and plenty of bonerinducing costumes.

So here we are with the runners up which for various reasons didn´t make it into the Top Ten of Alyssa Milano best scenes / out fits on CHARMED. I didn´t number these, not including them in the Top Ten was hard enough.

Our first episode that didn´t make it into the top Ten is season 5, episode 6 in which Alyssa wears an orange top with a very generous window. While it´s a great view she only wore it at the last minutes.

Episode 17 from season 6 might have made it into the Top Ten if it wasn´t for the stiff competition ( no pun intended ). In the episode Phoebe goes to her High School reunion and wears a thin silver dress where you can see her pokies in numerous scenes. She also bends over quite a lot so that you can see a lot of cleavage. It´s a great episode.

Now episode 5 from season 7 was actually in my Top Ten but I had to take it out because of another episode that was with the runners up where Phoebe is wearing a green bikini top. I mean here Alyssa Milano has a giant cleavage and as you can almost see her full boobs she´s practically topless but an episode where she´s only wearing a green bikini top and her pants are hanging waaaay low - that just belongs in the Top Ten.

Our last runner up is another one that didn´t make it in the top position because the good part is too short. In episode 11 of season 5 Phoebe is at an office party in a black dress with a big cleavage that displays her huge breasts wonderfully. She and her boss are the last ones left and sparks fly which leads to a night of passion and the beginning of her romance with the boss which happens quite often in the series. Somebody once said that it´s strange how different men and women are written in tv series and that while female leads often get involved with their superiors male leads seldom have a relationship at the workplace. Also female leads tend to have trouble finding a good partner as even the most perfect man doesn´t seem good enough while for male leads often any warm body seems good enough. Anyway, Alyssa looks hot in this dress and the best moment is when she grabs the guy´s head and her left boob is flexed.

And with that we have finally arrived at our countdown. There were a few other episode I wanted to include but that would eff up the upload time completely and it takes like forever to make these GIFs and I want to finish the damn thing. So here are the Top Ten and maybe I will do an updated version with more runners up at Alyssa´s birthday next year.

Number 10 - Alyssa in underwear - yay ! ( season 4, episode 15 )

Not only is Alyssa´s corsage at least three sizes to small ( so that her melons are on the brink of popping out each second ) thanks to her heavy breathing and hectic movement Alyssa achieves incredible tv effects which could only be topped by 3D tv. Which was not a technology that was available when I was writing this but which some tvs have gotten in the meantime. I´d like to check out if this has the effect I predicted.

Number 9 - Alyssa tanned in a green bikini top ( season 6, episode 1 )

This is the clip I was talking about earlier. I had it in the runner ups section but when I was making the GIF I was like : " Holy $hit, she´s wearing less than in the episode above where she is in underwear and she looks good enough to eat so why is this not in my Top Ten ? " So I had to put here there kicking the episode with the giant cleavage out. Daimn, Alyssa looks so fit and lean and thanks to her low hanging pants she´s barely covered from her toe to way beyond her bellybottom. It´s kind of strange that it´s acceptable for women to wear less clothing during the day as when they put on underwear. Not that I´m complaining though.

Number 8 - Alyssa as cult siren Elvira ( season 3, episode 4 )

Longtime readers of this blog already know that I´m a huge fan of Elvira, the Mistress of the Dark or that I have an unhealthy and unfulfilled sexual obsession with her. It all depends on how you want to put it. In any case Alyssa Milano dressing up as Elvira is the coming together of the best of two worlds in a crossover that makes all my wet dreams come true !  

Alyssa really brings the goods in this Halloween ( or All Hallow´s Eve ) episode and I´ll be damned if she wasn´t perfect for the lead role in Elvira´s Nympnomanic Daughter - She sucks hard - but not Blood !

Maybe Alyssa can even make Elvira´s signature " boob buster " move.

And if you don´t believe me that Alyssa can fill out Elvira´s cleavage with ease look at this from the same episode where she lets it all hang out.

Number 7 - Alyssa taxing a push up ( season 3, episode 6 )

Now with most of the push ups Alyssa wears on CHARMED their job is more a thing of sustaining the breasts while covering the bare essentials. This one however is all about volume and does it´s best to push as push can and damn the consequences with Alyssa´s overflowing big talent.

Number 6 - almost popping out of white dress ( season 5, episode 3 )

This is another episode which was not originally in my Top Ten but I had to include it because Alyssa´s breasts are almost popping out of her top and unlike in some other episodes she wears this dress for most of the time.

White seems to be Alyssa´s color as she demonstrates in A ROSE FOR EVERAFTER on CASTLE where her dress can hardly contain her. Can you blame Castle for getting involved with her even if she´s a suspect ?

Number 5 - Alyssa going topless ( season 3, episode 7 )

One of the best episodes is the one where Phoebe and her sisters fight although to really appreciate it you have to see the uncut edition that was aired only in european countries where Alyssa Milano goes full frontal for most of the show. There were some episodes where she was supposed to be naked - like when she became Lady Godiva - but we didn´t see any skin. Here Alyssa does the full monty and her juicy firm breasts......

Okay, I´m only joking. Alyssa never did do full frontal nudity on CHARMED but with this heavily cleavaged dress it looks that way in some scenes.

While she does not get naked in this episode Alyssa has never shown more boob nor have her melons looked hotter than in this outfit. With her big breasts pushed almost up to her chin this just has to be in the top 5.

Some people say that the fights between Shannen Doherty and the rest of the cast was pretty much like the fight in this episode but that probably mostly gossip and who knows what really went on behind the scenes ?

Apparently Shannen Doherty was miffed because everybody saw Alyssa Milano as the sexy one and not her. She even tried to slut it up as best as she could but she just was not in the same league as her. And the make up and wardrobe guys at the show must have thought so too because that´s the only explanation why they put this garish make up on her and gave her this ugly coat. I know this is supposed to look native american like but it looks more like indian pimp who owns a casino than anything.

Or grown up Pocahontas who has to work as a hooker. I have to say, I wouldn´t mind to tap that because Shannen has some serious tits there.

She looks like the female version of pimped out Kramer from SEINFELD.

Let´s face it : which one of these two would you pick for a sex date ?

Now you might say that Alyssa´s outfit is much more favorable but Alyssa got Shannen beat even if she is wearing a simple sweater or a pullover.

And speaking about sweat this brings us to our episode number 4.

Number 4 : Alyssa totally wet - double D double feature

This is actually two episodes, the first one is Enter the Demon ( nice Bruce Lee reference ), the fourth episode from season 4 in which Phoebe has a hot and sweaty training session with Cole. Working out and kicking ass Alyssa scores with a winning cleavage, an exposed midsection that´s ripped beyond belief and being covered in sweat. An unbeatable combo.

The other episode where Alyssa is covered in sweat is episode 5 form season 2 and to complicate matters more she actually wears two outfits. In the episode Phoebe is psychically linked to a succubus which sadly did not have the effect I had hoped for - Phoebe turning into a mega horny nymphomaniac and going on a weekend long sex spree. What did happen was that she was sweating through almost the entire episode like in this white dress which fits her like a second skin. With her nipples pushing through the thin fabric you get a pretty good idea how she would look naked. Plus, she´s leaning over to give the audience a good view of her.

The other outfit from the episode is this little sado maso number that says " take me, whip me, cuff me to your bedpost " which the male audience would only too willing obey. Alyssa really does a top notch performance unlike Shannon Doherty who is not very believable as a guy.  

Number 3 : Alyssa doing a lapdance ( season 5, episode 11 )

Number 3 on the list has to be the scene where Alyssa does a lapdance. I wonder who writes those things into the script, but it was probably Alyssa herself. Makes you wonder where she trained for it and how many times during the shooting of this scene Julian McMahon had to run off and relief his swollen manhood. I bet this was like getting a giant viagra overdose.

I always thought that after Alyssa got him hard enough to cut diamonds he banged her brains out after the shooting but as I recently read he was drilling Shannon Doherty like a cheap prostitute ( which his wife didn´t find particularly amusing ) while Alyssa tamed Brian Krause ( which led to the break up of his marriage ). There are also rumors that Alyssa was extracting Julian McMahon´s manjuices ( which I referred to in the title ) while Shannon was breaking him in which led to friction. Only Holly Marie Combs didn´t sleep around and returned every night to her husband. 

Number 2 : Alyssa as a belly dancer ( season 5, episode 10 )

How do you get one of the best Alyssa Milano CHARMED scenes ? You just need one sexy Alyssa wearing a harem girl outfit and shaking what mother nature has given her so generously in an improv fertility dance.

Number 1 : Alyssa as a mermaid ( season 5, episodes 1 and 2 )

This HAS to be my number 1 pick as you just can´t beat Alyssa Milano wearing nothing more than basically pasties and a fishtail prosthetic.

Which makes it odd enough that I had to make this GIF myself. With all the GIFs from this episodes on the internet you might think that someone would have covered the best scene but no, they did all the other scenes.

If the make up artists on CHARMED were male I bet they loved their jobs.

Between Rose´s permanently erect nipples, Alyssa's loose tops, and scenes like these, it must have been an very ' hard ' job. There were probably some serious fights to decide who got the privilege to paste those nipples patches on Alyssa's boobies. They probably had dozens of volunteers to do it for free and some who tried to pay for it - every day!

" Are you absolutely sure the best way to get the glue off my breasts is to lick it off, Mr Make Up Guy  ? And why does it always take two hours ? "

" It´s a hard job but somebody has to do it. Now let me do my work, you wouldn´t want anything to happen to your perfect puppies, Miss Milano. "

The guys were probably making excuses to get her in that outfit again.

" Sorry Miss Milano, but somehow the material we shot Yesterday has disappeared. So we´ll just have to re - shoot all of the mermaid scenes. "

And this is the end of the Alyssa Milano posts. I´m going to pack all the unused GIFs away for next year and go straight to the video section.

There are a lot of Alyssa Milano tribute videos from CHARMED you can find on YouTube so instead of posting one of these here are a few videos about her HACKTIVIST comic book which I couldn´t fit into the main post.

This one is not with Alyssa but with the creators of the comic book series.

Here we have a really large video about the second story of HACKTIVIST.

I would have loved to see on Alyssa Milano in one of these bikinis.

Christmas is coming soon so here is a video with the Justice League celebrating the holiday. Okay, the guys in the video are pretty annoying but to tell the truth I only picked this for the mega hot Power Girl cosplayer. I wouldn´t mind to stuff her stockings if you get my drift.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best


  1. Philbo8:01 PM

    At the start of Primrose Empath Phoebe enters P3 with Prue while wearing a brown dress that is essentially pulled down to the nipple. As she sits at the bar the dress opens even more, the left boob is all but exposed. Aside from marveling at the magnificence of that leftie it occurred to me that they must have used some type of nipple covering, it was simply out. It was not the first appearance of that dress IIRC and there was the same level of exposure that time as well.

    Alyssa knew she had it and didn't mind demonstrating that fact, something for which we should be eternally grateful.

  2. Thanks for the info Philbo. Ah, those were the good times of pre - Me Too - sexbomb Alyssa Milano. I tried watching the new version of CHARMED but it´s nowhere near the level of the original show.

    The few episodes I saw I had the feeling I was watching something from the Disney club like ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK ? instead of a prime time show for general audiences.
