Friday, December 25, 2015

I´ll be Doom for Christmas

I´m doing just a quick post Today so I´m not going to continue with what superheroes do on Christmas. Okay, that´s not entirely true since I am posting a Christmas story from WHAT THE -- ?! 10 (  January 1991 ).

Yes, it´s another great comic from the oh so awful nineties. WHAT THE -- ?! was a series I read as it was coming out which makes me fell quite old since this came 24 years ago. Marvel has a long history of poking fun at itself in its comics or series like the classic NOT BRAND ECCH or the newest Marvel NOW book. What´s that you´re saying ? Marvel NOW is not a parody of the old Marvel comics by publishing dark, twisted versions of classic comics ? Could have fooled me. Anyway, Today´s story I`LL BE DOOM FOR CHRISTMAS showcasing Marvel´s epitome of a villain was written by Scott Lobdell and drawn by John Byrne who has done quite a lot of funny parody stories in this and other magazines. As usual I wanted to add a little twist to it as there have been probably a few websites which have already posted it so I added a few original pages. So I hope you got everything you wanted for Christmas, Happy holidays and enjoy the story.

A few posts ago I posted a video about five forgotten but cool cartoon series and listed some of my favorite cartoon shows. I only had four candidates because I blanked on one of the best cartoon shows ever : Disney´s GARGOYLES. There are a lot of episodes on YouTube but since they are either in bad quality or the picture was cut here is the intro.

Now I could write a lot to try to get across how great GARGOYLES was but since Nostalgia Critic already did a full show on it I´ll just let him explain it. I don´t always agree with him and when he doesn´t like something he can really become annoying and hammers the message into you like with BARB WIRE but here he is right on the money. And I adore Rogue too.

You don´t always find what you look for on YouTube so I still can´t post the Peanuts Christmas special. Instead of it here is an hourlong cartoon special since the videos above don´t really qualify as cartoon videos.

As I said, most often than not you don´t find the things you are looking for but there are other times when you find things you never expected on YouTube like the hot workout video below. It is from the BikinModelFitness channel - which has dozens more of these - and since most people gain a bit of weight over the holidays this might help you burn off some of these calories. Even if I don´t work out it does me a good only watching this.

And speaking about things you don´t expect to find on YouTube, initially I wanted to post a Country Christmas video but then I came across this.

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