Sunday, July 14, 2019

Puppies, cheerleaders and other strippers

Just when I thought I was finally finished with the post I have to go back in and do another spin - off because it still takes too long to load. Well, the good side is that I wanted to put this part into an extra post anyway.

Since I wrote my last post on July the 13th we have a much shorter list of celebrity birthdays to cover - which is why we only have five spin - off posts this time. We start on July the 14th with Jeff Jarrett who turned 52.

He won most of his matches due to two things - well, really three things - El Kawong ! and Debra Michaels´ big puppies which could easily triple the circulation figures of any gentleman´s magazine ( in fact, Debra claims that PLAYBOY made her a substantial offer but she turned it down which I can totally believe ). Coming back to stunning figures, Jeff Jarrett only won the matches when he didn´t sending Debra back to the locker room area for showing too much skin. Where I am sure the rest of the NWO guys kept her entertained. It is a well known fact that Arne Anderson used Tylene Buck as his blow up sex doll because he claimed he could help her with her career and the other members of the group - no pun intended - frequently used the valets for shall we say recreational purposes. Coming back to Debra she always pulled off the look of the big titted boss you could never nail / slutty secretary you wish your wife would let you have.

It´s no surprise that the Texas raised sexbomb with the huge hooters was a cheerleader as well as her school´s homecoming queen since we know the real purpose of the cheerleaders is to endure the adrenaline charged sexual assault of the jocks at the post game victory parties / sex orgies .

Which made it always a bit strange for me to watch Kim Possible. Boy, will she be surprised when she hits puberty - or when puberty hits her chest - and finds out what her real role in the team is. I bet " head cheerleader " Bonnie Rockwaller can give her some tips how to spread her legs like a pro.

Anyway, in the ring Debra always used her spectacular boobs to distract the opponent or the referee - whatever was more successful - and her ridiculously skimpy outfits come in every color of the 36DD rainbow.

In the last post where I mentioned Debra I posted three videos with her but since I already had to replace one of them I am trying to spread them out a bit. As it always happens with hot women and sports tv Debra´s breast moments were not always caught on camera ( for a company that relies on filming everything important in a match as soon as it happens the WWE has a history of failing to focus on hot women as soon as they drop some clothes ) so we can thank the horny wrestling gods for this.

We are coming to sexbombs who definitely were caught on camera while dropping their clothes with the 61st birthday of Leon Boden who also was on the wildly successful Hinter Gittern - Der Frauenknast but for me was Johnny Roland on Die Rote Meile. The series was named after the red light district of St. Pauli in Hamburg and was a sequel to The King of St. Pauli. It followed the lives of strippers, prostitutes and their pimps but they were all portrayed like regular people not like in american tv where people from this walk of life are always portrayed as bad people. Anyway, I watched every episode of Die Rote Meile because they had a very easy concept : one strip in every episode which was not interrupted by commercials. I don´t know if they could do that Today as they put them into everything.

Even if they did not go totally topless - sometimes they had pasties on - I was glued to the tv watching such hot sexbombs like Yasmina Filali above.

Daimn, that girl really has the prototype of the heart shaped ass. Longtime readers know that one of my pet pevees on this blog is celebrating all the brave actresses who turn insufferable dreck into bearable entertainment by taking their clothes off or at least show what their Mama gave them and who don´t get enough recognition for that . And there were some on Die Rote Meile as I found out when I tried to find the names of the best strippers. Yes, only the " real " actors are mentioned in the cast meaning those with a speaking part which tells you which place some women still occupy in Today´s society. So if anybody out there knows the name of the living blow up sex doll with the big melons below put it in the comments.

Anyway, one of the best strippers of the regular cast is Sylvia Leifheit who has a secret identity in the series as she plays the typical devoted wife by day, secret stripper by night. Sylvia made me realize two things : firstly, while I usually don´t go for skinny chicks she is just oozing so much sex appeal that I would do her in a minute. And second, hair color can really make a difference because her character in the series is actually a blonde and despite having the same stunning figure as a blonde she´s kind of - meh - looking while as Luna with the black wig she´s a real firecracker !

A few years back I got the complete first season of Die Rote Meile on DVD at amazon at a pretty decent price and I´m glad I seized the opportunity because it really goes for ridiculous prices now. I can really recommend this show and Sylvia Leifheit alone is worth the price of admission.

Since there are no clips of Die Rote Meile on YouTube I have to get a bit creative. Now the casual reader might think that I´m only posting videos with Taylor Swift since she got boobies but it´s just a big coincidence.

Anyway, here is a video in which the hottest celebrities " Take It Off ! " which is what Taylor Swift will be hearing a lot during her next concerts. Well, she can always pretend those overzealous fans just like the song.

So far Comic Tropes hasn´t tackled any comics about wrestling and since the only other comic related thing in this post is Smallville ( don´t worry, we will come to that later ) here are the Top 5 Worst Promotional Comics.

Since I mentioned cheerleaders in the part about Debra Michaels I wanted to include this video of a performance by the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. The quality could be better but it´s high enough to appreciate their skill.

And when am I ever going to write about cheerleaders ? As somebody who grew up in Germany I never watched much american football so everything I know about America and it´s sexual fixation on cheerleaders is what I got from movies or tv. There was a show on the german sports channel that had a show about football where they also showcased a cheerleader in every episode but I couldn´t watch that many episodes. So I am not an expert but I know cheerleaders are very talented hard working women who do a very difficult job under very difficult conditions that would not fly with guys. Seriously, if guys had to work under the conditions these women have to endure they would be boycotting, there would be riots in the streets and America would become a war zone on the brink of a new civil war. Oh, before I forget, there is another video that has somewhat to do with cheerleaders but it´s an Episode of Mike Hammer and I already posted one in the WONDER WOMAN / LYNDA CARTER spin - off post. Also it features the stunning Janine Turner from Northern Exposure in her prime ( wearing the mother of all cleavages ) so I want to save this video for her next birthday or at least until I can find a better version so I can make some appropriate ( or better not so appropriate ) GIFs of juicy Janine.

Who would also make a great cheerleader with her giant - sized 41E superbowls ( sorry, I couldn´t resist the pun ) is wet cosplay sex dream Angie Griffin and I have been waiting to post this video for a long time.

Speaking of awesome cheerleaders, I always said Disney should have done a Kim Possible live action movie with Lindsay Lohan when she was at her prime . Now it´s too late and what they finally produced is even worse than I could have imagined it. Although I have to veto one point : that Kim Possible has a nervous breakdown because someone else is better than her at something - even if it´s a friend is taken right out of the cartoon. It happened in every episode where Ron was better at something than Kim. Like in the episode where Kim works at Bueno Nacho to get enough money to buy a new jacket. She has zero interest in being a good employee and is only doing it for the money but once Ron gets promoted faster than her - who only started working there to support Kim morally - she gets super envious and bitchy. And Ron is just being the better employee : being on time, doing the chores Kim deems beneath her, having new and successful ideas for the menu etc. So yes, Kim always had a fit when somebody else was better at something than her. Gee, can you guess that I watched a few episodes ? In any case I am glad I can now ignore the live action movie thanks to the Nostalgia Critic´s long review.

I am slowly running out of classic cartoons but since Kim Possible falls into the whole spy genre here is Cool McCool who was created by Bob Kane.

Since the whole post started with Jeff Jarrett I didn´t want to end this without a match with him. Here he teams up with Scott Steiner a.k.a. Big Poppa Pump against the late Curt Henning and Buff Bagwell. And while we don´t have Debra we do have some eye candy with Midajah O´Hearn and the aforementioned Tylene Buck ( whose hair always looked like she just went a few rounds with the NWO guys ). And in a very uncharacteristic move Jeff Jarrett does not even send them back to the locker room.

Buff Bagwell not only appeared in an episode of Charmed with repentant born for porn blow up sex doll Alyssa Milano who did her breast full frontal performance in the 1995 skin flick classic Embrace Of The Vampire ( you can read more about her in this spin - off post ) but he also was in two Andy Sidaris movies : Day Of The Warrior and Return To Savage Beach .

Which is the moment to add the obligatory links for the Andy Sidaris actresses / playmates as well as for blonde brabuster Monique Sluyter and the usual plethora of Tutti Frutti girls but I also did a spin - off post for them with a plethora of new download links for not only entire episodes - which are ultra rare - but for german episodes which are even rarer . Some of em even include my favorite Tutti Frutti girl ( you can see her below ).

Who would have been right at home in an Andy Sidaris movie or on Tutti Frutti with her stunning 36C - 24 - 32 measurements is Ashley Massaro and if there is one part I least enjoy writing it is the Dearly Departed section.

Nevertheless I wanted to pay homage to her. Ashley was never the most successful WWE Diva or the best female wrestler but she was still a great athlete with incredible muscle control, she had a lot of fans, she always was in a good mood and always made a great show. And not only because of her very skimpy wrestling outfits. Before getting into wrestling Ashley was a very successful model who was Miss Hawaiian Tropic USA in 2002 and Miss Hawaiian Tropic in August 2004 and posed nude for PLAYBOY in 2003, 2004 and 2007 ( the first two times under the name Mackenzie Ryan ) which helped her gain a lot of male fans. She also played Athena in the episode Combat on Smallville alongside wrestler Kane who played Titan.


Usually I don´t like to make last - minute - changes to a post that´s already finished but I also don´t like to end on such a sad note. So as longtime readers know my all - time favorite female wrestler is knockout Gail Kim.

I don´t know what it is about them but asian girls are my kryptonite !

The last I heard of her was that she retired from TnA iMPACT Wrestling and since we only get WWE wrestling her in Germany I wasn´t sure if there still is a TnA wrestling league. Well, as I was doing the post post production I came across these two videos and it seems that TnA iMPACT Wrestling is not only going on but Gail Kim also came out of retirement.

By the way, is it just my imagination or have Gail Kim´s boobs gotten bigger ? It looks like since she turned 41 she loves to show off her oppai.

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For the people who believe you don´t have to explain and for the people who don´t believe no explanation is good enough.

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