Monday, February 26, 2018

Spanish comics - special all women edition

Once again I´m writing kind of a buffer post in - between two DC - centric posts ( Tomorrow is Norm Breyfogle´s birthday so I´m doing a Batman post ) but I´m also taking the chance to post more spanish comics. Just to remind my readers that it´s not all about tight spandex, masks and capes.

Man, I really get nostalgic for the times when comic books - or better said tebeos - cost 5 pesetas. Now I did my last post about spanish comics four weeks ago and I don´t know how readers liked it since there was not that much response to it. Nevertheless I had the feeling that the women were a bit underrepresented in that post so I´m doing an all women post Today.

And that´s not part of any SJW agenda just to be clear. I´m not trying to make any kind of statement here about how badly women in comics were written back then and how much better they are as characters now or how firmly the male comic creators had everything in their grip and were trying to impose their beliefs onto others. If you want to read that kind of stuff I´m sure you can find plenty of articles about how we still live in a male dominated world or how everything bad that happens is the fault of white caucasian heterosexual males on the internet so I don´t have to join the bandwagon. I´m still paying for every comic book I read out of my own pocket and get no review copies from any publisher - not even the smallest independent comic companies seem to deem this blog worthy of their attention - so I don´t have to be careful that everything I write is politically correct and in line with the SJW guidelines. Nevertheless I have tried not to include too many strips from the same artist but only because I wanted to present the widest range possible. At first I was tempted only to include strips with hot attractive women but since I am hoping to do two or three follow up post ( there are a few artists where I have found a handful of strips ) I have tried to include strips with females of all age groups from young girls to old hags. And I really mean old hags because one of the strips in this post is called Doña Urraca and that name has become a synonym for an old unattractive woman - or hag - in the spanish language.

Anyway, this is supposed to be a quick post so let´s get to the comics.

There are two birthdays from Yesterday I want to mention the first being german author Karl May. When I was growing up there were two writers whose work you had to read, the first one was Jules Verne and the other was Karl May. I have mentioned Karl May and Winnetou ( and especially Elke Sommer´s cleavage in Unter Geiern which left a lasting impression on little Subzero ) in a few posts but I only got around to do a post on Karl May with a special emphasis on the Winnetou comics in 2016. So far I have not made a follow up post because for once I´m not that versed about Karl May and I mostly know the movie adaptions they have made of his books.

Also I don´t have any good material about the comic adaptions at the moment. Anyway, I´m sure that you haven´t read the last of Karl May or Winnetou on this blog and they may just pop up when you least expect it.

In my last post we had Playmate of the Month Of April 1986 centerfold Teri Weigel who celebrated her 55th birthday so Today I have to mention another Andy Sidaris related anniversary. Penthouse Pet Samatha Phillips who played Samatha Maxx, the buxom blonde with the high squirt factor in The Dallas Connection ( a.k.a. Deadworks ) and holds the record for getting her nude pictures published in the most countries turned 52.

Well - rounded in more than just the physical sense, Sam is a woman for the new millenium : she´s ambitious and she´s busy and not above using her spectacular naked body as fame currency. Sam has been a member of an all girl rock group, The Lykettes, a talk show host, a reality tv host, radio DJ, a spokesmodel, she has hosted any kind of show that exists on the planet and she became a pop icon as one of the most sought after models of the 80s. However the walking blow up sex doll template reaped the greatest exposure in the realm of sexploitation quickie flicks thanks to her rack - tastic 34D - 26 - 35 measurements and is famous for producing the Busty Cops movie series starring all of her buxom centerfold friends.

Sadly she was only in one Andy Sidaris movie but you can see her naked in classics like Hot Springs Hotel, Passion Cove, Bedtime Stories, Fallen Angel, The Regina Pierce Affair, Passion´s Obsession and Sexual Malice.

We continue with more hot sexbombs as Today´s first birthday is Alison Armitage who turns 53. She is best known as Brittany York, the Playmate Of The Month for October 1990 and the main eye candy on 90s wannabe Baywatch clone Acapulco H.E.A.T. which Subzero watched religiously.

Especially playmate Alison Armitage made me watch more episodes than was healthy and I never understood why she didn´t get more screen time than Catherine Oxenberg. I mean, the producers had to pay her anyway and to just have her in a few short bits in most of the episodes must have been a waste of money. Maybe I am naiive but to me that sounds like you got two weapons - a pointed stick and a gun - and always use the stick. If it was me after a few times I´d say f - word the stick and go for the gun right away. But that is probably one of the things that are done because they have always been done that way and therefore nobody questions.

Because of that it was extremely difficult to find an episode with Alison Armitage doing more than just a short appearance ( I can´t believe how many episodes of Acapulco H.E.A.T. are on YouTube - which won´t last ).

Apropos centerfolds, our first candidate in the Dearly Departed section is Tony Randall whom I know from two things : The Odd Couple - or how it´s called in Germany Männerwirtschaft - with Jack Klugmann which was based on the original movie with Jack Lemon and Walther Matthau and Pillow Talk with Rock Hudson and Doris Day. Who in my opinion is one of the best actresses in Hollywood since she somehow managed to pull off a wholesome and family friendly image having the body of a playboy bunny.

No less talented was Rock Hudson who convinced the entire world he was not gay. Fun fact : in the movie Rock Hudson plays a straight womanizer who tries to score with Doris Day by pretending to be gay which made the scene very interesting after the fact. One wonder if Rock Hudson had a lot of fun playing this or if he was walking a thin line between not appearing gay enough and being careful not to appear too gay. Anyway, of course I could not find any good clips from Pillow Talk apart from the one I already posted so I went in search of other clips with Tony Randall. Which is often the most interesting part of writing this section because I always learn new things. For example I didn´t know that Tony Randall played Hercule Poirot in The Alphabet Murders. As usual I could only find the spanish language version of the film but I think it´s fitting for Today´s topic.

Also no longer with us - except through his movies and his music - is the singer with probably the coolest name ever Johnny Cash. Normally I would have to look for a video since I became a fan very late in my life but just the other day I found out that Johnny Cash recorded songs in german.

We come back to sexbombs but this time to the animated version as Today is also the anniversary of Tex Avery who not only was one of the best animators but also made a lasting impression in pop culture with Red.

Some people will probably try to tell you that his greatest accomplishment was the creation of the Looney Tunes characters but while that may have had lasting repercussions his creation of a sexy jazzy version of Little Red Riding Hood not only revolutionized cartooning but laid the groundwork for a lot of female characters in movies or on tv - animated or otherwise.

Again for some reason you can´t find any full Tex Avery cartoons with Red on YouTube. There are plenty of complete episodes of The Tex Avery Show - and I even found an episode with a sexy cowgirl - but I want to include a video with Red and this one has at least a full performance with her.

I´m also including this video because it shows more scenes from the cartoon and it also explains what was so special about Tex Avery´s approach to cartooning which at that time was dominated by Walt Disney.

Now I don´t know how SJWs will rate this post because on one side it has a lot of women in comics but because I´m a man I´m surely exploiting and discriminating them in some sinister way. There is also the high number of sexbombs which is probably not only offensive to the ones I am featuring but also to all women worldwide. As much as that might speak against me I am not entirely sure how they will react so to help them make a definite decision here is a video that was brought to my attention by my brother of all people. I am not sure if I agree with all of this guy´s political views but he makes some valid points about Today´s society that has become alarmingly more racist in recent years. We are at a point where people are discriminated because of the color of their skin and what´s even worse is that we are led to believe that it´s okay just because the people who are discriminated are white and the people who discriminate them are black.

And you can substitute white people with male and black people with female. Or heterosexual and gay. Like the french say : the more things change the more everything stays the same with the only difference being that Today´s Nazis paint themselves as the oppressed party and victims.

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