Saturday, April 15, 2017

Re - posted porn queen Sarah Louise Young

Like I promised in the Sarah Louise Young solo post in my CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE MOVIE series here is the re - post of her birthday post which will return each year. At least until I can do a proper post on page 3 girl Samantha Fox who shares the same birthday - what a dilemma. When I have finished a post on the british sexbomb I can re - post both posts alternating or one on the actual birthday and the other before or after it.

Sarah Louise Young was born on April 15th 1971 in Sidcup, in the London Borough of Bexley, Southeast London, and raised in Hampshire, southern England, with a younger brother. Her mother was a seamstress and her father a structural engineer which account for Sarah´s solid structures.

Sarah went to an ordinary school, an A - student with the ambition of becoming a dentist. She was very shy and withdrawn and was scared of cameras that being the main reason why she would never let anyone take pictures of her when she was younger. Sarah was 10 when her breasts began to develop and, at school, was at first teased mercilessly about it.

This caused her to become embarrassed about her body and she took to wearing big sweaters and loose clothing to hide her rapidly developing sexdoll figure. At the age of 11 she was mentally way ahead of her class and her breasts began to draw the unwanted attention of male students.

She had to ask to be exempted from gym class because the boys always were reaching under her shirts which were too short to contain her tits and when she partook in strenuous physical activities where her big boobs naturally were bouncing up and down like crazy the boys were distracted so much that quite a few injured themselves. Especially swim class was a disaster since Sarah was almost sexually assaulted in the shower by the entire male part of her class after they saw her boobs all wet in a bikini.

After that all the horny guys from her class ganged up on her every day during recess and shoved her into a secluded part of the school yard to take turns openly fondling her big breasts until the school bell rang again.

While her friends were interested in pop groups, she was more interested in men and soon she discovered what effect her huge torpedoes had on them. It was while she was on a family holiday in Yugoslavia that she had her first sexual experience at the age of 13 with a 22 year old local boy and the fact he was willing to risk a jail sentence for having sex with an underage girl tells you what a booming hardbody she must have had.

While the boy surely must have had the sexual experience of a lifetime deflorating the teenage Sarah it didn´t impress her much. It wasn’t until about a year later that Sarah Young became truly sexually active with the realization that she especially enjoyed having sex ( preferably with a stranger ) in public places : the prospect of being caught simply adding to the excitement; and Sarah Young was caught on numerous occasions.

On one such, two police officers who were returning from patrol found her having sex in front of the police station but instead of reporting it they hid and enjoyed the show, taping the whole thing with a camera. After Sarah had finished the police officers came out of hiding and - with a huge grin on their faces - let her off with a warning. During another run in with the police an officer caught her driving under the influence but Sarah convinced him to let her off easy in exchange for a three hour long full cavity search, a double breast dick massage and a deepthroat blowjob.

On another occasion, the ticket collector of the train she was traveling on interrupted her and her partner having sex in one of the compartments. But after seeing Sarah Young´s titanic tits he just checked their tickets ( he hid in the next compartment and watched the rest of the show ) .

By the age of 15 Sarah had, by her own admission, after a succession of boyfriends and one - night stands, become the school nymphomaniac. You know, men often use the term nympho but when a girl admits it it´s not a little, she´s a full on sexually - assaults - men - in - public sex nympho.

In January 1986 she met a man at a bus stop who suggested going to a photo studio to take some trial pictures for the famous page 3 of the Sun.

She was surprised because she found herself very unattractive. But Sarah thought that although this would never work, as the camera would only enhance her ugliness, it would be the ideal opportunity to overcome her dislike of cameras. After a talk with her mother to obtain her permission, the photo shoot took place in February 1986. The positive response to the pictures was enormous and from there on her work took off and she was invited to join a modeling agency, and for the first time Sarah began to realize that most men considered her to be beautiful. She admits that she is very shy, but when she's in front of a camera that disappears and she becomes a completely different person loosing all her inhibitions.

Reaching the age of 18 Sarah faced the next challenge. A friend phoned her and told her about a photo shoot taking place for PRIVATE magazine in the Costa de Sol. Sarah was in two minds whether to go because on the one hand the reports in England were all very negative about the porn industry, but on the other the friend was one of the best men's magazine models at the time and she could only tell of how well she was treated.

Sarah is very inquisitive by nature and could not resist to go and she soon came to the conclusion that all of the negative reports and comments about porn had no truth in them at all. She decided to pose for more photos with famous photographer Claus Alvin Vogel from Hamburg. Even at this stage, nobody in narrowminded England thought Sarah Louise Young would become the most accepted export in the erotic business.

In March 1989 her agent visited hardcore tycoon Hans Moser alias Sascha Alexander in Hanover at VTO. Hans had been married to Teresa Orlowski since 1982, whom he had made more famously known as ' Foxy Lady '.

Sarah's agent came to Hans Moser to make some bookings for his models. When he showed Hans the pictures of his girls he replied that there was nothing of his interest except this girl he said, " What's her name ? "

" Sarah Louise Young. " Hans took another look at the picture and he booked the girl for the next VTO production. Hans had immediately spotted the possibilities of this girl just as he had done in 1981 when he had plucked the photo's of Teresa Orlowski from another agent. For four years he had been looking for another ' Foxy Lady ', and had seen hundreds of pictures of girls until he discovered Sarah Louise Young.

However a few days later the production assistant Claudia informed Hans Moser that the appointment with Sarah had been cancelled due to illness.

Hans was very disappointed, finally he had discovered the new ' Foxy Lady ' and the appointment was called off. By this time Hans´ relationship with Teresa was going down hill rapidly and at the end of August 1989 Teresa took both his business and money from him. For 3 weeks Hans wanted to destroy everything around him, however luckily his brother Siegfried was there to stop him. But then Hans recalled Sarah and phoned her agent in London telling him that Sarah had to come to Germany so as he could make her into Europe's latest porn star. However Sarah's agent declined, as he wrongly believed that Sarah would not want to leave England.

Hans was devastated. However all was not lost. Two weeks later Sarah's agent called Hans in Hanover and told him that he had met Sarah at a photo shoot, "Imagine, I told Sarah about you and how I refused your offer and do you know what she said?" "Are you crazy, of course I'll go."

At the time Sarah had never even heard of Hans Moser, but Bill was quick to tell her of his reputation and showed her a couple of Hans' magazine's. Sarah was very impressed with the style and quality, but at the time she was becoming very tired of modeling, as she felt she was becoming brain dead for lack of its use and she needed more of a challenge. Her agent was reluctant to let Sarah go because she had just turned 18, meaning there would be a lot of new markets open to her with age restrictions such as America, France and Asia. So Sarah asked that if she took the job would she have the opportunity to work behind the cameras as well and Hans' reply was " Of course I'll expect you to ! " And so in September 1989 Sarah flew to Germany and met Hans Moser, one of the most influential Porn producers in Europe, who at the time was at his lowest ebb going through the most difficult, bitter and trying divorce with Teresa Orlowski.

However Hans was quick to notice that Sarah no longer looked exactly the same as she had lost a lot of weight after her illness, which had resulted in a fair reduction of her breasts. So Sarah was quickly rushed to surgery for a cosmetic correction to enhance her breasts to their natural size and beauty. The result was overwhelming. Her wonderful figure, the magical glow in here eyes and her natural charms were able to melt every man's heart and to burn every fuse just by seeing her. A new star was born.

After recognizing Sarah's talents Hans decided once again to make her a star in both the business and in his life and on January the 13th 1991 Las Vegas was once again the venue where Hans Moser celebrated his third marriage. The world of pornographic productions were laying at her feet.

She co - stared with the best known actors of the scene, won many important prizes for her outstanding performances and was highly honored with a cultural prize in Spain, for her last big film ' Hamlet '.

Meanwhile her beauty can be seen on over 150 video covers.

Executive producer, writer, director, yes, Sarah achieved everything in the business, but as time passed by she felt more attached to the comfort of her home and her dreams of a family. She wore comfortable clothes, read many books, many of them cooking books and indulged her guests with her cooking talent. Exactly these qualities allowed Sarah to be so creative and always discover new things. As very creative in graphics, she used her fantasy symbolically and proved to be commercially competent.

But the business was changing. Price wars began to make big budget productions practically impossible and the market became flooded with low budget and private productions. And the opening of the eastern block made the whole situation even worse. Actresses / actors from the east swamped the market for lower fees and the situation became intolerable for Sarah who being far too sensitive for the business could not stand to work with people who hated the work but only done it for the money and who had absolutely no respect or compassion for either themselves, each other or the business. This all lead Sarah to decide it was time to quit performing in front of the camera and so she began working on a new future, without her husband Hans Moser, from who she is now divorced.

Yep, she was a big star over here in Germany when I was old enough to rent porn videos. That shows you what an old geezer ( and old pervert ) I am. Also, she was the first one who made porn videos for a price that horny teenagers like me could afford. I mean, new tapes. Because back in those days you could buy used porn videos at the video store but those were watched hundreds of times and only seconds away from combustion.

Not only was Sarah Louise Young the first porn actress to agree a fee of $1,000,000 for a single film, in 1992 she also opened her first sex shop in Hanover, named Sarah Young Erotic Markt, and there would eventually be eleven such shops located in various German cities. I think there might have been one in Stuttgart but with all the movies she starred in and the ones she produced Sarah Young was very present in german video stores and sex shops around the time I was old enough to watch her movies. By the time she lived in Spain she also had one of the first adult magazines that were sold together with a videotape. Which in Spain were sold at newsstands next to comics or newspapers. Yes, some countries do not hide their porn under the table like it´s something to be ashamed of.

Even if Sarah is from England she got the greek look down to pat with the curly hair and even the nose. I know because when I was in middle school there was a greek girl I liked in our class who had a well developed body for her age. And we had a very busty form mistress I had the hots for.

This reminds me of a joke I heard in school and which I thought I already posted in one of my many Sarah Young re - posts but I could not find it.

A school class is going to a country hostel for two weeks ( which every class in Germany does at least once ) and one of the teachers - let´s call her Uschi Lutschia Schwengelhart -  is a very young and attractive woman.

Before they go, Fritz ( this is a german joke after all ) one of her pupils confides in her that he is scared of thunderstorms and when there is one at home his mother lets him sleep in her bed and put his pinkie in her belly button. He asks the teacher if he can sleep in her bed if there is a thunderstorm so the others won´t make fun of him and at first she is against it but after some convincing she agrees. So the class goes on the trip and the first few days everything is fine but on the fourth night there is a thunderstorm. Fritz is really frightened so Uschi lets her slip into her bed. He puts his pinkie in her belly button and sleeps after a few minutes.

After three days there is a second thunderstorm so when everybody is in bed Fritz slips once again into Miss Schwengelhart´s bed and puts his pinkie in her belly button. Uschi is relieved that their stay in the country hostel will be soon over without any trouble but two nights before they leave there is another tunderstorm. It´s much bigger than the two before and even knocks out all the lights so she can´t see but after a while she feels somebody slipping into her bed. The next morning there is a lot of whispering because all night long the students could her a lot of groaning and moaning coming out of Uschi´s bedroom followed by loud screaming.

Uschi tells them that she only had a vivid nightmare but on the daily excursion she can barely walk and after a few minutes she goes back to the hostel as she is too exhausted since she didn´t get any sleep at all.

Uschi asks Fritz to accompany her and when they are alone she tells him that he can´t sleep in her bed anymore. When Fritz asks why she tells him that he is old enough to sleep alone, if anybody finds out she will loose her job but most important of all it was not her belly button he pounded and drilled with his pinkie all night long. To which Fritz replies it´s okay since it wasn´t really his pinkie either. I know, it´s a really strange joke.

Back to Sarah Louise Young there were rumors she planned on becoming a lawyer but nothing was confirmed. She made a lot of her movies in Spain because they were so hot she had to shoot them outside of England.

As far as her movies go the list would be too long to include here and you can find it on the internet but THE YOUNG ONE is the best of the best.

Sarah Louise Young is one of my all time favorite pornstars and with all the porn movies she made that were adaptions of famous stories like HAMLET, DECAMERON and NIKITA it´s kind of strange that she never did a porn version of Wonder Woman when she looks like her spitting image.

That would have been the best comic related porn parody of all times.

So this was this year´s Sarah Louise Young birthday post and I initially started this because I wanted to write down some of the stuff about Samantha Fox that has been going through my head since the last time I mentioned her in this year´s Sabrina Salerno post but now doing this updated version has taken me too long. I really tried to do a solo post for Samantha Fox this year but on top of all the troubles blogger has cut off some of the pictures I uploaded so if I want to finish the post I have to start from scratch. Ah, the things I would have done to Sam if I got my hands on her when I was at my prime. It would have been sooo epic !

Nevertheless I wanted to at least include a live performance by the buxom british 36D bombshell but - like I always say - Sam Fox never lived up to her full potential as a living blow up sex doll, so it was extremely difficult to find one where you can see even a small part of her perfect pornstar body.

And with that we are already right in the middle of the entertainment section which continues with actress Emma Watson who turns 27.

I have to admit that I have not seen Emma in anything else than the Harry Potter movies and after writing the blog for over ten years now I finally get to post something related to that franchise. Unless you count the Harry Potter SNL spoof with Lindsay Lohan, when she had real boobs .

I also haven´t seen the new Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them but from what I heard that´s from the prehistory of the Potterverse anyway.

Coming from fantastic beasts to fantastic breasts, lovely, busty and shapely blonde stunner Lynne Austin celebrates her 56th birthday. Lynne was a cheerleader in high school in Tampa, Florida which was the first step in her training as an upcoming playmate. Besides that she also earned a place in pop culture history when she became the first ever Hooters girl.

Following graduation from high school she worked at several jobs that she was inevitably fired from. Lynne won the Miss Hawaiian Tropic contest in Tampa in 1983 which she entered because of the insistence of her mother ( thanks, Mom ). In 1985 she was discovered by Hooters co - owner Ed Droste after she won the Jose Cuervo Bathing Beauty pageant thanks to her 35C - 24 - 35 measurements. Lynne became an official spokeswoman for Hooters; she appeared in TV commercials and on billboards for them.

She was discovered by PLAYBOY magazine as a director result of the Hooters ad campaign and was chosen to be the Playmate of the Month for July 1986 issue. Moreover, Lynne was named the Playmate of the Year in the Dutch edition of PLAYBOY in 1987. She has also appeared in a handful of PLAYBOY videos and posed for numerous newsstand special editions.

Austin was in a few PLAYBOY videos and made guest appearances on two episodes of the populat sitcom Married with Children. In addition, Lynne has established herself as a radio personality in the Tampa - St. Petersburg area, where she continues to serve as a daily host on the Sportschix radio program on 1010 Sports AM. In 2008 she was among the Top Hooters Girls of All - Time as part of the restaurant chain's twentyfifth anniversary.

If somebody has earned the title of cult siren it´s italian screen legend Claudia Cardinale who turns 79 since she has been in a lot of classics like Once Upon A Time In The West or The Pink Panther with Peter Sellers.

Now I have been waiting to post this a long time since I stumbled upon it. The movie is called Frenchie King in America, Petroleum Miezen ( petrol kittens ) in Germany, has a whole litany of titles and was a italian - french - spanish - british co - production. The leads are Claudia Cardinale and Brigitte Bardot and the western comedy tried to ride Viva Maria ! ´s success in which Brigitte Bardot had been paired with Jeanne Moreau.

If you are one of these readers that don´t like the babe content on the blog and so just skip over this section the following part is for you since it´s all comics from now on. The first candidate in our Dearly Departed section is Tom Sutton and like Lynne Austin he has assured himself a place in pop culture history. Because he was not only a prolific artist at Warren Publishing´s Creepy and Eerie but the first artist to ever draw Vampirella.

If that would have been his only claim to fame it would also have sufficed but his work has appeared in every comic company and if like me you are a fan of horror comics like the german Geister - Schocker or Gänsehaut or if you read the old Bronze Age Marvel stuff you will see him pop up in the credits for a lot of titles like Ghost Rider, Werewolf by Night, Man - Thing, Planet Of The Apes, Godzilla, Star - Lord and Doctor Strange to name just a few. At DC he drew the original I Vampire serial and a lot of their Star Trek comics, at First Comics he drew Grimjack and he has done a ton of work for Charlton Comics. If you have read this post before you might wonder where all the stuff about Tom Sutton disappeared to but have no fear, I have decided to give him his own post. He certainly deserves it.

We cannot end this without a Sarah Young clip and while the few that are available on YouTube are way too short here is one where she takes her clothes off which shows why she was the greatest 80s porn superstar.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Es ist ein Brauch von Alter´s her, wer Sorgen hat hat auch Likör.


  1. emma has real boobs. And she is sexier than drug addict lindsey

  2. Yes, Emma definitely has the upper hand there not only where breasts are concerned but also career wise ( although I haven´t seen the new version of beauty and the beast ). I´m not up to date on Lindsay´s drug addiction but she has pretty much ruined her career and her boobs. Let´s hope Emma can avoid some of her mistakes.

  3. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Sarah suffered major trauma when she was molested as a child at school and then raped at 13. Led her down the wrong path to porn. But who cares, right?

  4. Okay, at first I wanted to just delete this comment but no, let's adress this.

    First off I don't know where you got your information - it sure doesn't coindicence with anything I could find on the internet and believe me I have looked - that Sarah suffered major trauma when she was molested at school because of her huge melons.

    But IF you have even bothered to read my post you may have noticed that I indeed mention that as early as at the tender age of 10 years old Sarah began to develop big breasts and was at first teased by all the other girls. That quickly turned into envy when she began to draw the unwanted attention of not only all her male classmates but all the men on campus.

    Was Sarah molested at school ? Yes.

    Was it traumatic ? Probably. I can't imagine being groped and fondled by several classmates on a daily basis as a pleaseant experience for a 11 year old girl.

    But major trauma ?

    It is always difficult to write about these incidents when you were not there so all I can do in these cases is rely on the first case accounts of the people who were involved. And I'm sorry, but I could not find any interview or biography by Sarah herself where she mentioned suffering major trauma because of being molested at school.

    Again, I'm not saying it did not happen ( and if you had checked out any of my more extensive posts about Sarah Louise Young you can find a longer account how one of her teachers used her as his personal blow up sex doll during a two week country hostel school trip ) but I could not find a single source that described it as major trauma.

    As for the rape, are we talking actual rape or legal rape ? And before you come at me with the torches and pitchforks, the difference here is somebody actually forcing himself upon an underage girl in contrast to a girl and a man having consentuous sexual intercourse BUT which is per lawful definition rape because she is underage and he is an adult.

    Some may call what happened to Sarah at 13 rape but it's also not explained very explicitly in her own accounts. In fact there is not that much detail about Sarah's life before the age of 15 - which is when she started to work as a model. So the most I could find is that her first sexual experience was with a local boy who was 22 and that he definitely got more iut of it than her.

    Sarah didn't get interested in sex until a year later but she made up for that in spades as - by her own account - the school nymphomaniac. Not the class nymphomaniac but the school nymphomaniac.

    And last but not least, what do you mean wrong path to porn ? Do you mean that doing porn is a wrong path in and on itself, no matter how you get there ? Or is there a right path to porn ?

    At the end of the day I think it's just a job as any other. I mean, I don't know if Sarah Louise Young ever finished her law degree but she retired from the biz. Also Jenna Presley who was a major porn super star retired and is now a preacher.

  5. Anonymous9:13 PM

    With al due respect, what’s she doing?

  6. Anonymous9:15 PM

    U narrated her whole life, but not wtf she is up to?

  7. Well, like I wrote, there were websites who claimed that she planned becoming a lawyer and the last information I could find is that she went to the United States to study law. Apart from that I could not find any info if she is still studying, if she got her degree or if she changed her plans what they are or where she is now.
