Monday, March 20, 2017

It´s that feeling of DEJA VUE things again !

Like promised - or threatened depending on if you like these posts or not - here is a selection of all the different interpretations of the poster from John Carpenter´s classic horror / sci fi movie THE THING with Kurt Russell.

I hoped to do this earlier but the fun block of my last post evolved into a real marathon writing session so I only finished with it Yesterday. Then the devastating news of Bernie Wrightson´s death hit. I thought about doing a special post for that but it´s still too early and I really don´t know what to say to that. Since Bernie worked mostly on DC titles I didn´t want to put it up directly after THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD 4 and frankly speaking with four DC posts already lined up - GREEN LANTERN issue 96, GREEN ARROW issue 130 and then FLASH issue 135 I don not know if I can keep to my schedule. Dong one post every day is grueling and I still have to catch up on two days of sleep as it is. Even I´m only human. In any case, I´ll try to finish this post quickly so maybe I can do the GREEN LANTERN post Today.

As for the different versions of John Carpenter´s THE THING, I found a lot of them on DevianArt and you can see who made them from the name. Unless they didn´t give the picture a specific name in which case I´m sorry. I can´t include all the links for all the pictures - especially since I´m not sure where I found some of them - but if one of your pictures is included here and you want me to put up a link for you e - mail me or contact me via the comments. I have tried to make the selection as diverse as possible so if your picture is not in here it doesn´t mean it´s not good enough but rather that somebody else did a similar version.

Well, doing the birthday section has taken longer than expected so I won´t bother with going through my bookmarks a third time to look for any links that might fit Today´s topic ( and I doubt that I would find any if I did ) so let´s get right to the part you all are really waiting for : the bonus round with lots of comic stuff, pop culture trivia and a plethora of busty babes. And we start with a comic related birthday although the real year of birth of David Hine, one of the deranged masterminds behind The Bulletproof Coffin and The Bulletproof Coffin : Disinterred is unknown.

Maybe he IS really just a figment of our collective imagination and there is on real David Hine. Be that as it may what IS most definitely real are the Bulletproof Coffin comic books which longtime readers of this blog may remember me pimping as the best comic you are not reading and also the best new version of WATCHMEN without trying to be the new version of WATCHMEN. High praise indeed but I am not kidding you it´s all deserved.

I discovered this comic thanks to Terry Hooper´s fantastic blog COMIC BITS ONLINE ( which you all should follow religiously as long as it lasts ) and if I should describe it to somebody in a short sentence I would probably say it is Alan Moore and Grant Morrison going on a peyote induced trip after drinking too much tequila drawn by Jack Kirby meets Geoff Darrow with every pop culture thing you love thrown in from dinosaurs to zombies.

I know that a lot of people are put off by the art reminiscent of old pulp comics but let me tell you it does not only grow on you from issue to issue but while you read you suddenly understand why it couldn´t possibly be drawn in any other art style. This comic has my highest recommendation and if you don´t enjoy the heck out of this comic you are probably not a genuine pop culture geek and only picked up a comic because it´s trendy.

And it´s okay if you don´t believe me, but before you say " Hogwash ! " and turn your attention to other things maybe you would rather put your trust in Nevs Coleman on FILTHY ORPHAN or P. M. Buchan at STARBURST who has everything you need to know about The Bulletproof Coffin new and old in one place. JOSHUA MALBIN has a short review of the first issue of The Bullteproof Coffin with some preview pages and if you are not afraid of spoilers got to David Brothers post on COMICS ALLIANCE for the complete first issue plus some preview pages from issue 5 ( he also has a post on the special cut - up technique used in The Bulletproof Coffin : Disinterred issue 5 ) or you can read COMICS RECOMMENDED´s spoiler filled review of the first series and THE OUTHOUSERS has some preview pages from the first issue of The Bulletproof Coffin : Disinterred book.

Now the first celebrity birthday where I know the year of birth is Christy Carlson Romano who turns 33 and if that name does not sound familiar her voice probably would since she voiced Kim Possible. For some reason my brother gave me season one and season two as a Christmas present but halfway through the first season I got distracted with something else and at the moment I´m just too lazy to go through all the episodes again to find out which ones I have seen and which ones I have not. And there´s so much other stuff on my to watch list that it´s not even funny. I´m also torn in which language I should watch it since usually I just stick with the original but it doesn´t have such funny creations like Bittedankeschön !

And speaking about different languages, since everybody is familiar with the original Kim Possible theme song by Christina Milian - and I´m saving that one up for her birthday post - here is the french version by Priscilla.

Maybe it´s just me but I think Disney forfeit a great opportunity to make money when they squandered the possibility to make a real live action Kim Possible movie with Lindsay Lohan when she was at her prime.

Speaking about women who kick butt, Freema Agyeman celebrates her 38th birthday who played Martha Jones on Doctor Who, just the best companion ever and not only because she was absolutely hot. She was seriously underused and had a difficult time with fans because she came right on the heels of Rose. I don´t know if I found the GIF below at THE WHONIVERSE tumblr but you can sure find more Martha Jones GIFs there.

And if you need further proof that Martha Jones was on the mind of all male Whovians : she was the first companion to be featured in episode one of the Doctor Who porn version. You know that you have arrived in entertainment mainstream when they make a porn version about you.

Now since I wanted to post a Doctor Who video with Freema Agyeman I thought I had to look for one but then I remembered that Brianna from FandomReactions is currently binge watching the series before the new season starts and her latest reaction video is Martha Jones´ first episode.

I have to admit I have become addicted to reaction videos especially with the CW series. Since I can´t watch those with anybody in my family it´s my way to re - watch the episodes and see other people´s reaction. Which is especially interesting with something where you have already seen all the episodes and you know what is coming like with Doctor Who. Anyway, I don´t think I have mentioned the girls from FandomReactions before and I have them to thank for the Justice League fan film I posted because I´m not always up to date on anything involving social media.

Janine Kunze turns 43 who is best known as Carmen Krause from Tom Gerhardt´s brilliant comedy series Hausmeister Krause - Ordnung muß sein. The blonde knockout showed her curves in Knocking On Heaven´s Door and a guest appearance on Die Rote Meile and if you happen to own a copy of the September issue of the german edition of the PLAYBOY of 2002 you might want to keep it safe since she won´t do another nude photoshoot. Not so much for her hubby but more because her daughter is slowly getting to the age where the male classmates get interested in sex and having them drool over nude pictures of her Mom would probably lead down to some therapy sessions down the line. Although I´m not sure how effective that is going to be since you can find anything on the internet.

Janine is a frequent guest on various shows but I picked a video from Extreme Activity because it has the highest babe ratio. As you might have guessed from the preview picture german Busenwunder Verone Pooth is the real eye catcher which explains why she was on the show so many times. So far I have not gotten around to make a post on Verona but maybe I can do it this year. The only problem is that I still haven´t found the video with her wardrobe malfunction on Stefan Raab´s Tv Total.

I had three videos with Verona Pooth and Janine Kunze on Extreme Activity but I´m saving the other for the third person´s next birthday.

Now our next candidate put me in a dilemma because Bernhard Hoecker, who celebrates his 47th birthday, is a frequent guest on Genial Daneben - as are Janine Kunze and Verona Pooth. So far I haven´t found a video with all three of them - which would have made things easier considerably - and since I don´t want to have two videos with Verona Pooth in a row unless it is her solo post here is a clip from Switch Reloaded ! to diversify things.

Naturally I could not choose anything else than their version of Tatjana Ohm, the Jessica Rabbit of news tv very aptly played by Martina Hill.

Of course since then life has not only imitated art ( which in turn imitated life ) but turned it upside down completely with mega busty albanian sexbomb Enki Barcaj, the breast braless news reader in the whole world.

By the way, while I am trying to put all videos of Enki Bracaj on the blog as quickly as possible I am not going to make a new GIF for every new video. Making them is very time consuming so unless somebody else out there wants to jump into the breach ( I swear, so far I have found no GIFs of Enki ) I´m just going to re - use the same one over and over again.

We are slowly coming to the end of this post as controversial film director Spike Lee turns 60 who is known for making social issues the focal point of his movies and giving Rosie Perez her breakthrough in Do The Right Thing.

Before doing the right thing latin sexbomb Rosie was doing the dance thing on the show Soul Train which is where Spike Lee discovered her.

From Oscar winning director Spike Lee we come to Oscar winning actor who celebrates his 67th anniversary. I can´t list his complete list of films but he has been in comic book movie adaptions like A History Of Violence and the Hulk movies where he was General Thaddeus " Thunderball " Ross.

Now the question on everyone´s mind is if William Hurt will become the Red Hulk in the next Avengers movie since the Ross in the comics went down that road. I´m not so sure about that happening since Disney has made Ross the Secretary Of State in the last movie which is something that has not happened in the comics. I sure would hope they would finally give an actor of William Hurt´s pedigree more to do in the movie universe.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

The secret to doing anything is believing you can do it.


  1. 'Deja Vue'? Is that the same thing as 'Deja Vu' then? (Hee hee.)

  2. Well, I made that mistake in my first post of this series and I´m just too lazy to go back and correct them all. Once I mess up I go through with it to the end. Also, I think it looks better ( I always thought it was spelled Deja Vue ) and that way at least my blog stands out. So like Bob Ross used to say : we don´t make mistakes we only have happy accidents;-)
