Thursday, September 08, 2016

Tom Palmer Thorsday : Ragnarock part 2

When I did the first part of this story I thought I could do the second part the next week but as usual things have taken a bit longer so here we are, over one month later with the second part of the Ragnarock story by Roy Thomas, John Buscema and Tom Palmer that ran from THOR 272 to 278.

In our first post we covered issues 272 to 274 which I thought would be a good chunk even if it did end on a cliffhanger. How was I to know that it would take more than a month to wrap it up. I had hoped that I could benefit from that extended waiting period and find more pages but so far there have been no reader comments on the subject. Now either I have already found all the pages that are available or my readers have not been more successful than me in tracking them down. And since these are all the pages I´m going to get I might as well post them before I have to do the next FLASH FRIDAY post. So far those are the only post series which I have managed to do on a regular basis. But now let´s get back to the happenings in Asgard where good old Balder is having one of those days.

This should have been in the first part as some of the pages from Thor 274 were provided by MY MARVEL LIFE 1980 but somehow I forgot. Now the last weeks there were a lot of birthdays but Today we are taking a break because I already did a post on Heather Thomas and I don´t have any videos or anything important to say about any of Today´s celebrity birthdays except for one person. And since she´s a porn star there are no videos and not a lot of animated GIFs I could safely post. Maybe I will write something about her but probably in a post that´s more risky to begin with. In any case, since I can freely choose the videos for this post here is one that I couldn´t fit into an earlier post. It´s the trailer for Adèle und das Geheimnis des Pharaos based on the comic series by Jaques Tardi.

In the Ragnarock story somebody else takes possession of Thor´s hammer which is the best known superhero prop. But do you know its name ?

As I don´t have a cartoon video for Thor here´s another reaction video where Today´s teen knowledge clashes with Yesterday´s culture.

The last few posts had a lot of comic videos for my german readers so here is one for my spanish readers about Alberto Breccia´s Mort Cinder series.

This last one may not fit into Today´s topic but I wanted to put it on the blog as soon as possible because it´s just mindblowing. There are probably hundreds of these videos on YouTube but this girl got the most perfect body I have seen and some mad skills. I´m not entirely sure what her name is - which is another reason why I wanted to post this right away so maybe one of my readers can help me out here - but I think it´s either Daje Monroe or AyooDaje93 while I´m pretty sure it´s not Twerk Monroe.

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