Friday, September 01, 2017

Starting the weekend with Gene Colan !

It seems we are returning to a semi - regular posting schedule even with the added time consuming course for the jobcenter and the latest re - writes of posts because the babe factor got out of hand as usual. I still have to skip a lot of birthdays but I just wanted to do my 875th post on one of my favorite artists since I found new pieces since last year´s post.

Some readers ask me why I make all these birthday posts instead of just writing posts about my favorite artists and the reason for that is : with so much stuff that I always have piled up it´s easy to forget things. Longtime readers know that I keep mentioning Gene Colan in my posts but I think apart from the post I wrote on his passing - which newer readers might to check out because it´s all about how I discovered his work, how his work was published in Germany and what it meant to me - this is the second Gene Colan solo post. As with each birthday post I have tried to include as much unique stuff and to this day there are still new series I discover by Gene Colan like DETECTIVES INC. upon which I just recently came across.

We do have some links of interest for this post starting with BLOG INTO MYSTERY paying a personal tribute to Gene Colan with Detective Comics 556 and in lieu of the new Wonder Woman movie you might check out this post on SCANS DAILY where Roy Thomas, Gene Colan and Romeo Tanghal took the amazon princess in a bold new direction - and I´m not talking about the karate chopping, womanizing, white dressed mod Wonder Woman I mentioned last time. STEVE DOES COMICS has a post on Tomb of Dracula 55 and speaking of the world´s most famous vampire, Stephen Johnson over at FOUR - COLOR SHADOWS regales us with The Tomb of Goofula a story that reunited the dream team of Marv Wolfman, Gene Colan and Tom Palmer to adapt their series for the Disney universe and the story is mentioned in a post about Dracula on EN TODO EL COLODRILLO .

Since it has not been that long since my last post the only comic artist whose birthday I missed is Jason Pearson. I did a post in honor of his anniversary last year but I have to confess that I have no idea where the folder with his art ended up. Maybe I can make a post when I´ve found it.

Before we come to the celebrity and pop culture anniversaries of the day there are two from Yesterday I want to mention and first up is teen pop sensation Debbie Gibson who turned 47. She was the Britney Spears before the was a Britney Spears around the time I was in Realschule and while I was too old to be part of her target audience I appreciated it when - like pop star Tiffany - she posed nude for PLAYBOY completely grown up.

Anyway, I actually bought one of her albums Out Of The Blue which I found at a rummage table of music cassettes ( ask your grandparents what those are ) together with Mary J Blige´s What´s The 911 as I constantly needed new fuel for my walkman. Fallen Angel is the only song that I remember.

We haven´t talked tv series yet which is going to change with Jonathan LaPaglia who celebrated his 48th birthday Yesterday. I first saw him in one of my favorite sci fi series ever Seven Days where he starred alongside the incredibly hot Justina Vail who played russian sexbomb Dr. Olga Vukavitch and who could have easily posed nude for PLAYBOY. Ah, what a waste !

And am I the only one who thinks that name might be a bit unfortunate for her character because it totally sounds like a porn name ? I mean, it goes with her hardbody but it´s no wonder Parker always got a boner.

By the way, if actor Nick Searcy who plays security chief Nathan Ramsey on Seven Days looks familiar he also was Deputy Ben Healey on American Gothic alongside sexbomb Brenda Bakke who was perfectly cast as the nymphomanic small town teacher since she is the ultimate nympho MILF.

The premise of Seven Days is that based on alien technology found at the Roswell site the US government builds a time machine that enables them to send a chrononaut exactly seven days into the past to avert national disasters. Which sounds easy, right ? For some reason the series never got very popular and was canceled after three seasons which have not been released on DVD. I still get a kick out of it whenever Johnathan appears on NCIS, The Sopranos, Bones, Castle, Burn Notice or The Mentalist.

Our first birthday Today is comic writer Joe Kelly due to the fact that there is no record about the year of his birth. If you have been reading comics for more than a few years you have without a doubt come across his name since he has been on many books. One of those books is Justice League of America, where his run was very underappreciated despite such all time favorites - at least for me - like Trial by Fire, The Obsidian Age and one of the best Justice League spin off series Justice League Elite. At this point I have probably read the two trades of The Obsidian Age a dozen times and I have no idea why DC still hasn´t done an absolute edition or at least a nice hardcover collection with the entire epic saga.

I always planned to make a decent post on the subject matter but as usual I have not gotten around to it and the only opportunity to write about it was in one of my few Casting the Justice League of America movie solo post where I put 80s bodybuilding icon Rachel McLish in the role of Dawn.

Dawn gave me an opportunity to include another hot woman of exotic descend into my cast and I liked her in the Justice League - and her husband Manitou Raven - even though I was not keen on her backstory.

The first thing we know about her is that she grew huge boobs at the early age of thirteen which all the old tribe members noticed first.

Especially the war chief who bought her so he could sexually assault her on a daily basis and when she bit him, attempting to keep him from using her overdeveloped body like a blow up sex doll she was called the goat.

Speaking of blow up sex dolls with overdeveloped bodies ( although the gamma irritated kind ), we have another comic birthday with Joe Jusko who has not done much in the way of interior art but you know him from countless trading cards, covers and iconic pin ups like She Hulk at muscle beach, one of his most famous works. By the way, everybody knows that the Juggernaut totally stretched out all her orifices during that wild sex orgy she constantly denies. What else can you expect from a lawyer ?

Coming back to Joe Jusko, he celebrates his 58th birthday and like with Jason Pearson his art is divided into many folders so I will have to make a special one to collect it first before I can even think of doing a post.

The inventor of Tae Bo Billy Blanks turns 62 who starred in many martial arts movies like the Jean - Claude Van Damme vehicles Lionheart and The King of Kickboxers which is called Karate Tiger V in Germany. Billy also appeared in Kiss The Girls with Morgan Freeman, The Last Boy Scout with Bruce Willis and Halle Berry who does her unforgettable erotic dance ( you can´t really call it a striptease since she doesn´t take off any clothes ) and China O´Brian II. Speaking of taking off clothes, while I´m a big Cynthia Rothrock fan the best part about the last movie is sexbomb Melanie Good with her incredibly long legs who is better than good. Or is it she is good at being bad since she plays a stripping contract killer ?

Lily Tomlin who turns 78 has co starred with quite a long list of a list stars like megabusty Dolly Parton in Nine to Five, Steve Martin in All Of Me, Bette Middler in Big Business, Ernest actor Jim Varney and sexbomb Erika Eleniak ( who had her most famous striptease in Under Siege ) in The Beverly Hillbillies, Bruce Willis in The Kid and Teri Hatcher in Desperate Housewives. Speaking of Teri Hatcher, I have finally watched Lois & Clark - The New Adventures Of Superman where the main attraction is Teri who shows off her bouncing boobies in a lot of sexy outfits like a harem girl.

I managed to finish it before the DVD order arrived which included the sixth and final season of The Dead Zone and season three of Burn Notice. Which I also have already seen but I am still saving season three of The Nanny ( which includes the episode where Power Girl Lauren Lane who plays C. C. Babcock wears a black dress with an incredible cleavage ).

In my opinion the producers wasted most of Lauren Lane´s potential in that role. I know that to have a story in the series Mr. Scheffield has to be oblivious to her sex drive but even the writers seem to have surrendered to this even if it was only on a subconscious level. I mean instead of CC they probably wanted to name her character DD and Babcock ? That´s really Babecock, isn´t it ? And we all know that in real life there is no way that any red blooded man would be even remotely interested in an below average looking woman like Fran Drescher ( who on top of that has one of the most annoying voices I have ever heard ) when he has a living blow up sex doll with a body that makes porn star envious like Lauren at your beck and call who is just dying to tie your to her bed and bang your brains out.

One series I haven´t started watching is The Munsters and Today is also the anniversary of Yvonne De Carlo best known for playing Lily Munster.

However, originally the mother of the family was called Phoebe Munster ( maybe that´s the reason why Alyssa Milano´s character on Charmed was called Phoebe Halliwell ) and played by Joan Marshall in the show´s pilot.

The last two birthdays I have to mention are people who have had a big impact on pop culture : Rocky Marciano, not only the inspiration for the Rocky movies but also one of the best boxers of all times and Edgar Rice Burroughs whose Tarzan, John Carter, Warlord of Mars and The Land That Time Forgot books inspired countless adaptions in comics and movies.

The last thing I read by Gene Colan was Detectives Inc. so I wanted to include a video - especially after I had read that they even made a movie of the comic ( the comic creators not some Hollywood douche bags, mind you ) which apparently has been shown at some comic conventions lately - but the only one I found is this one. And it´s not even about the story by Gene Colan but rather the first story which was drawn by Marshall Rogers.

I bought the single issues because there seem to be hardcovers and trades out there but they are very expensive and you have to take both stories.

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Imagination is but another name for super intelligence.

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