Tuesday, June 13, 2017

George Perez Titans of Tomorrow Tuesday

Since I find myself with some free time on my hands I thought it´s about time to post the next part of Mark Waid´s and George Perez brilliant run on THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD, especially since I missed his 63rd birthday.

Which is not the only birthday I missed recently so because I really try to keep the entertainment section short here is the list of birthdays since our last post I already covered last year or the year before for those who haven´t already read them or those that want to go back and read them again : Harlan Ellison , Latoya Jackson , Gilbert Shelton , Wendy Pini , Larry Hama , C. C. Beck , Akira Lane , Ivan Reis , Len Wein and last Ava Cadell .

Speaking about old posts, since it has been almost three months since I posted issue 4 of this series here are the links for issue 1 , issue 2 , and issue 3 for those who want to refresh their memory or who have joined us late. And - like always - back to our story in progress we join Batman as he meets the Legion of Super - Heroes again for the first time. By the way, yes, Brainiac 5 is a genius but very stupid at the same time. His attitude towards Batman reminds me of the younger generation who thinks they are smarter just because their phones are. Well, guess what, the earth kept spinning before you were born and we did it all with binary code.

Well, I guess everybody dies in the next issue - or do they ? To find out you´ll have to tune in for the next installment ( which hopefully will be up in 30 days ) or if you can´t wait get the trade - better the hardcover - of the first storyline from THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD : THE LORDS OF LUCK.

Coming to another comic series by George Perez, I finally managed to read SIRENS from BOOM! Studios and longtime readers might recall that I wrote a Yaya Han update post where I thought George had based the likeness of the character Skywire on Yaya but I was wrong. So when I was finished reading I thought it might be one of two characters. The first one was Kage because of her asian background but she was based on Akira Lane .

And I can´t fault George´s excellent taste here since I myself casted her as the post - Crisis Doctor Light Kimyo Hoshi in the special SUBZERO edition of my Casting the Justice League of America movie series.

I mean, which potent male on the face of the earth could ever resist her incredibly round bubblebutt ? I do not want to sound racist but there seems to be some mysterious correlation between asian girls and sexy, perfectly shaped buttocks. It may be the genes or just magic but like the song says - her butt makes me so horny. I am not an authority regarding if they have the best butts in the world but just the thought of some g - string clad hasian sexbomb makes your manhood swell up as hard as a rock.

Then there´s Highness who was based on cosplayer Margie Vizcarra Cox whom I didn´t know but she has done some wicked cosplays like She Hulk.

Yep, I went back and none of the Sirens are based on Yaya. I guess I was hoping George had based Highness on Yaya because in the first issue we learn that apparently she was a fierce warrior but then she was captured, her will was broken and after being thoroughly tamed and trained she was sold as a sex slave. At the point of the story we meet her it is actually implied that she has been used and abused as a blow up sex doll for years.

I guess I just thought about the possibility of seeing Yaya Han in the nude / partially undressed or at least the next best thing in this plane of reality.

But coming back to SIRENS after finishing it I have to say that I was a bit disappointed. And not only because of the nudity thing. For years I have said that no matter what George Perez puts out I will probably buy it even if it´s not inked and George does the whole comic with markers. Well. as the old saying goes be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. This comic really looks like it was done completely with markers - even the coloring - and I didn´t like it. It just doesn´t look right to me.

Another thing that didn´t really gel with me was the story. Now I know that this was meant to set up the whole Sirens universe, introduce the characters and give the readers an entertaining story as well. Which it did.

But for my taste it was like the DAREDEVIL movie with Ben Affleck - too much, too quick. While I did find the individual characters intruiging I was more interested in seeing them having solo adventures in their actual environment and less in what was going on with the main story. For my money I would have liked it more if the story would have been told more from the point of view of the individual Sirens in their respective time period. Not from the main station with so much unnecessary technological babble. Do we really have to say something like " slip slide vanish top side " instead of " teleport to planet surface " just to sound cool ? I would have liked it more if the story had focused on just one Siren in each issue - we did have six issues - and then bring all of them together in the final issue.

Back to the nudity thing, while I did not really expect George Perez to go full frontal I did hope for a bit more than you get in the regular titles by the big two. I mean what´s the point of going to a publisher that gives you creative freedom if you´re not going to use it ? Heck, we got more nude skin in SACHS AND VIOLENS and that was published by Marvel´s Epic.

And while I don´t say that this is the direction George Perez should have gone in SIRENS it would have been nice to see a bit more pin ups or splashes with them. It´s not like George can´t pull it off if he wants.

What is it with comic artists nowadays that they loose the ability to draw hot women as soon as they start to publish their creator owned work ?

First we have Terry Dodson with RED SKIN where I was totally excited that he didn´t have to adhere to the restrictions american audiences impose and could totally cut free in a french album format. But not only did he not use the bigger format but it also seems that he has never seen a wet t - shirt in real live. I don´t say that EVERY comic book must have a wet t - shirt scene BUT if you put a wet t - shirt in the story you have to draw that. Otherwise don´t put it in the story. There are other ways to tell the reader how hot the main character is. What´s the problem here ? I don´t understand. In CORALINE ( not the Neil Gaiman story ) he had no problem drawing nudity and now he fails drawing a wet t - shirt ? And not once but twice. Sorry, but there´s only one reason to write a wet t - shirt scene.

There´s also only one reason for buying a comic illustrated by Frank Cho - which he seems to have forgotten. As he seems to have forgotten all the problems he had with censorship when he was doing LIBERTY MEADOWS. Or that Marvel censored his naked boobs on SHANNA. All these years he has nothing but problems because he draws She Hulk too sexy, because he puts too much booty on Wonder Woman etc. Now you might think that a guy who constantly has to censor and restrict his work cuts loose when he finally does his own series. And I´m saying finally because SKYBOURNE is only one of ten projects he announced over the years. But what do we get instead of wall to wall babes, boobs and buttocks ? Dragons and old guys. Sorry, but for that I can get any artist out there. And to add insult to injury there are more hot babes in the TOTALLY AWFUL man whore HULK.

And then we have the guys at Disney bringing in famous erotic artist Milo Manara to do some variant covers for certain Marvel comics and then complain that the women he draws are too sexy. Sorry, but that is what the guy does. He´s not exactly known for illustrating children´s books.

Yes, it´s official, feminists and social justice workers have ruined comics.

Which is probably why I don´t read so many new comics and stick to old ones. I thought about doing an extra post about this but I have already written so many times about this that my readers are probably sick and tired. Coming back to George Perez, while I didn´t enjoy SIRENS as much as I hoped I am anxious to find out what his new project is. And for all who missed SACHS AND VIOLENS you can easily find it cheap in dollar bins or there is a new trade that has been released by IDW with a brand new cover by the master himself. And don´t worry, there is not as much t and a as you might expect and George brings his usual level of craftsmanship.

In the next issue of The Brave and the Bold there is the big showdown between the Legion of Super - Heroes plus a handful of guest stars and the Lords of Luck so if you want a bit of background information on those baddies you can read all about their first appearance from Adventure Comics issue 343 ( although in this case it wasn´t the real ones but rather imposters ) on Deejay Dayton´s BABBLINGS ABOUT DC COMICS . For more Legion content STEVE DOES COMICS has posts on Superboy and the Legion of Super - Heroes issue 204 in which Brainiac 5 is even creepier and builds himself a Supergirl sex robot and issue 210 and last but not least THE LEGION OF SUPER BLOGGERS has an extensive Who´s Who entry on Princess Projectra with everything you might ever want to know and then some about the oligarch from Orando throughout her entire DC history.

BIG GLEE ! THE ALBERT BRYAN BIGLEY ARCHIVES presents a George Perez illustration from the 1977 Marvel Memory Album that is an homage to the cover of Avengers issue 8 and staying on the subject of George Perez and the Avengers, Steve Donoghue at STEVEREADS sings the praise of Kurt Busiek´s and George Perez´ brilliant Avengers Assemble ! series. My last link is not related to Today´s topic but it´s a rare find so I want to put it on the blog as soon as possible. CAP´ N´ S COMICS has over 20 original art pages by Wally Wood that include covers for the classic EC Comics as well as contributions to Will Eisner´s The Spirit or Hal Foster´s Prince Valiant.

Our obligatory birthday roll call starts with Kat " Double D " Dennings who turns 31. She is best known for starring in the comedy hit show 2 Broke Girls and the Thor movies where she appeared alongside Stellan Skarsgard who plays Erik Selvig and oddly enough celebrates his 66th birthday Today.

When I did my first posts on Kat she had done her first Thor movie and 2 Broke Girls had just finished its season one. Now that show took off even if she didn´t show off her magnificent 38DDs as often as she could have. I have seen season four but I think they are already on season five or six.

Speaking of tv cult sirens with huge DD boobs, originally I didn´t want to mention Ashley and Mary - Kate Olsen, who also turn 31 but I have to thank them for bringing mega stacked Jodie Sweetin to my attention.

One year ago I had no idea who she was since I had not seen that many episodes of Full House but thanks to all the brouhaha about how she puts the fuller part in Fuller House with her 36DDs and parent groups dissing the reboot because of references to sex and drugs - and because of Jodie Sweetin´s überdeveloped chest which is totally inappropriate for family viewing - I am aware of this. One of these days I have to start watching the episodes if there is really so much inappropriate boobage in them.

We return to the Marvel cinematic universe with another Avengers related birthday as Chris Evans celebrates his 36th birthday. Today he´s best known as Captain America a.k.a. Steve Rogers ( who´s not a Hydra agent ) although he started as the Fantastic Four´s resident teenage hothead Johnny Storm a.k.a. The Human Torch ( not the World War II android of the same name who was a member of the Invaders together with Cap ).

It´s back to blonde sexbombs as Sarah Connor ( the singer of scotch and german descent not the one from the Terminator movies ) turns 37.

The exotic green eyed sex kitten is well versed in french and also fluent in the french language as well as in german, english and spanish. She ranked a fifth place in a survey on with whom german males would cheat on their sex partner after the sexiest Tatort comissioner Simone Thomalla ( who owes her first place to her wet t - shirt ice bucket challenge video and her nude PLAYBOY pictures ), Boobara ... I mean Barbara Schöne Berge ... I mean Schöneberger and her titanic 40DD twin torpedoes, singer / actress / 34C Busenwunder / tv celeb Jeanette Biedermann and Sophia Thomalla ( the 21 year old daughter of Simone Thomalla ) which may have something to do with her performance on Wetten Dass ... ? where she wore a tight and revealing dress and rumors spread she had no panties underneath.

Sarah Connor collaborated with many high profile musicians like Wyclef Jean who wrote, produced and sang in her song " One Nite Stand ( of Wolves and Sheep ) " and with whom she was romantically linked for a time. She then got married to Marc Terenzi with whom she has a son and a daughter and after their divorce she is now in a relationship with Florian Fischer with whom she has another daughter. Bounce is not her biggest hit but I remember staying up late to tape the uncensored version on Mtv.

Today´s comic related birthday is Brett Breeding´s 56th anniversary and he has inked a plethora of comics including the very first american issue of the Avengers that I bought from the newsstand on the bus station at the Rathaus in Ludwigsburg, which introduced me to Monica Rambeau. To this day she´s one of my favorite team members ( which might have to do with the fact that I always pictured her looking like Halle Berry ) even if she fell from favor after Roger Stern wrapped up his writing stint on the book and if I can find the time I will do a special John Romita Jr post with her first appearance - which was inked by John Romita Sr. Yes, feminists and social justice workers, when I started to read american comics we already had a female Captain Marvel and she was black. So before you think you are so innovative and revolutionary wise up and get a comic education. 

And we are staying at the 80s with Tim Allen who celebrates his 64th birthday and who is best known as the voice of Buzz Lightyear in the Toy Story movies and Home Improvement where he introduced us to some pretty hot women like Pamela Anderson and Debbe Dunning. I still have seasons 6 and 7 of Home Improvement on my to watch pile and I admit I only got them because of Debbe Dunning´s incredible muscle control .

Debbe first had a guest appearance with a name that´s impossible to pronounce and a stunning blue dress before she became a permanent cast member, taking up the mantle of Pamela thanks to her bikini hardbody .

Pam is always portrayed as a dumb blonde but she and Debbe Dunning had the same starting conditions ( a certain degree of fame due to exposure on shows like Baywatch and Home Improvement and a body that could cause the number of sold copies of any men´s magazine to skyrocket ) and Pamela managed to make a successful career out of it while Debbe´s artistic highlight is a Jessica Rabbit like character in Misery Brothers.

I almost skipped over Malcolm McDowell who turns 74 but after going over his long imdb file ( too long to summarize it here ) I saw that he did the voice of Professor Moriarity in Tom and Jerry meet Sherlock Holmes which is a nice segueway to Basil Rathbone´s birthday who was best known for playing the world´s greatest detective in various black and white movies.

As I´m finishing this post on a holiday I´m including an anime because that´s what you´re supposed to do on a hot summer holiday : watch animes with hot girls and big guns. And since I already mentioned Mtv here´s a classic that I first saw there - way back when they started showing more animes than music videos. Gunsmith Cats episode two.

We have already a lot of sexbombs with incredible physiques in this post but I want to end with another video featuring my favorite wild and wet t - shirt contest party girl from the 80s, the incredible Kimberly McCarthy.

I chose the video to remind my readers of the positive aspects of summer ( if there are any well endowed female readers out there feel free to send me your wet t - shirt contest videos and pics and as for the male readers you can send wet t - shirt videos / photos of your hot girlfriends, sexy wives, slutty sisters, cute cousins, nymphomanic neighbors, crazy co workers, big breasted bosses, sex addicted secretaries, dildo destroying doctors, double airbag daughters - as long as they´re of legal age. I don´t want to get into any trouble. ) now that it can sometimes be too hot but also as an educational video for Terry Dodson. Maybe he can learn from it so we can all enjoy the third volume of Red Skin - is that asking too much ?

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There are only 10 kind of people in the world : those who understand binary and those who don´t.

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