Friday, March 24, 2017

Happy birthday mi paisano Pasqual Ferry !

After some much needed sleep - and some more cleaning up on the laptop - I can finally do another post in honor of one of my favorite comic artists.

And it´s about damn time because I thought I had done another one just a few years ago but going through my posts I found out that I only ever did one Pasqual Ferry post and that was in 2011 on his 50th anniversary !

What made my search even more difficult was that I didn´t even put a tag on the post. I wrote it and then I made a special folder where I put all the pictures by Pasqual Ferry and it seems every year I looked in that folder and said : " Well, there is just a lot of Superman, Fantastic Four and Thor stuff in there and since I already had that in the last post I will just wait until next year. Maybe by then there will be a bit more variety in here. "

Well, I´m done with waiting. Although there will be no elaborate insights into Pasqual Ferry´s art, his trajectory through the various series and why I despised the new take on THOR - for all that you can check out the first post since I have nothing to add to it at this point - it´s time for more art. And since the situation in that folder hasn´t improved I did what every man would do - go to the internet for the hottest and coolest art pieces by Pasqual Ferry. So feast your peepers on this and chupate esto, tronco.

So these are the pictures I selected and I hope you like at least some of them. It does look though as if Pasqual is mostly doing variant covers these days and I hope we get to see him doing interiors again one of these days. Asi que feliz cumpleano, Pasqual, happy 56th birthday und alles gute zum Burzeltag, like we say in Swabia. Don´t party too hard. 

Since I don´t have any links for this post in particular but as I need to decrease the bookmarked links somehow I have decided to include some that I have bookmarked ages ago and I´m putting them on the blog because if I haven´t done so until now I probably won´t in the future.

We start with a throwback to my last posts because as usual I find the links I need after I have done the post. As I don´t want to go back and re - write them again here is DEZ SKINN with an article on the Marvel UK black and white publications with lots of beautiful pages by the likes of David Lloyd, Steve Dillon or Dave Gibbons and one indispensable resource for the Williams Marvel post was the WILLIAMS MARVEL COMIC ARCHIV . I don´t know if I will ever write a post involving the Guardians Of The Galaxy again keeping in mind how Disney has treated the characters so here´s Brian Cronin´s post about The Unlikely Journey Of Guardians Of The Galaxy Star Rocket Racoon on COMIC BOOK RESOURCES which started with a Beatles song . Also worth of a look are FLASHBACK UNIVERSETHE MARVEL PROJECT70s CHILD which as the blog name implies is all about recollections of an era that will never be again, FANBOY WIFE the survival guide for a relationship with a fanboy, SEDUCTION OF THE INDIFFERENT is about comics, movies, travel and life in Toronto, LEYENDO TEBEOS where you can read comics - for my non spanish speaking readers - and don´t worry, even though the name is spanish a lot of the comic stories on the blog are in the original english language, THE SUPERHERO SATELLITE tackles commentary on the subjects of comic books, tv and the world of pro wrestling and SUPER TEAM FAMILY - THE LOST ISSUES presents those crossovers that didn´t but should´ve happened in a perfect universe. 

I also want to include Paolo Rivera´s comic art blog THE SELF - ABSORBING MAN and I think I already posted the link for FIRESTORM FAN the website for everything about the nuclear teen hero but I want to re - up it just in case somebody missed it since he is now one of the stars on DC´s Legends Of Tomorrow. Finally I already posted various links to GIANT - SIZE MARVEL

We start the obligatory birthday roll call ( and when I say obligatory I mean totally randomly chosen by yours truly ) with Lara Flynn Boyle who turns 47. You might have seen her in movies likes Poltergeist III, The Rookie, Wayne´s World or Red Rock West and we´ll just ignore Men In Black II in which she totally failed in making the role of an evil alien nympho vamp who wants to infiltrate earth by becoming an underwear model believable.

I don´t know if it was the make up or the fact that the producers thought they had to go for a PG rating so she couldn´t show as much skin as you would expect from an aspiring underwear model but there was no sparkle and Lara looked much better on Twin Peaks - and so did HER twin peaks.

Now for all the poor souls out there who saw Men In Black II I got a little something to ease your pain : please look directly into the light. Good.

Okay, so what happened is that when you were just about to watch Men In Black II you met this guy you haven´t seen since high school and then you went to that bar and you were having drinks and he told you that funny joke about the orthodox priest, the catholic priest and the rabbi where you always forget the punchline and you simply forgot time. And then when you wanted to see the movie the next day you read a critic that said the movie was not so good and you never ended up seeing it. You will also get an irresistible urge to go to the toilet for an hour when you think about watching the movie. And to donate a small, unspecified fee to the next government charity you encounter. You´re welcome !

As a last comic trivia tidbit Lara Flynn Boyle was also in an episode of the terrible Sable tv series based on Mike Grell´s great independent comic.

Speaking about comics, I thought that I had Kelly Le Brock´s 57th birthday covered since I already mentioned a few times that she is best known for The Woman In Red - which is a remake by the way and not as good as the original version - and Weird Science which is based on the old EC comic series even if it is only in name. She also was in Hard To Kill which was from the phase where you could still watch Steven Seagal movies and I posted an animated GIF of The Sorcerer´s Apprentice. Or so I thought because I could find no trace of this on the blog. So either I had the weirdest kind of deja vu or this all happened in a parallel universe. 

I also thought I had a video for this but then it turned out to be a video of Kelly Brook who also is pretty busty but apparently somebody completely different. So since I am not sure if I have written about this before I want to point out that the reason why I don´t think the movie Weird Science is based on an actual story in the comic of the same name is that in those stories people who get the perfect woman - there are several that go in that direction - never have tried to use her to score with another woman.

I mean, why go through all the trouble of creating a perfect woman in the first place when you are then trying to get it on with another woman ? If that is what you want then you have to come up with a plan to woo that woman from the start and not put so much time and effort into making a perfect woman that you are just going to ignore except in ways that help you win this other woman. Who is not the perfect woman by any means.

What I do kind of get is that the whole thing with trying to score with the other girls is initially started by the woman those two guys create because she sees where the train is heading and she has no desire to become their blow up doll. So she sets them on another path to keep them occupied ( also they probably didn´t measure up ) and because she gets hornier than an alley cat in heat she does it with the whole sports class or whatever the scene where she appears as the new coach is supposed to mean.

Anyways, I picked the cover below because the woman does look a bit like Kelly LeBrock and the two guys could be the two hapless science nerds.

As always when old EC comics are involved I did not find what I was looking for but here are some links to other horror stories. PAPPY`S GOLDEN AGE COMICS BLOGZINE delivers two stories, While The Cat´s Away from The Vault Of Horror 34 and Kaleidoscope from Incredible Science Fiction 33, THE CRYPT CAST offers Lower Berth from Tales From The Crypt 33, iO9 has quite possibly the most ridiculous story you will ever read ( at least according to Cyrlaque Lamar ) Only Skin Deep from Tales From The Crypt 38 and FRIGHT COMICS USA whips up Pearly To Dead from Tales From The Crypt 40. Finally, even if it´s not an EC comic I want to include The Corpse That Lived from Forbidden Worlds 33 from THE HORRORS OF IT ALL.

Burkhard Ihme, the man, the myth, the legend turns 63 and what hasn´t he done ? Musician, comic artist, self publishing editor he has done it all.

He has a place in german comic history as one of the founding members of not only the biannual International Comic Salon in Erlangen ( which is Germany´s most important comic convention ) but also of the ICOM , the Interest group Comic, Cartoon and Illustration which is the most important association in Germany for comic people from normal fans to professional. The ICOM is a place where all kind of comic afficionados can interact and it provides not only the ICOM Yearbook full with articles about everything important that has happened that year ( which is also done by Burkhard ) but also a handbook to facilitate the contact between members but also a guide with everything you need to know about page rates, contracts and copyright laws. Did I mention that he´s also the president of the ICOM since 1995 ? But that´s not enough. He is also a founding member of the Society for Comic Book Scholarship and for my german readers there is an article on the Society for Comic Book Scholarship website about The Unreliable Narrator which analyzes the things that happen in the gutters, the space between the panels. Since I couldn´t find a video with him here is a short report from the International Comic Salon in Erlangen in 2016.

Well, there is a video of Burkhard playing the guitar but I had to skip that so I can add a video of a music legend, the great Peret. Here is The Ballad Of The Bouncer or how the original title goes The Party Is Not For Uglies.

From a music legend we come to a silver screen legend : Yesterday we had Akira Kurosawa´s anniversary Today it´s Steve McQueen´s turn who was one of the stars of the John Sturges western The Magnificient Seven, the best known re - make of Kurosawa´s cult classic The Seven Samurai.

This movie in turn has inspired other things in pop culture like the approach Bruce Timm took to the brilliant Justice League cartoon.

While Steve McQueen is not the main hero of the movie ( that was Yul Brynner ) he very quickly becomes the center of attention because of his charismatic persona and engaging performance which earns him not only a place on Andreina Matos list of Los 7 actores más representativos del western at VIX but also two entries on Emily Kelley´s 10 Movies My Dad Introduced Me To Growing Up That I´m Still Completely Obsessed With To This Day on BUSTLE , the second one being The Great Escape from 1963.

And speaking of ensemble casts I want to finish with the Super 6 cartoon which most of the younger readers have probably never seen before.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Doing good for selfish reasons doesn´t make you good, it just makes you good at being selfish.

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