Monday, August 29, 2016

Comic Master Monday with Jason Pearson

Finishing Yesterday´s Jack Kirby post took me longer than anticipated thanks to an extrasized entertainment block so I´m running a bit late with my appreciation post in lieu of Jason Pearson´s 64th birthday.

Another reason for me being late is that - as usual - Jason Pearson´s art was dispersed between various folders so compiling the best pieces took some time. Nevertheless I want to seize this opportunity to pay homage to one of my favorite artists even if he doesn´t do much interior work anymore. Is he on any comic series as regular artist at the moment ?

You know, all the time when you draw women with big breasts people - and when I saw people I mean women and usually those with small breasts - tell you how unrealistic the women you draw are. So when a 36E girl like Courtney Stodden who celebrates her 22nd birthday Today comes around it´s like a " F you all ! " moment. And usually I´m not up to date with reality show celebrities but somehow ( pics ? ) I became aware of her.

There are a lot of videos of Courtney on YouTube but I chose the following one for three reasons. It´s in high quality. There is a cool looking car in it. You get to see more of Ms. Stodden than just the usual head to above knee shot because only when you see the full figure you can appreciate how much her bust really stands out from the rest of the body. Oh Lord !

And if you haven´t realized it yet, with this we already at the celebrity birthdays of the day continuing with Carla Gugino who turns 45. Besides being in current blockbusters like San Andreas and Hercules she has some comic book movie creds with Watchmen and Sin City. With which Roberto Rodriguez should continue rather sooner than later if he expects to use Rosario Dawson in part three. She herself said that she would probably not be in a third movie if her chesticles were no longer in prime condition.

From all of Carla´s appearances on The Late Late Show here is the one where she wears the best dress. There is a video just with her part but this one has a better resolution. But you can fast forward to her part.

Joel Schumacher celebrates his 77th birthday and to all the people who say the Suicide Squad movie could not have been worse : batnipples !

One year older is Elliot Gould with 78 who played Phillip Marlowe in The Long Goodbye and who was in a lot of my favorite movies like Capricon One, The Muppet Movie, The Muppets Take Manhatten. He also appeared in The Shining tv mini series and did the voice of Toto in The Cat Returns although his best known voice acting is as Mr. Stoppable. Since I already posted a video from The Cat Returns here is a trailer for another movie.

William Friedkin turns 81and he was the director of a few cult movies I saw as a teenager like The Exorcist or The French Connection. He also directed the episode On A Dead Man´s Chest on Tales From The Crypt. The story originally appeared in Haunt Of Fear and for more horror comic reading in Dark Mysteries 8 a story called Dead Man´s Chest saw print.

Today would also have been the 58th birthday of the king of pop, Michael Jackson and it is kind of sad that only after his death people remembered all the groundbreaking videos he made. Every new video he made brought some kind of innovation and his music video premieres were worldwide events. There were a lot of really sensational women in his videos like Naomi Campbell but my favorite was Scream - for quite obvious reasons.

Ah, all the mammaries this Making Of Scream video bring back.

I want to end with a birthday shoutout to Ingrid Bergman, best known for Casablanca with Humphrey Bogart although my favorite movie with her is The Inn of the Sixth Happiness. Sir Peter Ustinov just kills it in that one. 

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I know that pig.

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