Wednesday, May 25, 2016

So, another birthday : Barry Windsor Smith

Today we have two comic creators who celebrate their birthday but since I already did a post on Stan Sakai´s USAGI YOJIMBO and I don´t have any material on him let´s honor Barry Windsor - Smith´s 76th anniversary.

I thought about continuing with my MARVEL VISIONARIES posts since it has been a long time that I did the first Chris Claremont post and the book DOES include UNCANNY X - MEN 205 by Barry Windsor - Smith.

But I decided against it since I will try to put the rest of the stuff in the second Chris Claremont post and because there is a lot of black and white art I can´t possibly fit in that post. Barry Windsor - Smith has done quite a few issues and cover for UNCANNY X - MEN and other mutant books.

One of the best know X - Men stories besides his classic WEAPON X series are the two LIFE - DEATH stories from UNCANNY X - MEN 186 and 198 which are the main part of this post. I tried to put all the pages in the right order but please have some decorum if I botched it up somewhere.

Barry Windsor - Smith liked the stories so much that he wanted to make a third part but Marvel said no. So he reworked the story to publish it in his STORYTELLER series and our gain was Marvel´s loss. I would like to say that they have learned from this and it never ... who am I kidding ?

A few more choice pieces by Barry Windsor - Smith :

Since I don´t have any videos for the rest of Today´s birthdays I´m doing a Videos Of Posts Past video section in which I put some videos which I couldn´t fit in other posts. The first is Karel Zeman´s animated short film Inspiration which should have gone into my recent KRABAT re - post .

Even though I´m not doing a full blown post on it I want to acknowledge Stan Sakai´s birthday so here is another Usagi Yojimbo / Teenage Ninja Turtles mash up. With these videos I never know if I already posted them.

A rather recent one from the Hergé birthday post I did last Sunday .

Since Tomorrow starts the International Comic Salon in Erlangen here is a little video to get you stocked up about going to conventions. This is the first time I will not attend because of not enough money and bad health.

We end the post with the first audition of 4th Power for X - Factor UK which I have probably watched over a dozen times this week. Those girls are incredible ! I hope you all have a nice Happy Cadaver Day Tomorrow.

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