Tuesday, October 15, 2019

God of Thunder Tuesday with Vince Coletta

I swear, I try to make these posts as short as possible but somehow they just get longer and longer. And what was supposed to be a short post in honor of Vince Coletta is slowly becoming longer than a regular post.

While he´s never been one of my favorite inkers Vince Coletta did ink a lot of comics in my formative comic reading years including a lot of issues of THOR by Jack Kirby. One of the brilliant things Stan Lee did was put different inkers on the series penciled by Jack Kirby so that while all of them had the distinctive Jack Kirby look they also looked different enough to avoid loosing the readers interest and for me Vince Coletta´s organic inks fit THOR pretty well. So in homage of that I did another special Thor post about Vince Coletta where I included a lot of splash pages from the german Condor Verlag. And there are of course a few more Jack Kirby THORSDAY posts where he did the inks but I´m not going to list them all.

I´m sure you can find them through the " Thor " tag. Nevertheless I want to use the chance to post a few more pages from the various titles Vince Coletta has worked on over the years. Especially since he inked the first american Spider - Man comicbook I ever bought AMAZING SPIDER - MAN 292, written by the often overlooked Spider - scribe David Micheline and penciled by Alex Saviuk with whom I was familiar with through the pages of WEB OF SPIDER - MAN. It´s not one of the best Spider - Man issues ever produced but I still have fond memories of it because it´s one of my firsts.

The story features Peter Parker in his new black post - SECRET WARS pajamas and the return of Alistar Smythe and his newest Spider - Slayer.

Now usually this would be the part where I get to the missed birthdays since my last post but Today I want to do something I have not done in a long while : pimp a comicbook from amazon Germany´s bargain section.


Longtime readers know that I like to do that from time to time since it helps my readers stretch that Euros. As coincidences would have it the new oversized hardcover KIRBY IS MIGHTY is currently offered at amazon Germany for 50 EUROS including package and shipping. It´s 35 x 54 cm big ( I don´t know how much that is in inches but it should be bigger than the THOR BY WALTER SIMONSON ARTIST EDITION I have so that should tell you something ), 320 pages thick and goes for a regular price of 95 Euros.

So the price at amazon is almost half price. Usually I don´t recommend a book I haven´t seen and I most certainly don´t recommend books I have not bought myself. In this case I am willing to make an exception because while I HAVE ordered the book it has not arrived yet. From what I have read in the reviews people are not that happy with the regular price and I can understand that because the book only has 320 pages and costs almost as much as an ARTIST`S EDITION. On the other hand it could also be that when it arrives it is such a giant book ( I pity the delivery guy who has to schlepp it to my doorstep ) that it´s totally worth it. We´ll have to see.

Another point of criticism is the selection of issues. The book includes some material from JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY 83 and 125, THOR 126, 131 to 133, 137 to 139 and the complete issues of THOR 160 to 162 and 167 to 170.

Now I tried to find videos on YouTube about this book or at least some online reviews but I could not find any. So I don´t know what they picked from the comics where they didn´t include the entire issue. But I looked up THOR issues 160 to 162 and 167 to 170. And I think that the reason why they chose these issues is that both are Galactus stories and if you have read Jack Kirby´s THOR you know that nobody gets as cosmic as the King.

I may be going out on a limb but I think the premise of these new King - sized editions is to showcase Jack Kirby´s wonderful art in the best way.

And for that you want some special issues and these certainly qualify.

Likewise it would not surprise me if they picked the best parts from the issues where they did not include all the pages. Like I said, the book is still en route but I wanted to put the info on the blog as soon as possible because you never know how long these bargain prices from amazon last.

There are a few other King - sized books available at amazon but they all are at a price of 77 Euros so this is the cheapest one. And you can´t go wrong with Jack Kirby´s THOR. Okay, not all of the material in the book was inked by Vince Coletta but enough that it´s worth mentioning.

Links. We got links, baby. Since I had to do some research for my reading recommendation there are a few interesting pages I came across and there are the usual thanks I have to give to the fine folks who provided some of the art I used in this post. Kudos go out to the guys at MARS WILL SEND NO MORE who provided the first page of THOR 162 through their first part on the origin of Galactus and likewise page 12 is from part two .

Those who want to read more about the issues in the oversized KIRBY IS MIGHTY ! hardcover should consult the long, in - depth looks at THOR issue 161 and THOR issue 169 by Alan Stewart on ATTACK OF THE 50 YEARS OLD COMIC BOOKS,check out more pages from THOR 160 to 162 on BERKELEY PLACE and the cover of THOR 169 by Jack Kirby with some help by John Romita as well as page 18 ( both inked by George Klein ) can be found on THE PENCIL INK BLOG . Last but not least, my german readers ( if I still have any left ) might be interested in the first part of Daniel Wamsler´s essay Die Marvel´s wie sie wirklich waren on the publication history of Thor in Germany through Bildschriftenverlag from his brilliant and sorely missed historic magazine Das sagte Nuff ! on MONTY ARNOLD BLOGT .


We still have to catch up with our birthdays and our first candidate is Ivonne Reyes who celebrated her 52nd birthday on October the 8th.

She was a big star in the 80s thanks to her contagious smile, her upbeat personality, her humor and having more curves than the Nürnburgring.

She became one of Spain´s most lusted after celebrities thanks to her stunning all natural 34C - 23 - 34 measurements which she openly displayed in quiz shows like El Precio Justo ( the spanish version of THE PRICE IS RIGHT) or telenovelas like Hechizo De Amor and La Verdad De Laura.

She sadly never did any porn movies but she appeared naked in the movies La Sal De La Vida and Los Pajaros Se Van Con La Muerte.

Ivonne also did pose nude a few times much to the delight of the entire male population of Spain and the rest of the spanish speaking world.

Originally I wanted to post the video from which the GIF above was made but then I found another that shows why Ivonne is mas bueno que el pan.

We´re staying in the 80s but we come to martial art action with Michael Dudikoff who celebrated his 65th birthday and who is best known for the American Ninja movies ( I loved them as a kid ) which - as bad as they are watching them as an adult - are the cusp of his cinematic oeuvre. The best of the rest are the Bounty Hunters movies, not so much for Michael Dudikoff´s performance but because of the much underrated Lisa Howard.

Longtime readers know that one of my pet pevees on this blog is celebrating all the brave actresses who turn insufferable dreck into bearable entertainment by taking their clothes off or at least show what their Mama gave them and who don´t get enough recognition for that .

Speaking of hot sexbombs, in American Ninja 4 : The Annihilation Michael Dudikoff has only a small part since David Bradley is the protagonist for most of the movie. But the real highlight is provided by überraunchy Robin Stille when she is captured, groped and slapped around by the bad guy.

I seem to recall that he did more to her than just grope her and rough her up a bit but that might have been just my overactive imagination at work again. The scene I have in mind is not in the version below but if it never was in the movie we have a big continuity error. When we first see Robin Stille and the other captured americans around 42 minutes she is wearing a normal shirt which is intact and there are no buttons or a zipper. The bad guy approaches her, whispers something into her ear ( probably all the ways he is going to dicktame her ), feels her up a bit and basically drools all over her big boobs. But when he leaves the shirt is still intact.

When we next see Robin it´s at 1 hour 4 minutes, she is sitting on the floor, her shirt is completely ripped open and her surprisingly unerotic bra which can barely control her big MILF mammaries is totally hanging out.

She is crying and David Bradley is comforting her. Which makes it very plausible that the bad guy had her escorted to his private quarters where he used the busty brunette as his personal blow up sex doll all night long.

I mean, not to say I side with the bad guy but if I had a living Playmate of the Month ( how he actually calls her in the movie ) tied up helplessly before me I would not hesitate to bang her brains out six ways to Sunday.


After all that´s one of the perks of being a movie villain : you get to have your way with all the female prisoners putting their bodies to the test.

Coming back to the shirt timeline, at first I thought maybe the bad guy ripped Robin´s shirt when he grabs her titties and slaps her around at 1 hour 10 minutes and they just mixed up the two scenes. But her shirt is already ripped before he lays a finger on her so it must have happened some time before this scene. I don´t know if I really saw a version where the bad guy gets to drill Robin, if that was just in my imagination, if they shot the scene and then cut it or just forgot to shoot the scene and then implied it has happened. In any case this movie would have benefit greatly from a nude scene or at least a topless scene and it´s not like Robin was not qualified for that. Besides this she appeared in The Slumber Party Massacre and also in Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl - O - Rama.

From martial arts flicks we come to science fiction as Sigourney Weaver turns 70, best known for the Alien movies which have had a lot of comic adaptions since Dark Horse secured the rights. She also appeared in the brilliant Galaxy Quest where she perfectly - and literally - filled out the part of eye candy as blonde fan service provider Gwen DeMarco and she delivers one of the breast performances of her career with great gusto.

Sadly the breast parts of it were cut and can only be seen in the extras.  

Whenever one of these cult sirens make a repeat appearance I like to add a little something something to it so there is a good reason to showcase them again. And while I did find some excellent new HQ GIFs I still don´t have any download links. To make up for that here is Sigourney Weaver´s Galaxy Quest feature from Femme Fatales. I remember that when I started reading american comicbooks this magazine was hard to come by ( no pun intended ) and I grabbed each issue I would find at a german convention.

Since I have posted quite a few videos about the movie I want to include one about the comicbook series from IDW that continued the adventures.

Somehow the entertainment block seems stuck in the 80s as another movie icon from that time, Chevy Chase, turned 76 who was in all the big National Lampoon movies. By the way, as I´m always talking about giving credit to those unsung movie vixens the name of the hot lingerie vendor from National Lampoon´s Christmas Vacation is Nicolette Scorsese. 


We´re staying with 80s comedy as Paul Hogan celebrates his 80th birthday.

He´s best known for the Crocodile Dundee movies of which the first one is still the best - not only because of Hogan´s ex - wife Linda Kozlowski´s mindblowing thong bathing suit and exposed bootylicious buttocks. Her revealed posterior that almost rivals an afro - american woman´s butt in regards to size and ripeness is the only reason why the first Crocodile Dundee movie is not only still in reruns on the television but also an indispensable part of every heterosexual male´s Blue Ray collection.

Despite having re - posted her original cult siren entry from 2015 two times I always looked forward to doing a new version because it gave me an excuse to put more german Superman / Batman covers on the blog.


While looking for the best version of Linda Kozlowski´s history making scene I came across some other videos that I wanted to share. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and in this interpretation for a new generation it is 22 year old australian model Kristina Mendonca presenting her bonerinducing gluteus maximus in the thong swimsuit.

I could not find out a lot about Kristina Mendonca besides that she was born on June 27th 1977 in Australia and that she is now living in New Zealand. Her measurements are 34B - 24 - 38 and as you will see in the following videos she can give Linda Kozlowski a run for her money.

Besides the two commercials for The Linda swimsuit I have also included a Behind The Scenes video since you get to see more of Kristina´s perfect butt. There is a guy who´s job it is to make sure her ass is always moist and wet and I bet he paid the production crew. If they paid him he´s one of the luckiest guys on the planet because there were probably hundreds of horny volunteers who auditioned for the position ( no pun intended ).


Now I thought about how I could possibly top this and the only one who came to mind was bombASStic instagram model Zahra Elise. With her 34D - 26 - 43 ( !!! ) measurements she is every horny butt lovers wet sex dream and in this video she even wears a swimsuit with a microscopic string between her massive buttocks that leaves nothing to the imagination.

Longtime followers of the blog may remember my only BIG CULO DAY post in which I mentioned how the character designers of Avengers : Earth´s Mightiest Heroes ( which is still the best adaption of the comicbooks ) gave Maria Hill an incredibly big bootie - probably because they changed her ethnicity to a latina - and how I was so distracted by her ample ASSets that I had to stop watching because she gave me such a huge erection.

No disrespect to Cobie Smulders but as one of the few people who hasn´t watched How I Met Your Mother religiously and doesn´t have that big of an attachment to her I always expected Maria Hill to have more booty.

I mean, even in the comics artists like Carlos Pacheco began drawing her with an impressive behind. The reason why I´m mentioning all this is that with her short black hair and epic derriere Zahra Elise looks like I always imagined Maria Hill. Those who have read the comicbooks may remember that after SECRET WAR ( the 5 issue series by Brian Michael Bendis and Gabriele Dell´ Otto not to be confused with the 12 issue SECRET WARS mini series by Jim Shooter and Mike Zeck and the sequel SECRET WARS II ) Nick Fury disappeared and only interacted with other people through his Life Model Decoys and even told Maria Hill to do the same since he knew something was off. As it turned out the old saying " Just because you are paranoid it does not mean there is not someone out to get you. " was true as SECRET INVASION has already started and skrulls were everywhere.

During the first part of that Nick Fury was holed up in a secret installation where he founded the SECRET WARRIORS as his new striketeam ( which is a series I can only recommend ) which included Sky from Marvel´s Agents of S. H.I.E.L.D. Anyway, I always envisioned Maria Hill´s reunion with Nick Fury somewhat different as in the Marvel Comics. For me she would find the way to his secret lair only to find out that for the last six months he had been using a dozen Maria Hill LMDs as his personal blow up sex dolls.

She would find the first one dressed up with long black leather high boots, long leather gloves, a black leather bra and a black leather collar chained to a bed with her long legs spread wide open, completely worn out from sex.

There would be half a dozen laying around, dressed in the most scantily clad porn outfits and they were all banged out of commission from the extensiv drilling. Understandably enraged by how her superior basically sexually assaulted multiple versions of her almost nonstop she would find him in a wild sex orgy with the remaining six Maria Hill LMDs dressed up as Spiderwoman, Miss Marvel, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Wasp and Dazzler but when she tries to confront him he mistakes Maria Hill for one of his mechanical sexbots and begins to put her pornstar body to the test.

She tries to stop him but can´t get a word out with his giant member filling out her throat and when he finally takes it out she becomes too busy screaming at the top of her lungs because Nick starts to pound her.

It is only when he comes inside her for the third time that he notices something is off because so far none of the LMDs lasted more than two orgasms. Anyway, I think Zahra Elise would be perfect for these kind of videos since she is predestined for all night sex position warfare orgies.

Originally I wanted to post a different video but that was deleted. Which was not that bad because the new video is longer and of better quality.   

To end Today´s birthday section you can find more from October the 8th in this post . Now we already have one comicbook related video but I want to include a second one. For once because with the unplanned plug for the KIRBY IS MIGHTY ! hardcover as well as the rant about Nick Fury, Maria Hill and Zahra Elise this post has become way longer than planned.

So I want to reward all those readers who have held up until now and who have gotten their second wind. Like it´s a second post addendum. The other reason is that the following video is a two parter and I don´t know when I can post the second part. It ties into Today´s post because the FOURTH WORLD SAGA evolved from a story Jack Kirby initially wanted to tell within the pages of THE MIGHTY THOR. But when Marvel nixed his plans he went to DC to tell his version of the aftermath of Ragnarök.

With the ridiculously long part about American Ninja 4 : The Annihilation ( which I will try to shorten as best as I can ) I wanted to add a video from a tv show about ninjas. Now I don´t know if Ninjak vs the Valiant Universe qualifies as a tv series but it is definitely serialized and it even has the word ninja in the title. I posted the trailer way back in 2017 and as usual planned to do a follow up post about Valiant comics that never came to pass. Well, in a sense that was all for the best because now you can finally watch the entire series on YouTube. There are some videos where you get all in one video but I posted one that is just the first episode because that´s the highest quality you can find right now. And you can decide for yourself if you want to continue watching or not. Some people have said that it looks like a very well fan made series but I´m just excited to see some of my favorite characters come alive. Man, Valiant Comics was my shit and now I´m really hyped for the Bloodshot movie with Vin Diesel.

Now that you have watched the first episode ( or even the full series if you are as impatient as me ) it´s time to calm things down. For which I have just the right song. Sometimes these songs tie in to the topic of the day but very often there is none that really fits and I get to pick one out. 

Things get definitely darker as we have another review from Brandon´s Cult Movie Reviews, this time about one of my Mom´s favorite movies.

Since Halloween is coming up and I probably won´t be able to do a special post for it ( in fact I know that I didn´t since I am finishing this post after Halloween ) we continue the spooky vibe with an episode from Scooby - Doo in spanish. This was a show which I mostly watched during summer.

While I always enjoyed my vacations in Spain as a kid the car ride there was not always a lot of fun as my father used to drive incredibly fast ( and knowing that all spanish drivers go very fast should tell you how suicidal his driving was ) especially when he engaged in speed races with other cars. One of the few things that made those death defying cannonball runs halfway bearable where the cassettes of this man. He is a cultural icon in Spain and at least in my generation everybody knew Eugenio.

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It is not true that nice guys finish last. Nice guys are winners before the game even starts.

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