I just put the finishing touches on my last post so I should be off a few days or at least for the weekend but since I still have some pictures left from last year´s Jim Steranko appreciation post I wanted to put together a quick homage to one of the great comic masters. Happy 79th, dear Jim !
At first selecting the pieces for this post was a bit difficult but after a while a trend became apparent and since my DEJA VUE posts are always popular I went for those kind of pictures. I know that I already did a post with some cover homages to Jim Steranko´s cover for HULK ANNUAL 1 but since I can´t find the post at the moment I apologize in advance if there are some I already posted. And if you are one of those readers who still haven´t given this seminal artist in comic history a try do yourself a favor : skip some of the monthly drivel that is produced by Disney now and get yourself some Jim Steranko S.H.I.E.L.D. collections. You won´t regret it.
Time for the obligatory link section. I´m never sure if anybody reads this at all or if they skip the rest of the post / dive right into the pictures of hot babes. But for those three loyal readers who go through this part here is the usual assortment of articles I came across while doing this post or I bookmarked because I think it might be of some interest for my readers.
I don´t know, going back to some older post I realized that they don´t have that many added value but I don´t think I could go back to the way I used to write my posts. So without further ado we start with the black and white homage to Hulk Annual 1 which comes from artist Milivoj Ceran.
The Tremendous Trump cover was a last minute addition and before any debates start I didn´t include it because of any political message but because it fit the topic of the post. Of course I only found it AFTER I had already made the selection of which art I include in this post but I think for once I can add another picture without having to eliminate another. Also not to get political - if there is any political topic that I think needs addressing besides what I talk about in my posts I will do a special post about it - but at the moment there are a lot of other comic book homage covers with Donald Trump out there. Besides the obvious political agenda I have to admire the effort R. Sikoryak put into making the homage covers and you can find most of them on the THE UNQUOTABLE TRUMP tumblr .
Speaking of homage covers, I already did two posts on Action Comic 1 ( with a third one already in the works ) but in the meantime SISKOID`S BLOG OF GEEKERY also has a selection which may include some I have overlooked and you can find more homages to Jim Steranko´s Hulk Annual 1 on GIANT - SIZE MARVEL as well as two pages from Michael Golden´s Dr. Strange portfolio . Apropos Marvel´s master of the mystic arts, MARVEL COMICS OF THE 1980s has some beautiful Paul Smith art. Coming back to The Incredible Hulk, SLAY, MONSTROBOT OF THE DEEP ! has a post on the trippy issue 230 by DC guys Elliot S. Maggin and Jim Mooney with the inks of Bob Layton in which Hulk goes up against what may be the most stupid alien in Marvel history and speaking about trippy, FORCES OF GEEK has an incredible find : an unfinished issue of the tv series The Prisoner by Jack Kirby and Mike Royer. Staying with comic adaptions THE BRONZE AGE OF BLOGS has Jim Steranko´s Outland which I didn´t even know existed.
I mentioned the series in my last post and as usual I find stuff about it after finishing the post : Chris Roberson, writer of the comic iZombie - which most people probably know only as a very successful tv series - writes how Karl Kesel and Tom Grummett´s short lived Section Zero comic book influenced his work on THE MYRIAD WORLDS OF CHRIS ROBERSON .
There are no important comic book related birthdays I missed since my last post but there are a few cult sirens I want to mention starting with the ones who celebrated their birthday when I started this post Yesterday - on November the 4th. First up is the weather girl with the best booty on tv, colombian massita Ximena Cordoba who turned 38. I mentioned in my Casting the Justice League of America movie post about Anne Hathaway how disappointed I was with her unconvincing portrayal of Catwoman.
I had seen her in the first Princess movie and clips from Havoc and other movies where she got naked and I thought what could possibly go wrong ?
I´m not kidding, I think her Catwoman was even worse than the Halle
Berry version which at least had a nice costume. From now on Halle´s Catwoman will be referred to as not the worst Catwoman in history.
Not that this movie wasn´t plagued by its own litany of problems starting with the elimination of her connection to the Batuniverse. This might have saved the producers a few bucks on short term but it didn´t really help the movie and without any doubt the whole tone was wrong. Halle Berry didn´t really play DC´s Catwoman, the ultimate sexbomb who even got Batman horny. In the comic books they went too far turning her into a nympho so the only accurate version seems to be the animated short.
Well here is a clip of Ximena Cordoba doing a way better job of playing a sexy Catwoman without even trying. This woman is like natural viagra !
Another sexbomb, Petra Verkaik, Playmate of December 1989 a.k.a the most published woman in PLAYBOY history celebrates her 51st birthday.
Petra who was also voted Playboy Lingerie Readers´ Choice Model of the Year 1997 not only could have easily starred in a Russ Meyer movie with her - all natural - 37HH ( !!! ) bust she DID actually star in a movie with Kevin Bacon. But her biggest claims to fame are her Lara Croft video that was all the rage on the internet and serving as a blueprint for John Byrne´s version of Jennifer Walters a.k.a. the Sensational She - Hulk.
Which was the last good version of the comic we got. Back then She Hulk was a fun character who was having real relationships and real sex but it was not always so emphasized like it was in later versions. There were some instances where it was a big part of the story like in the famous issue where a sleezeball managed to get some nude pictures of She Hulk while she was sunbathing topless and printed them in his adult magazine.
Or when John Byrne put the graphic in graphic novel when a bunch of S.H.I.E.L.D. goons kidnapped her and forced her to strip by putting a gun to her boyfriend, Wyatt Wingfoot´s head. But that was just the realistic part of the story about what happens when a bunch of horny secret agent rogues get hold of an ultimate sexbomb like She Hulk with giant melons.
They also made her undergo various physical exams and it is pretty clear that they took turns putting her body to the test after several full cavity searches. I mean although SJWs have done their best to turn her into an unattractive men hating propaganda tool for their war where she almost looks like her cousin she IS supposed to have the body of Petra Verkaik.
The current writers at Marvel just don´t get the character of She Hulk and when somebody tells me they are doing an okay series I quickly remind them that under John Byrne´s penmanship it was one of their bestsellers.
Yes, the art on the book has not always been as good as it could´ve been over the years but that´s Marvel´s own fault because if you ask any artist which female Marvel character he would like to draw She Hulk is always in the top five. And all the writers keep changing her constantly : she went from a woman who enjoys sex to a hussy who has sex with the Juggernaut and then into a nun who denies her wild sex orgy with the Juggernaut.
If writers proclaim in interviews that She Hulk looks like a prostitute ( I am always surprised what big experts where hookers are concerned Marvel´s writers are ) and that she was only created to have sex with Hulk - who is her cousin mind you - I get the impression that maybe Marvel should not hire so many hillbillies for whom it is natural that guys have sex with their relatives to write their books. In the last She Hulk series I read she looked like she was made out of legos and Dan Slott didn´t understand her either.
Because that man has some deep problems. He tried to convince the readers that Jennifer Walters is mentally ill because she prefers to be the She Hulk instead of Jennifer Walters. And let me ask you : if you had the chance to be a better stronger more attractive version of yourself with no negative side effects - like Bruce Banner has when he is the Hulk - would you really stay like you are ? And then he comes up with a crazy story that somebody else used She Hulk´s body to have sex with the Juggernaut .
And dont get me started on the can of bs where he turned longstanding Avengers member Starfox into a sexual predator. I mean, I have enjoyed a few of his stories but recently I was looking for a good pre - SWJs - turning - Squirrel - Girl - into - a - chubby - dyke picture when I came across some issues of his first Great Lakes Avengers series and I was appalled by the amount of verbal abuse he heaps on other comic companies, his readers ( which are the people who pay his bills ), his employers and comic writers in general. Which means he hates himself since he is a comic book writer.
But let´s not get into too much detail here. As a last thing in regards to John Byrne the aforementioned MARVEL COMICS OF THE 1980s has the original art for the covers of Fantastic Four 272 and Fantastic Four 278 .
Coming back to Petra Verkaik, writing this section always reminds me of things and sometimes younger readers can learn a thing or two. Like that - coming back to SJWs - before she was remodeled to her new politically correct look Lara Croft used to be megastacked to the point where her boobs could easily put the lead actress in a Russ Meyer movie to shame.
Which is one of the reasons why Petra Verkaik´s Lara Croft video made such a big splash on the internet. Lara Croft had giant gazongas in the video games but we hadn´t seen something similar in real life and the plot of the video - a goon ( or maybe more than one goon because Lara could probably overpower one easily but if there were more than one she had to give in to their demands ) gets the drop on Lara and makes her strip - is what we all dreamed about. Come on, just like we would all make She - Hulk undress who would not seize the chance to get Lara Croft naked ?
It´s been a while since I posted my last cosplay video that did not include Yaya Han but I wanted to put this video on my blog for this cosplay girl who not only does a terrific Hulk ( for those who are against women dressing up as male character she has two big arguments for it ) but also has some incredible bouncing action going on - pun intended. Now if she only ripped her shirt in half like the Hulk always did in the 1970s tv series.
As I don´t get to do nearly as many cosplay posts as I would like to do I went through all my bookmarks. There were a lot I could not use anymore because the pictures have been deleted in the meantime but check out Az Powergirl a.k.a. Cara Nicole as Black Cat ( with video ! ) and GEEKS ARE SEXY presents 15 Epic Male Cosplayers You Need To Check Out Today.
Completing the trifecta of awesome cult sirens is 80s Power Girl Markie Post who turned 67. This is probably the best known cult siren on the blog because not only have I done many re - posts of her original post I also keep mentioning her in other posts and her original post is in the Top Ten Posts widget that appears on every post. Since I have done so many different versions it is not so tragic that I did not get to a re - post this year as I already did a new version of her cult siren entry last year .
Now since I mentioned the Hulk tv series you might think that I would include one of the episodes with Lou Ferrigno from The Fall Guy series but I already have an episode from that show at the bottom of the post and I am trying not to repeat myself. Normally that would cover my base where Markie Post is concerned but because she is not in that episode here is a clip from Love Boat with the stunning Markie wearing a blue swimsuit.
Today´s birthdays start with Corin Nemec who turns 46 and is best known for playing the lead character in Parker Lewis Can´t Lose - which had the wonderful title Parker Lewis - The Cool Guy From School in Germany - and Harold Lauder in the small screen adaption of Stephen King´s The Stand which also starred undeservedly underrated sexbomb Laura San Giacomo.
She could have been a big star with her superior physical attributes as her mammoth 39E melons put other actresses busts to shame and even got porn stars envious since Laura´s magnificent mammaries are all natural if she hadn´t dressed like a nun. She still couldn´t hide her double airbags.
Robert Patrick celebrates his 59th birthday who is best known as the T - 1000 model from Terminator 2 : Judgement Day and Demi Moore´s good for nothing ex - husband in Striptease. As it is Demi celebrates her 55th anniversary next Saturday but I probably won´t do a new version of her cult siren post since I already did a pimped version with a lot of new high quality animated GIFs from Striptease last year. There are some I still have not posted but they are not that good that it can´t wait until next year.
Demi Moore is not the only sexbomb Robert Patrick worked with as he starred in Double Dragon where Alyssa Milano´s body was booming and she put her firm teenage butt cheeks on display in a pair of cut off jeans.
I finally managed to pay tribute to her but I had to split it into two posts ( the main post - of which I did a pimped version with a bit more nudity last year and the bonus round with her best episodes / sex outfits on Charmed ) because I might have gone a bit overboard with the GIFs.
But Robert Patrick´s best babe movie must have been The Cool Surface in which a young Teri Hatcher takes her clothes off. Aside from that Robert played John Dogget on X - Files and Agent Gallo on Scorpion ( much to the amusement of my Mom because in spanish gallo means rooster ) as well as making appearances on Tales From The Crypt, Burn Notice, The Unit, NCIS, Superman - The Animated Series, Batman Beyond, The Batman, Ultimate Spider - Man and Avatar : The Last Airbender. Here is a Love Boat clip with Teri Hatcher who was part of the ship dance crew The Mermaids. With so many sexbombs on the show I should buy this series.
Staying with my favorite tv shows Armin Shimerman turns 68 who is best known for his role as bar owner Quark on Star Trek : Deep Space Nine.
He also appeared on an episode of Remington Steele, had a whole bevy of young sexbombs like Sarah Michelle Gellar, Eliza Dushku and Charisma Carpenter as co stars on Buffy where he played Principal Snyder, was a criminal in Tricks Of The Trade with Yesterday´s birthday babe Markie Post and was on Sledge Hammer with the mega hot MILF Anne - Marie Martin.
Speaking of blonde sexbombs, german cult siren Elke Sommer celebrates her 77th birthday and you can find a an interview on CLASSIC FILM AND TV CAFĂ and a review of Deadlier Than The Male on DOUBLE O SECTION .
Since she had starred in the Karl May western Unter Geiern ( see the plunging cleavage outfit below ) I originally wanted to include another Winnetou movie but those videos have also been deleted from YouTube.
I already posted a movie with Bob Hope in another post and since I found two of her appearances on The Muppet Show on YouTube I am keeping the one with her and Ilja Richter for another post. By the way, am I the only one who likes her second version of Animal Crackers In My Soup the best ?
Our first Dearly Departed celebrity birthday is Roy Rogers who has starred in countless movies as well as the Wonder Woman tv series. He was in two episodes of The Fall Guy and last year I picked the one with Markie Post.
As I predicted in my last post I did not get to do a special post for All Hallow´s Eve but better late than never so I am closing out the post with Rankin Bass´ Jack O´Lantern. One reason why I like to watch these videos and the ones from Faerie Tale Theater is that I often have heard of the character but not necessarily know the story or folklore it´s based on.
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Comic book companies are like comic book villains : they keep coming back after they die.
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