Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thorsday with Jack Kirby : Thor 171 part 2

After reading my Joe Sinnott post ( which I finally managed to finish just a few moments ago ) you were probably expecting a Joe Sinnott centered THORSDAY post but before we start on the new stuff there is some old business to attend to first. Namely the second part of THOR issue 171.

I posted the first part of the story more than four weeks ago but as you know ( if you read this blog regularly ) other things have kept me busy.

Looking at the blog it may not seem like it but the last two days I have been adding stuff to the Carlos Pacheco post about Yaya Han and Miko Lee and as always when it comes to asian sexbombs it got out of control. So that after finally finishing the post I had to go back in and write a SAFE FOR WORK version that you can all read now. But don´t worry, as I am all about keeping it real on this blog none - or almost none - of that material gets deleted and the fans of asian allure can look forward to an entire post with lots of new unsavory and definitely youth endangering animated GIFs with porn queen Miko Lee which is what I spend most of the day doing.

Coming back to THOR, this post almost didn´t happen because I had a doctor´s appointment and when I got back I had serious stomach pains and felt weak as a kitten. So after I had everything prepared for the post I had to take a long nap and after that I watched Victor Ros ( a police officer who is the spansih version of Sherlock Holmes, only this one really existed ). So because I don´t like to leave my readers hanging - more than necessary - here is the second part. We left off at a really exciting moment as Thor was just about to engage the barbarous Ulik. Like in the previous post I am posting all the different versions I could find - from the german pages in black and white that I found on DAS SAGTE NUFF to original art pages and the published color pages - and I am planning to do a post on THOR 173 so if anybody knows where I can find original art or color pages in any language please let me know. But let´s continue with our story. 

After so many THORSDAY posts there are not many links or videos about Thor left I can post but thankfully I can always fall back on the celebrity birthdays to bring a bit of variety to these posts. We start with Berto Romero´s 42nd anniversary who is a fixture of spanish entertainment through his appearances on Buenafuente or his various movie roles like in Anacleto Agente Secreto which is called Spy Time in english. Since I already posted two trailers of that movie ( which I finally got to see last month ) here is one of Berto´s many stand up routines from spanish tv.

The fact that David Ramsey turns 45 may not mean much to you and to tell the truth I would have skipped this too if I had not stopped and read his imdb file because he is pretty well known for playing everybody´s favorite bodyguard gone vigilante John Diggle a.k.a. Spartan on the Arrow show.

Thankfully the fifth season has finally started and now that there are four DC super hero series out there I am always watching them in the following order : Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and then Arrow. Now while I watch Arrow last that is not due to the quality but more to the darker tone of the show. I start with The Flash because it´s the most positive show - and because I can´t wait to see it - but Arrow constantly surprises me by bringing in characters when I least expect them like the Ragman or Christopher Chance a.k.a. The Human Target in the last episode. Anyway, when John Diggle assumed the super hero identity of Spartan that was also totally unexpected for me and while other may think his character is a waste of screen time I dig him - pun intended. I know that he has some pull with the ladies ( and I guess there´s more than one mancrush on the bromance between him and Oliver Queen ) so here is a link where you can find some animated GIFs of a shirtless - and very buffed - David Ramsey.

Celebrating her 50th birthday is Sophie Marceau whom longtime readers might recognize from my very first post of CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE MOVIE where I cast her as JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE´s Catherine Cobert.

The french sexbomb is best known in the US for appearing in the Bond flick THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH, and outside for taking her clothes of in such classics like MES NUITS SONT PLUS BELLES QUE VOS JOURS ( my nights are more beautiful than your days ) or DESCENT AUX ENFERS ( Descent into hell ) - where she appeared in nude scenes with Claude Brasseur who played her father in the romantic hit comedies LA BOUM and LA BOUM 2 which caused all kind of outrage at this perceived incest.

Her first nude scene was in HAPPY EASTER with Jean Paul Belmondo which I have to confess to have lying somewhere and still haven´t watched. She was 18 at that time she made the movie and payed the movie studio Gaumont money to get out of her contract to be able to do nude scenes. What a trooper. In the movie she´s Jean Paul´s lover but when his wife returns a bit early from her vacations she says she´s his daughter from his ex. Sophie also starred in the horror movie NE TE RETOURNE PAS ( don´t turn around ) opposite Monica Bellucci which is like a dream sandwich.

Not only does Sophie drop her clothes very often in her movies she also shows great cleavage like in the film THE MUSKETEERS REVENGE ( or The daughter of D´Artagnan like it´s called in Germany ) that has one of my favorite scenes with her. But Sophie also had a wardrobe malfunction in Cannes 2005 where her dress slipped off. Some say this accident was faked but what the hey, I don´t care. If she did it on purpose that makes her cool in my book. Anyway, happy birthday, and thanks for the mammaries !

Also turning 50 is writer Ed Brubaker, best known for breaking one of Marvel´s biggest taboo when he brought back Bucky from the dead as the Winter Soldier. Whom some people sadly only know from the movies. Because the comics are so much better. Currently his run on Captain America is out in various formats and while the omnibus books with his first stories are beyond affordable you can still get the The Trial Of Captain America and Return Of The Winter Soldier for less than 60 EUROS.

If you are looking for a more affordable read I just finished with the third and final trade of Velvet which disappointed me just a little bit ( since there are only so many different outcomes with a spy discredited and on the run story ) but this is Ed Brubaker at his best, telling the ultimate spy story and Steve Epting whose art on this is beyond words. I don´t know if I ever get around to announce this year´s Big Christmas Contest - or even if I can find the time to do it - but the GRATIS COMIC TAG issue of Velvet is definitely going to be among the giveaways. Highest recommendation.

Our third person celebrating her 50th birthday is model, television host, actress, fashion designer and whatnot Daisy Fuentes. I mean she even launched an all natural hair care line and hosted her own talk show. She first became famous around the time I was still watching Mtv - like in the very beginnings of music tv - as the first latin vj and the hottest vj at Mtv.

Speaking of former talk show hosts, Jonathan Ross turns 56 who not only had one of the best talk shows on the planet. No, besides being a big music lover he has a real passion for comics and I hope you have all seen his great In Search Of Steve Ditko documentary which you can only see chopped up into various pieces at YouTube right now. As a comic fan and with a little bit of time on his hand is was not a big surprise that he also tried his hand at writing comics. It had to happen sooner or later. I have to say I have read neither his America´s Got Powers nor Turf or Revenge.

Actress Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio celebrates her 58th birthday and it may be a coincidence that she was in The Color Of Money with Tom Cruise and Paul Newman which was directed by Martin Scorsese who turns 74.

And just to take things one step further, Mary was also on the cult classic Scarface with Michelle Pfeiffer who in turn played the Catwoman in Tim Burton´s Batman Returns alongside Danny DeVito as the creepiest Penguin in movie history and Danny is celebrating his 72nd birthday.

Another movie cult siren, the great Lauren Hutton turns 73 and I´m not sure in which movie I saw her first but for some reason my mind always goes first to Once Bitten where she tries to seduce a very young Jim Carey. You can find all the facts about her life and career on A.G.NAUTA COUTURE and there is also a post about everything about Once Bitten . I tried to find a good picture of her from that movie but I could not find any. What I did find out is that she did quite a lot of nude pictures back in the day as she was smoking hot and that she started as a Playboy bunny.

Some people ask me why I keep doing these entertainment sections when writing them takes up so much time but it was because of one of these that I learned that Roger Leloup, the creator of Yoko Tsuno was not dead but very much alive. But what makes this even more awesome is that besides celebrating his 83rd birthday he´s still working on new Yoko Tsuno albums. This was one of my favorite series growing up and Yoko was one of the many new capable and emancipated female heroes in french comics. There have been many companies that have published the series over the years and right now Carlsen is publishing the complete editions. Sadly I have only been able to afford one so far but who knows - after I get my last Daredevil trade I may have more spending money for german comics.

Yoko Tsuno doesn´t seem to be very popular so this short clip about her ( and Laura Antonelli ) from french news tv is the only one I could find.

Speaking of new editions of classic comics, Today would also have been the anniversary of Don Lawrence who worked on Storm and whose The Rise And Fall Of The Trigan Empire is currently published by PANINI Germany in new nice hardcover editions. Yes, even they won´t get any money from me with all the Marvel NOW ! and DC New 52 stuff they are publishing the got me this way. I bought the first Trigan hardback from a comic shop in Ludwigsburg but they don´t have the second one so I will have to get the following ones through one of the online comic shops. At least this way I can get more free comics for the Big Christmas Contest. 

It seems I already posted the video about the german relaunch of Trigan but buried under all my bookmarks I found this with the master at work.

Also in our Dearly Departed section is Dean Paul Martin, son of the famous Dean Martin who played Dr. Billy Hayes in the shortlived Misfits Of Science.

Since I already posted an episode from that show here is another callback to my youth, the intro for the german show Larry´s Showtime which presented material from The Jerry Lewis Show and The Dean Martin Show.

Last but not least a shoutout goes to Rock Hudson who teamed up with cult siren Doris Day in some of the best romantic comedies ever made, among them Pillow Talk which is my favorite one. Doris Day is stunning in it and you know she really was a great actress because she pulled of the wholesome movie star routine having the body of a PLAYBOY centerfold.

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