Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentine´s Day bikini video spin off post

Post lead to more posts and as usual I tried to cram too many videos in my Valentine´s Day special post therefore I am doing a little spin off post.

Which would be a perfect opportunity to post more comic related stuff but then I thought it would not only defeat the purpose of this post but also not get a lot of attention since most readers will probably skip this post. And why put your best shot in a post that gets lost in the shuffle ?

So here is the part of the video section of the Valentine´s Day special post that got too long and I decided to put into a spin off. Because I put so many videos with german Busenwunder Daniela Elger in the post. But the thign is that I thought I had already posted more about her. But apparently I didn´t so I wanted to make up a bit for neglecting her.

I also wanted to include something for the dudes like me who celebrate Valentine´s Day alone with bikinis and since my readers are probably already tired of all the videos from The Bikini Open - or have watched them all on YouTube - I went to my bookmarks to find something special.

For those who missed the tail end of the 80s and the beginning of the 90s, that´s when more independent tv stations came about and because of the fierce competition for the audience more content for adults let´s say got picked up. Which included a lot of stuff with bikinis as you can see in the tv shows from around this time like some of the shows I posted here.

From Thunder In Paradise to Acapulco H.E.A.T. to the most successful one Baywatch which featured such classic babes like Pamela Anderson or Erika Eleniak who was immortalized in the annals of movie history with her incredibly steamy striptease in Under Siege, bikinis were everywhere.

But not only in regular tv shows. There were special programs like The Bikini Open or the famous Foxhunt and Bikini Wars that showed a lot of bikini competitions and bikini babes. I don´t know if there were more competitions around that time but you definitely saw more on the tv.

Also I´m no expert on women or plastic surgery so I can´t really say if there was less body enhancements at that time then now - and judging from what I have seen in porn movies I would think no - but the women in those bikini competition looked much better, more natural and definitely hotter than what you can see Today. At least in most competitions.

But back to the bikini video. One of the series that showcased bikinis and hot bikini babes back in the day was Venus Swimwear which had a really simple premise : promote the bikini fashion line of a company while at the same time giving guys what they want - hot women. I have no idea how many of their bikinis they sold but I´m sure the revenue of the video sales alone brought in enough profit so that everything else was secondary.

I found two complete videos of The Girls Of Venus Swimwear on YouTube but since I have never seen the complete shows I didn´t know which one to pick and I didn´t want to watch the full videos to come to a decision.

Luckily for me there were also a few shorter clips on YouTube so I went through them and something in the fourth one must have caught my eye.

Here you can see more of the lovely Miss Renata - and a few other bikini babes who are no less sexy. The only reason why Renata stands out is her mind - blowing bikini which really showcASSes her fantASStic ASSets.

Now after some serious research which involved going over the part with Renata a few times I was certain that the clip was from the first The Girls Of Venus Swimwear video and my original plan was to just post that but the quality in the single clips is much better so I am also including them.

And here is the complete video of The Girls Of Venus Swimwear in low quality. As I´ve said, the second part is also on YouTube and it should be no problem for you to find it. I´m not sure if a third part was ever made.

With the music video of the post I have been going back and forth - as regular readers of the blog have noticed without a daubt - but in the end I decided to go well, if not with songs that fit the theme of Valentine´s Day then at least with some that are sure to get you in the right mood. I was thinking of some that were only shown after midnight and on special shows like Nachtschicht but as usual I´m drawing a blank here so I went with some of the best I remembered which naturally include a lot of r & b music. Back when there was The Soul of Mtv I was a regular watcher.

But the non plus ultra of Getting It On With Your Girlfriend On Valentine´s Day  songs is without any question TLC´s Red Light Special. Usually I don´t go for skinny chicks but these bitches are so hot that you can´t help get a boner. Because they used to dress very Tomboy - ish in their early days a lot of female fans thought they were lesbians ( and a big percentage of their male fans hoped they were at least bi - sexual and open for a menage a trois ) but with this video they put those rumors to rest.

They had their target audience well in mind when they shot this video.

Since I am doing an extra post - and you are probably just in the right mood for it - I want to include Midnight Tease II for those guys who are lucky enough to have a partner for some Valentine´s Day fun and games.

Originally I was going to save this for Julie K. Smith´s next anniversary but I´m not so sure if I will be able to include it in the post. For some reason there is no sound but you have to be content with what is available on YouTube and you don´t watch these movies for the dialogue. It´s good enough to give you an idea if you want to go to the trouble of looking for it on DVD or Blue Ray. In any case, have a wonderful Valentine´s Day !

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