Monday, January 08, 2018

A Midnight Son Monday with Mark Texeira

As promised in my last post here is my little tribute to Mark Texeira which takes us back to those awful 90s when comic books were at their lowest point as everybody knows. Despite this the creators at Marvel somehow still knew what works with Ghost Rider and what does not. Go figure.

I don´t know if it was because both artists on the book, Javier Saltares and Mark Texeira, have latino roots but their version of Ghost Rider is my favorite incarnation. I knew the character before and had read some of his appearances in other titles but since his own book was never published in Germany during the Bronze Age all stories from his mag I read were some scattered spanish issues. But them came the 90s and the new version of Ghost Rider with Danny Ketch and although most of the grim - and - gritty boom had petered out ( it would still take many years before the effect Frank Miller´s The Dark Knight Returns and Alan Moore´s WATCHMEN had on the comic industry were finally over ) it did work with GHOST RIDER.

Another thing that might have helped making this one of the biggest hits of the 1990s is that besides being good at drawing flaming skulls and big, muscular gnarly guys Mark Texeira also had a knack for depicting the female form so there were a few pretty ladies to be found inside of GHOST RIDER.

Speaking of big, muscular gnarly guys : Mark Texeira´s next assignment was depicting the adventures of Marvel´s one - man - war - on - crime and though his stint was rather brief I prefer this version to the Ennisher.

By the way, is it just me or does Punisher look exactly like Razor Ramon ?

Now you won´t find this on his wikipedia entry ( why that is I have no idea ) but Mark Texeira completed the trifecta of 90s mega machismo with a visit to the mutant corner of the Marvel universe with a guy who´s not so big but still muscular and gnarly. Plus, like Mark Texeira he´s the best at what he does but what he does is not very nice. Unlike Mark Texeira´s art.

Marc Silvestri had done the art on WOLVERINE from issues 31 to 57 which was a tour - de - force with writer Larry Hama. They did wonderful stories and introduced such unforgettable characters like the killer androids Elsie Dee and Albert and blind killer Reiko who found a tragic end. Marvel has finally reprinted the entire run in trade although I have no idea why the first two volumes have been released as Wolverine by Larry Hama & Marc Silvestri while volume three is only titled Wolverine - Weapon X Unbound.

Sometimes I think Disney just doesn´t want to make money. Anyway, this should not discourage you from purchasing this - if you have not read it or if you have and want them in a nice collection with better reproduction values - since the stories are top notch and the art is second to none.

After Marc Silvestri had left the book Darick Robertson did two issues and after a forgettable done in one story by Dave Hoover Mark Texeira took over the art chores from issue 61 to 68. Dwayne Turner followed him on issues 69 to 73 who later did the short lived CAGE series in 1992. I am not sure about Dwayne Turner and that series. I certainly liked his art but I found it strange that the writer felt the need to distance it from the old series by excluding Iron Fist for most of the run and giving Like Cage a new outfit that was not necessarily better than the old one. I did like that he included Dakota North whom I did previously only know from some in - house ads and who provided some of the visual highlights of the book. 

Coming back to WOLVERINE, if I remember correctly the Dwayne Turner issues came out around the time when the big exodus of Marvel´s top artists to form iMAGE Comics took place so that the Kubert´s practically took control of the mutant universe. Now during Marc Silvestri´s tenure on the book Larry Hama had started to delve into Logan´s past peeling off layer after layer of false memory implants and he continued that storyline when Mark Texeira came on board with a lot of shocking surprises for the readers and Logan. I have to say I liked those stories by Marc Silvestri and Mark Texeira more than what Marvel did later in the ORIGINS series in a desperate attempt to prevent Hollywood completely ruining Wolverine.

It would have been around this time that we got the " Logan Task Force " with Wolverine, Sabretooth, Wraith, Silver Fox, Ferro and other members like Maverick, Marvel´s second german mutant hero. It may be just me since I live in Germany but I always had the feeling that because Chris Claremont went so over the top in making Kurt Wagner a.k.a. Nightcrawler german other writers tried to make Maverick the least german possible. He never got a lot of play and later died of H.I.V. to at least get some hype out of his passing. In any case you have probably seen some members of Team Logan in the Wolverine : Origins movie although you probably will not recognize Silver Fox. Ay, massita, this is not your Daddy´s Silver Fox !

Speaking about characters from the X - Men in movies, so far Jubilee has not appeared as more than a background character and I´m curious if she will be in the upcoming New Mutants movie. It´s true, she was only with them later on when Professor Xavier all of a sudden decided that after a few years of hanging out with the X - Men it was too dangerous for her.

Dude, he pulled the same crap with Kitty Pryde just a decade before that.

It seems that the Professor just uses dem young girls until he grows tired and then shoves them off to the New Mutants so they can take care of the problem. And I´m not implying any sexual abuse here. But Jubilee is a character I have always enjoyed even before my hasian fetishization and most certainly before she mutated into the DD Boobilee during Civil War.

But seriously, in my opinion Jubilee always worked better when she was together with the older X - Men. So putting her with the regular teenage mutants - in - training makes no sense from the writer´s perspective. If she is in a group of other teenagers then she´s one teenage girl among many. The only thing that would set her apart from them would be her asian fascination and that only if there is no other asian in the group.

If she´s with the X - Men she is the teenager among grown - ups that can serve as the readers introduction to the world of mutants much like the companions in Doctor Who always get to ask the daft questions and thus allow the Doctor to give all the expository dialogue the audience needs.

I remember in one issue the X - Men had to go up against Magneto who had been absent for a few years in the comics. Jubilee had no idea who this Magneto dude was and was shocked by the X - Men´s reaction to the news that they have to take him on. I mean, here was this kickass team of the best of the best of mutants whom Jubilee has seen going up against all kind of menaces from alien bug - eyed monsters like the Brood to the Shadow King and the entire nation of Genosha without breaking a sweat.

She has been through hell and back with them. And suddenly it´s all Don´t start reading any long books. and even Wolverine is updating his last will.

And that´s something you can´t do with another character. Unless you create one. Which I hate. Not the part where writers create new mutants but if they create a new character when they could just use an old one.

But no, every new writer who writes an X - Men book has to bring his own toys and once that writer is gone nobody uses them anymore no matter if the X - Men readers have grown attached to them in the meantime or not.

Coming back to Jubilee I think she works best when she is surrounded by older mutants and her special rapport with Wolverine is THE BEST. They are like Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy, Abbott & Costello, Pat and Patachon ( okay, that last one is probably too old for most readers ). But you get my drift. There were a lot of instances in the aforementioned WOLVERINE book where a funny situation evolved just because they communicated differently. It´s almost like they are speaking two different languages.

But let´s get back to our original subject before I go on another rant how much it sucks that Jubilee lost her powers - which she does quite literal since she is a vampire now. Anyway, I liked the supporting cast on Mark Texeira´s WOLVERINE issue not only because it included Jubilation Lee.

Another x - related book by Mark Texeira was the 4 issue SABRETOOTH mini series. What I don´t like when villains get their own series is that sometimes writers get the urge to paint them as being only the victims of circumstances. The crux of that kind of argument is that the same is true for the heroes. They pretty much face the same harsh circumstances but somehow some of them become heroes and some of them become villains.

So it seems that there is still something inside of those people that finally influences if they turn good or bad. But some writers paint it as if it´s all a question of fate and those persons who become villains are still good guys at heart. It´s what happened to Deadpool ( all of his fans apparently have no problem ignoring that this guy kills people for money ) and it´s also one of the main reasons why the Suicide Squad movie failed so miserably. The audience of Today is unable to distinguish the heroes from villains.

And the whole point - or let´s say the special joke - in the SUICIDE SQUAD series by John Ostrander ( I´m not talking about the garbage that DC is selling their new customers now under the name SUICIDE SQUAD ) was that as villains they were expendable and you were hoping some of them would get blown to pieces and die screaming because they were horrible persons. But when you think they are heroes where is the fun in that ?

Anyway, while they spent a lot of time in the SABRETOOTH series to show the atrocities Victor Creed had to endure as a kid I never got the feeling that it was used as an excuse for him. They still showed his as a disturbing character who even killed his own assistant Birdy. Was that even her real name ? In any case, if I ever get an assistant I want somebody as busty and dedicated as her who even gave Sabretooth the occasional nuru massage bath. Not that she ever got something in return except for a quick death.

Aside from that Mark Texiera did the occasional fill - in issue like with Jim Valentino´s GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY series that got a recent reprint thanks to Disney throwing anything they can onto the new comic readers that is even in the slightest connected to the mega successful movies.

He still returns to do the occasional Wolverine, Punisher or Ghost Rider project or does the odd mini series like his brilliant THE NEW LABORS OF HERCULES mini series that is completely underrated because it came out during the CIVIL WAR chaos but I think his times of doing a monthly book at Marvel are behind him. And I think with all that is going on there with SJWs taking control of the entire company he probably doesn´t miss it.

Since I mentioned the whole iMAGE thing, I always expected Mark Texeira to do his own thing there but aside from the SCYTHE one - shot he only did the four issue UNION series that was written by Mike Heisler. Hmm, Mark and Mike. Strange that two of my favorite artists on WOLVERINE are named Mark, well technically Marc and Mark but it still makes me think. 

As for UNION, I don´t remember much about the story and Mark Texeira got to draw a lot of big, muscular gnarly guys and not so many hot babes.

That he kept for his work on VAMPIRELLA, PANTHA and the crossovers of these cult titles over at Harris Comics who had acquired both licenses.

And that´s all for this year´s Mark Texiera post. I know that it leans a bit more to the Marvel side than to the DC side but since our last post about Jerry Ordway was almost entirely DC material it balances out in the end.

And it´s not as if Mark has done much stuff for DC. Apart from the HEX series where Jonah Hex landed in the far flung future after the events of CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS ( I wonder who had that brilliant idea ) and some covers for BIRDS OF PREY I can´t remember anything he did for DC.

Maybe it´s because his grim - and - gritty and more down to earth realism didn´t mix well with DC´s shiny, perfect god - like super heroes ? But who knows, now that the heroes at DC act more like villains and the writers seem more interested in showcasing the villains and showing that they are not so bad compared to the heroes ( the solicitations make me wonder if this is not another secret plot of Lex Luthor to overthrow of the world´s governments with a revamped Legion of Doom ) there might be a chance.

Now I have gotten a few comments about my " only 23 pictures per post " rule stating that either 23 are not very much or that I have used more than 23 pictures in most of my posts. Okay, I think a bit of clarification is needed here. When I say that I´m bringing it down to 23 pictures for one post that means that I START with 23 pictures. For instance for this post I selected 23 pictures by Mark Texeira for the main part of the post. That does not sound like much but you have to keep in mind that when I post original art I also post the colored versions and then I am only counting them as one picture. Because otherwise I can only use 12 pictures in the worst case because 11 of them are original artwork and 11 of them are the color versions. And then there are all the pictures which I could not plan ahead for and which I had to search for on the internet and which leads me to even more pictures - and a lot of GIFs - that I have to clean up later.

So let´s see the numbers for this post. I started with 23 pictures of Mark Texiera, then I had to make a few changes so they match my words and now it´s 26 pictures, I included 15 additional pictures and 6 animated GIFs and I will have to add at least one more GIF and three pictures to finish the post. Which will bring us from 23 pictures to 44 pictures and 7 GIFs.

Which I would say is an average number. I also found at least 326 pictures and 66 GIFs but I can´t say for sure because I had to start putting them in folders and deleting redundant ones otherwise I would have lost my mind.

The actual number is probably twice as high with the animated GIFs and at least 150 / 200 more with the pictures. Just to give you a rough overview. 

And since I am probably already boring you to death with the logistics of the post we can go right to the link section for the usual kudos to all the nice people who provide the content without which making this post would have been impossible ( longtime readers know that I can´t scan anything and so work with the material I find online ) and the addition of some scans, articles, interviews or reviews that I think the visitors of this humble blog might find interesting or at the least somewhat entertaining.

Because it´s the last thing we talked about let´s start with the trippy Hex series from DC. Which naturally brings us to my old link buddy MATCHING DRAGOONS, the undisputed master of all things Jonah Hex. You can either use the old link on the blog roll or the one above to just hop over to his website which is all kinds of fun. But for those of you who find it hard to navigate that website here are the links for Hex issue 1 , issue 2 , issue 3 , issue 4 , issue 5 , issue 6 , issue 7 , issue 8 , issue 9 , issue 10 , issue 11 , issue 12 , issue 13 , issue 14 , issue 15 , issue 16 , issue 17 and issue 18

There is an interview with Javier Saltares on VENGEANCE UNBOUND and you can read more about Mark Texeira´s issues of Wolverine on THE REAL GENTLEMEN OF LEISURE. I only came across their posts x - amining issues 62 and 67 but I´m sure you can find all the others there as well. I found the page from Jim Valentino´s Guardians of the Galaxy 23 on STANDING GUARD , a Guardians of the Galaxy blog and it´s one of the few that you can open in a new window at a higher resolution. That is not a problem at SCANS DAILY though which has more pages from Harris Comics´ Pantha 1.

For those who have never heard of Dakota North - which I think are quite a few keeping in mind how short lived it was and how overpowered it got by all of Marvel´s big super hero books - Nick Hanover at THE CULTURAL GUTTER is revisiting Dakota North and you can read all about the single issues, starting with issue 1 , at THE MARVEL PROJECT where you can also find a mind - blowing Dominic Fortune splash page by Howard Chaykin .

Michel Fife lead an extensive interview with Dakota North artist Tony Salmons in three parts on THE FACTUAL OPINION, there are three very cool Dakota North commissions by Michael Lark on MARVEL COMICS OF THE 1980s ( he later used the second VOGUE cover in an issue of Daredevil as a background image ) and since I´ve mentioned her a lot in this post Megan Walsh at SCREEN RANT has 12 Things You Need To Know About Jubilee.

You never know what you come across when doing the research for these posts and while it has nothing in common with the Wolverine super hero comic except that both its protagonists are called Logan I still think at least my good buddy Terry Hooper will apreciate the post from BRITISH COMIC ART about Jet - Ace Logan . They also have posts on The Battle for Britain , Fighting Man by Cam Kennedy and  Doctor Who Monthly issue 51 which was drawn by none other than V for Vendetta´s David Lloyd who was also one of the many artists on Night Raven together with Alan Davis.

If you have never heard of this comic Richard Bruton on the FORBIDDEN PLANET blog can tell you more although it´s no longer uncollected. Night Raven : From the Marvel UK Vaults should be available at finer comic shops and there´s a review of the paperback on ADVENTURES IN POOR TASTE

Alan Davis´ collaborator on Night Raven was writer Alan Moore who did the Daredevil spoof Dourdevil with Mike Collins for issue 8 of Marvel UK´s The Daredevils ( where else ) an anthology magazine which also included Alan Moore´s monthly Captain Britain installments - again with Alan Davis.

Those were more links than I originally had planned but there are a few still to come which are - of course - connected with the cult sirens of notice that I felt I had to include in this post. Which is why we start with one birthday from January the 5th on which Massimo Caputi celebrated his 57th birthday. His name is totally familiar to all who have watched Quelli Che Il Calcio or L´ Isola Dei Famosi both starring italian mega MILF Simona Ventura. Now that I have a separate post for Monique Sluyter and the Tutti Frutti girls I thought about doing a shortened version of her post - since the amount of GIFs is murder on the page uploading time - and maybe add a few new GIFs but as usual I could not find the time. Well, there´s always next year and in the meantime there are enough reposts.

Speaking of blonde sexbombs, Linda Kozlowski turned 70 on the 7th of January and thanks to Linda revealing her posterior that almost rivals an afro - american woman´s butt in regards to size and ripeness the first Crocodile Dundee is not only still in reruns on the telly but it´s also an indispensable part of every heterosexual male´s DVD / Blue Ray collection.

Despite having re - posted her original cult siren entry from 2015 two times I always looked forward to doing a new version because it gave me an excuse to put more german Superman / Batman covers on the blog.

And while it´s not that dramatic not doing a new post this year it at least would have given me the opportunity to change the picture at the top of the post with an actual picture of Linda Kozlowski. I thought about adding her most famous scene from Crocodile Dundee but since you can find that through the links above here´s a video with more great film thong scenes.

Which are all fantastic - except for the one from My Father The Hero. But that´s the problem with Hollywood remakes. In the original french version Mon Pere Ce Heros they cast Marie Gillain who was already in the middle of puberty so while she was young she already had a booming body that could belong to a young girl where guys are starting to be interested in having sex with her. In the american remake they cast Katherine Heigl who looks like they got her right out of Kindergarten and who is at least five years away from puberty so the entire movie got a pedophile slant. But maybe that´s what movies need to succeed with american audiences.

A complete counterpart to what must be Katherine Heigl´s least erotic performance is Today´s first celebrity birthday as sexy Ami Dolenz turns 49 who DID very believable portray a teenage girl with a booming body.

It´s a callback to those hazy, lazy, crazy days of summer we miss so much in the winter as Ami is most famous for one of THE most erotic scenes in movie history running across the beach with a lot of bouncing action in She´s Out Of Control and she´s not even wearing a bikini - or a thong !

I first mentioned Ami in my MIDNIGHT MOVIE MADNESS : PUMPKINHEAD post because she also appeared in Pumpkinhead 2 : Blood Wings. There was a comic adaptation of that movie by Dark Horse Comics with art by Shawn McManus that was supposed to be four issues but only two were published and the second issue ends on a cliffhanger. I didn´t include any links for the series in the old post but I found posts with some of the art on Jim McDermott´s DENIZENS OF THE DARKNESS ( issue 1 / issue 2 ).

We are staying with horror movies and comic books with another gem from Ami Dolenz´ cineastic oeuvre, Stepmonster ( about which you can find more through the links in this post ). Besides an Aquaman reference there is a comic book in the movie that contains the secret to how to kill the terrible Tropopkin but so far I wasn´t able to find a picture of that comic.

Well, as you can see I did find a picture of the cover which is courtesy of John Campopiano´s article Embracing Roger Corman´s Stepmonster With Filmmaker Billy Corben at DREAD CENTRAL which not only has everything you would ever want to know about the movie but also a picture of some interior art from the comic book. Yes, I still don´t know who did the art.

We are staying with movies as Boris Vallejo turns 77 who besides being one of the undisputed masters of fantasy art did a ton of movie posters when I was a teenager. His art was everywhere : vhs tape covers, penny dreadfuls, trade paperbacks, trading cards, comics, magazines, t - shirts, the whole enchilada. What makes it even more embarrassing that I had to go through all my folders to collect his stuff because while I made a special folder for him a few years ago most of the good stuff was in the folder for the Heavy Metal magazine or the german pendant Schwermetall. He also has done a lot of art for Marvel but in the end I decided on this piece because it shows his signature stuff :  a beautiful woman ( not necessarily fully clothed ) some strange sci fi stuff and those floating pieces of rock.

I think he´s still active and my brother used to buy the new Boris Vallejo calendar every year. They still come out but since he married Julie Bell they do them together so you get art by both. Which is no problem for anybody except the most hardcore Boris Vallejo fans because Julie Bell´s art is always a treat and they have both worked on some paintings. Also even if there are only six new pieces by Boris Vallejo in that calendar and six new pieces by Julie Bell any new work by Boris Vallejo is reason enough to buy one of these. And to tell the truth, while looking for Boris Vallejo artwork online ( which is where I finally found the painting above ) I had to look twice to be sure if some of them were done by Boris or Julie. In any case one of the reasons why I haven´t stopped doing what I like to call my entertainment section is that I´m always reminded of such iconic artists that we often forget because they don´t get the big media hype.

Case in point : I can´t believe that for the last three years I have always managed to do a post on the 8th of January and every time I failed to mention William Hartnell´s birthday. Just to stay with sci fi and icons.

Well, he has gotten a bit more attention since the first Doctor is in the Doctor Who Christmas Special Twice Upon A Time portrayed by David Bradley. It is too soon for me to comment on it but I hope it will prompt Doctor Who fans who have not watched the old episodes with William Hartnell to at least give them a try. He really set the bar and if it wasn´t for him there never would be a Doctor Who Today. I wouldn´t recommend it for new Doctor Who fans or people who want to start with the series as my own curiosity for those old episodes only began after being heavily engrossed in the Whoniverse and having run out of new episodes to watch. I think I have watched all episodes that are currently available anywhere - and believe me, watching the restored episodes can be tough - but new ones are discovered all the time and some of the old restored ones are remade as animated episodes like Shada for which this will be the third time that they will be turned into episodes of Doctor Who. With so many Doctor Who videos I have bookmarked it was difficult to decide on one and I was tempted to post one of a Whovian watching the first episode An Unearthly Child but I decided for Defending the Musuem because it gives you a better understanding why this story is so special.

We have spent more time than planned talking about Jubilee so I guess that´s another topic I have to continue in another post. Originally I had planned to include the first episode of the 90s X - Men cartoon which introduced a worldwide audience to the quick - witted shopping mall rat but all the videos I found were either a small frame inside a normal frame, that weird rectangular frame with the top and the bottom cut off or both.

So instead here is Pryde of the X - Men which should have been the pilot for the tv series and would have included Kitty Pryde instead of Jubilee.

While this would have been bad for Jubilee fanatics at least we wouldn´t have had to suffer Gambit. Which was bad enough that we had to endure it in the comic books. But I guess you have to take the good with the bad in this case. Speaking of which, the funding for the animation pilot came from the budget of Robocop : The Animated Series as Marvel had acquired the license for that so if you wondered why there was no 13th episode ... I may have posted the video before but since it must have been way back as I can´t clearly remember if I did or not I´m willing to risk a re - post.

While the animation is better than in the later X - Men cartoon the story is a bit heavy - handed but I think it´s still interesting for Today´s X - Men fans who might have seen the cartoon show. It is unintentionally funny in some parts while there is some weird foreshadowing in other parts - like Wolverine who was later played by australian actor Hugh Jackman sounds less like a Canadian citizen and more like an Australian guy here. In any case, if you have not seen it before you should definitely watch it but beware, the catchy theme song may get stuck in your head for days.

It seems there are a lot of fans of Jubilee and the 90s cartoon out there as Josh Wigler wrote a post in 2015 about 11 Lessons The X - Men Movies Can Learn From The 1990s Animated Series ( much in vain, I think ), Hunter Schwartz on BUZZFEED has The 25 Best Things About The 90s X - Men Cartoon , on the same website Ian Carlos Crawford explains 24 Reasons Why Jubilee Is The Most Underrated Member Of The X - Men and if you always wanted to join Marvel´s premier mutant team PLAYBUZZ offers the Which Of The 90s Cartoon X - Men Would You Be ? I have always thought of myself as a Logan or at least Nightcrawler light but it turns out I´m Storm. 

Coming back to Jubilee longtime readers are probably surprised that I still haven´t brought up cosplay goddess Yaya Han like I always do when talking about women with asian roots but I am really trying to stick to my promise not to mention her so much as it always tends to go off topic and in the not safe for work area. WHEN I mention her I try to keep it professional and restrain myself although there are the occasional oversexed slip ups .

I also try to avoid redundancies and since I posted the picture of Ani Mia´s epic Jubilee cosplay somewhere in the link section above I am including a video with her instead of one with Yaya Han. Which is more fitting in any case since Yaya Han hasn´t done a Jubilee cosplay - yet.

I almost posted a picture of Kristen Hughey´s Jubilee cosplay but then I went online to see if I could find it in better resolution. And of course I not only found pictures of her cosplay but of many others and I now have so many that I am thinking about a separate asian Jubilation appreciation post. I am not sure if that is a wise thing to do though because I would probably date all of them and I have no idea if all of them are of legal age.

Coming back to Ani Mia, it´s not that Kristen Hughey´s cosplay is not fantastic it´s just that I liked the pictures of Ani Mia more. Ani has also done other cosplays so you might have seen her as a Ghostbuster that I would have paid money to see on the big screen, a Tron chick or as Wednesday Adams . The last one is quite popular and understandably so.

Now I didn´t find a video with Ani Mia cosplaying as Jubilee ( bummer ) but there are a few interviews with her and this one is the longest.

At this point I have been working on this post for 7 days ( including a 18 h sleeping period Today ) so it´s time that I indulge myself a little with some k - pop babes and a usual this is the part where the post goes completely off the rails so if you´re allergic to hot asian girls shaking their hips and booties you might want to skip this section. By the way if anybody has any information from which live performance the animated GIF below of Narsha from girl group Brown Eyed Girls is it would be much appreciated. 

This was supposed to be just a short addition. I swear, going through my bookmarked k - pop videos I picked Kara´s Mister because it was the only one where I didn´t have a dozen different live versions like with most of the others. They had nice outfits in the video and there also was the right amount of booty shaking involved. So how did it all go so horribly wrong ?

Well, it has to do with my favorite member of the group who is definitely Goo Hara and her hips are unreal. Her entire lower body looks like one of those impossibly sexy girls you see in animes and her dexterity is almost inhuman. I´m sure that she was a famous contortionist in an earlier life. 

But more about her in a moment. As I said I had just one video of Kara´s Mister mostly due to self elimination. There is the regular music video but I could not find it in good quality. Then there was a performance where the girls wore blue outfits instead of red ones and for some mysterious reason that didn´t work out at all. Another live performance that was in excellent quality but which I could not post was one where they were shot in front of a white background. What´s more the whole set was white : the floor, the walls, the ceiling, all of the furniture and all props.

Now if you have seen movies from the 60s or 70s when blue screens were new you know what happens when a girl group wearing white tops, white belts and white shoes is performing in a white studio. That´s right : the tops, belts and shoes disappear and it looks like the rest of them is in a void. So there was only one video left where they were wearing the right outfits and doing the butt dance in front of a multi - colored background.

And it could have ended there. But as always when I work too long on posts they become longer and longer and the Goo Hara bonus round that follows was only made possible by faithful blog reader Ja D who provided the necessary knowledge to confirm the identity of Goo Hara and brought the soju commercials she had made to my attention in the first place.

As always I didn´t read the comments correctly ( that happens when you don´t sleep enough ) and I thought this were some commercials AGAINST drinking like the ones Stevie Wonder used to do on the spanish telly. Well, I don´t know if he did them specifically for the spanish audiences but for years you always saw those Quando bebes no conduzcas. spots. Anyway, I was a bit surprised that it were commercials FOR drinking but as promised - lo and behold, there´s a lot of butt shaking of the finest order going on.

And because these videos tend to disappear from YouTube very quickly and there are some spotty moments here are the individual commercials, some of which may be of a better quality then the compilation video.

This last one is a k - pop all stars extravaganza as it features not only Goo Hara´s commercial but also some by Hyuna and a woman I don´t know.

If you have made it to this point without skipping the k - pop section I want to congratulate you and as a little sign of my appreciation here´s the fantastic The Dark Knight Returns fanfilm I mentioned in my last posting.

Another reason for including it is that there are people who insist that You can´t make a movie that is one hundred percent like the original comic. although Sin City did exactly that or proclaim You always have to change things when you turn a comic into a movie. That´s why it´s called adaption. Here EVERYTHING is just like in the comic book and it all works.

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Where brooding darkness spreads its evil wings the Night Raven stings !


  1. Great post mate. Jubilee is a character who I really loved when reading old x-men back issues. One of the highlights was the combo of her, Wolverine and sexy Psylocke. The girl has never been the same since leaving the team.
    Btw from Kara, I think the girl you mean is called Nicole. She left the group to go solo and disappeared. People remember her ass though.

  2. I didn´t know that Nicole left Kara ( somehow I always seem to be late to the party and the groups are already disbanding or have retired ) and she does have an impressive butt after a rigorous internet research ( it´s hard looking at all that korean booty - no pun intended ) I don´t think it´s her. The girl I´m talking about is called Goo Hara ( I think ) and I will try to find a GIF of good quality of her.

  3. Oh, Hara! Oops. Hara is a sexy little thing. I remember she did a soju(korean alcohol) commercial 5 years ago which involved a lot of ass shaking. Even the successful girl groups over there seem to break up around the 5-10 year mark with the better looking girls switching to acting. Recently it was Miss A that split.

  4. Sorry that I didn´t reply earlier but I wanted to finish the post first. It´s a bummer that the readers who find it late get the full package while the ones who read it when it´s half finished miss out on the best parts. Well I guess those that don´t read the previous post when a new one is posted have only themselves to blame.

    In any case I wanted to say thanks for the tip with the soju commercials again although I didn´t read your comment correctly - which happens when you don´t get enough sleep - and thought it was a commercial AGAINST drinking alcohol. Then I saw it was one FOR getting alcohol. Which I don´t think celebrities can do here in Germany since everything has to be political correct. A well known person inviting people to get plastered ? That would not fly.

    And Miss A has already split. Dude, I found them like three weeks ago alas, I hardly knew them.

  5. Speaking of changing your posts, why do you re-do them? Not complaining btw.

    And if korea does get pc they could always make commercials with kpop girls dressed up as stern, sexy school teachers menacingly waving a wooden ruler.

  6. Ah, yes the re - posts. The original idea was that it would be quicker to do between the more work intensive posts but that never works out. In the end they take at least as long as the regular posts and sometimes longer. So why do I still do it ? I think it is the perfectionist in me that always wants to add this or that and is never quite satisfied with how they work out. And very often I find the best material AFTER I have finished with the post. So if there is enough new stuff I do a new version. And most of the times doing a new cult siren post helps me relax in between posts.

    Now that idea about kpop idols dressed up as sexy teachers and wooden rulers .... I think they could get banned too. ( O )( O ) !!!

  7. Btw, the alco-commercial with three chicks also includes Hyorin, former lead singer of defunct sassy summer group Sistar. Not my fave tho. The best looker of the group was Bora.
