Thursday, August 11, 2016

It´s a mixed feelings birthday with Jim Lee

Anyone who has read my blog for any length of time knows that I´m not a big fan of DC´s NEW 52. So I wasn´t sure if I wanted a special post for one of the people mainly responsible for flushing DC down the toilet. On the other hand Jim Lee did some more than decent comics way back that I enjoyed and I want to acknowledge that. Remember the good old days ?

Our first birthday is Chris Hemsworth with 33 years who is of course best known for playing Thor in the Marvel movies so even if I had to scrap the regularly scheduled THORSDAY post with the second part of Tom Palmer´s Ragnarock we do have Thor in this post. Now movie Thor has been absent from Captain America : Civil War which according to internet sources has something to do with the third Thor movie in which Hulk is rumored to make an appearance. I just hope it´s better than the second Thor movie.

Viola Davis celebrates her 51st birthday who won an Oscar for The Help and is currently on the new crime series How To Get Away With Murder or how it is called in Germany simply Murder. I don´t know if they were just too lazy to translate the title properly or thought german audiences would be unable to cope with the original title. I´m not sure if my Mom watches it - normally she watches every crime series out there - and I haven´t had time to watch it myself since I´m too busy keeping up with Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends Of Tomorrow, iZombie, Marvel´s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Sleepy Hollow. Maybe I can catch some episodes if the new seasons haven´t started when I have finished with The Blacklist.

Viola plays Amanda Waller in Suicide Squad and I have the feeling I´m setting myself up for a fall here. I mean, I got the Assault On Arkham animated movie to see how DC would handle the franchise and they totally ruined it. Then I´m hearing only bad things about the movie. Now I have bought the first four Suicide Squad trades as a birthday present for my brother so I will now exactly how far the movie will be from the original.

We continue with another comic related birthday as writer Brian Azzarello turns 54. I did enjoy his Wonder Woman series although I have to say that the big shocker behind it all - the tweaking of Wonder Woman´s origin - had a really minor impact on the overarching story, in fact he could have written the entire thing pre NEW 52 without changing more than a few minor story beats. I guess the thing I liked most that unlike most people who have written Wonder Woman in the past he had an idea who wonder Woman was and he knew how to use her history and the greek mythology. The main reason why he was so well received was that most of the writers who came before him were just bad. Anyway, he has wrapped up his story line and since it seems that his replacement is going into the usual super hero tropes I have no intention of reading on. It was fun while it lasted.  

Now maybe one of my faithful readers out there can figure out how I´m supposed to make a witty segueway from the greek gods to the man who made wrestling famous, Hulk Hogan who celebrates his 63rd birthday.

So have you ever wondered why this icon of american pop culture shares a first name with Marvel´s ill tempered green giant ? Wonder no more.

Our In Memoriam section starts with an icon of german tv, Diether Krebs who first became famous as a comedian teaming up with Beatrice Richter then with Iris Berben and who became an institution. Later on Diether made the difficult transition to serious tv roles in the neverending SOKO.

Today we really have a lot of birthdays that have something to do with my formative years like Dik Browne, the genius behind Hagar The Horrible which taught us that things have always been like they are and that plundering, pillaging and sacking is a job like any other. I don´t think I have read all of his work but for a time I was collecting the pocket books quite regularly. And collecting Hagar in german is not very difficult since it has always been published over the years by one company or another.

With such a long publishing history I was not surprised to find a cartoon.

Another big voice from my past is Enid Blyton since I read all crime books I could get a hold on in the children section of the local library. Because a steady cast made for easier reading I was into all team series like TKKG, The Three ??? ( this is supposed to be read as the three investigators not the three question marks ) and of course The Famous Five. Since I never had an allowance as a kid I couldn´t afford to buy the books, only the Tramp pocket books ( well, actually smaller than pocket books ) from Pelikan for 1 Deutschmark. And of course the library which had the Famous Five comic which was published in Germany as Club Of The Five.

There have been two british movies about The Famous Five in 1957 and 1964 and two danish movies in 1969 and 1970. In Germany Fünf Freunde opened in cinemas in 2012 and there have been three sequels so far.

Because that are too many movies to choose from I went to the tv series but I had to use a lower quality clip from the english language version since the embedding was disabled on all german clips. You can watch them on youTube though. There is of course an animated series made in 2008.

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Whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on you ?

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