Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Black and white Wednesday with Bill Ward !

Sometimes doing the work AFTER finishing the posts takes much longer than writing the actual posts and it´s the part of the work readers seldom get to see. What they still benefit from are these posts that get done in the aftermath - in this case the anniversary of pin up artist Bill Ward.

Which was at the beginning of this month. But since I didn´t have a lot of good material - and I didn´t want to do a post about his series TORCHY since I already did that last year - I skipped it. Well, after putting all the stuff that I accumulated while writing the last seven posts where it belongs I realized that I now have more than enough for a proper post.

What´s more, I have even that many good original art pieces that I have already selected all the material for my next Bill Ward post. By the way, this will be somewhat shorter than my usual BLACK AND WHITE posts since this art was used as black and white illustration without coloring them.

For this post I have chosen my personal favorite pin ups so it is completely subjective. Also I have put together drawings that showcase one of the things Bill Ward was good at ( besides depicting the female form ) : female evening wear. Because not only did he draw some of the most tight fitting dresses, he also draped every fold and wrinkle to accentuate the exciting measurements of the glamour girls wearing them. He made them shine.

And not only the dresses, the gloves and especially the fishnets ( daimn, those legs ) are also very shiny. That´s one thing I am still wrestling with. 

There were some links I wanted to include but since they don´t really have something to do with the topic of this post and I found too much good material to waste it here that will become its own post pretty soon.

There are just a few other posts I have to finish first. You know, I was not sure how to continue after WILL EISNER WEEK and the Tylene Buck posts but now I have more spotlight posts than I can handle on my plate. In any case the next post will be another re - post of finess guru / sexbomb Kiana Tom since the last one was in 2017 and we´ll see where we go from there.

Well, even without any links we have a few celebrity birthdays to address starting on the 10th of March when Sandra Stumptner a.k.a. Antonia aus Tirol a.k.a. the human men milking sexmachine from the alps turned 40.

While I´m not that big a fan of Volksmusik one of the perks of that music style is that the dirndl the women wear always gives them an impressive cleavage - even moreso in the case of DD bombshell Antonia who could have easily starred in a Russ Meyer movie with her terrific twin torpedoes.

Another singing sexbomb with porn star measurements is our next candidate but while we only have seen Antonia topless - and with a handbra provided by Anton from Tirol - bigbreasted brunette brabuster Cynthia Brimhall not only openly displayed her bonerinducing 36C - 25 - 36 measurements in her pictorial as PLAYBOY´s Playmate Of The Month Of October in 1985 , she also got naked in six ( ! ) Andy Sidaris movies. She celebrated her 56th birthday and longtime readers may remember that although I haven´t given her her own cult siren post yet I cast her as mammary queen Maxima in the CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA MOVIE - ANDY SIDARIS SPECIAL EDITION which is a post I link to frequently.

While I have presented my candidates for portraying Maxima in my Justice League casting posts I never have written much about Maxima herself.

When I did my very first post of the series ( at least here, I did the first version at my old boob blog long before that ) I did two posts on her but the first one got sidetracked with a lot of other stuff ( although there are a lot of links about Maxima in that one ) while in the second one at least I started on her published history. Then I also got sidetracked and the next thing I wanted to write about was The Supergirl Saga. I started in the Maxima post and managed to write a post about all the problems with Supergirl´s new history because of John Byrne´s post Crisis On Infinite Earths relaunch of the Superman universe. But I never got to do my big post on that story and I also haven´t done my big post on Maxima yet.

While I still plan to do that I have decided to deliver the lowdown on her for all the comicbook muggels who only know her character from the cartoons or the twisted lesbian SJW version of the NEW 52. Created by writer Roger Stern and artist George Perez, she is an alien from the planet Almerac who chose Superman as her consort. Her race is a very war like species who try to conquer other planets which they built up as the reason why Superman rejected her offer although they were genetically compatible. I mean, they had to come up with something since she was drawn by George Perez which meant that while she looked slightly alien but still drop dead gorgeous. Which was the reason why I chose Cynthia Brimhall for her role in the special Andy Sidaris casting. I mean, granted she´s a brunette and not a redhead but which male on the planet - be he from Earth or somewhere else - could deny her request to procreate ?

Well, obviously Superman did reject her offer in Action Comics 654 which is technically not her first appearance since the Maxima that Superman faced turned out not to be a simulacrum and not the arousing alien from Almerac. So I guess her first real appearance is in the extra - sized Action Comics 650 while her second try to win over Superman´s heart ( or other more easily influenced parts of his body ) happens in the following issue.

And maybe it´s just bad timing but Maxima´s second attempt to tame Superman as her new breeding stallion happens during the Day Of The Krypton Man story where the Eradicator was influencing Superman´s emotions. It was subduing his caring human side and strengthening his rational, cold and emotionless kryptonian heritage. So Maxima´s offer for wild, uninhibited, unadulterated sex marathons came at a time when the former Man of Steel couldn´t have cared less and he quickly dispensed her.

After that she became part of the Superman Revenge Squad trying to get revenge because he didn´t bang her brains out ( who wouldn´t like to have these kind of problems ? ) but when her planet was destroyed she tried to turn her life around an became a member of the Justice League.

Andy Sidaris was probably THE BEST director of action movies for adults and his cast is a WHOS´S WHO of playmates : 40DD Playmate Of The Month November 1984 Roberta Vasquez , hot 34D Page 3 girl turned sex therapist Ava Cadell , 41D Penthouse Pet Of The Year 1993 Julie Strain , Samantha Phillips, 34D Playmate Of The Month May 1994 Shae Marks , 36D Penthouse Pet Of The Month February 1993 Julie K. Smith , 34C Playmate Of The Month September 1993 Carrie Westcott or Dona Speir to name just a few.

And I just wrote a spin - off post with all the usual links to Janet Jones Gretzky and real live Power Girl Leslie Easterbrook who had the most famous scene in Police Academy 4 - Citizens on Patrol in which she emerges from a pool in a wet t - shirt. And while the obligatory Andy Sidaris actresses / playmates / sexbombs like Roberta Vasquez , Ava Cadell , brunette Cynthia Brimhall, Dona Speir , Julie Strain , Shae Marks , Julie K. Smith and Samantha Phillips are mentioned the main part is about blonde brabuster Monique Sluyter and the obligatory plethora of Tutti Frutti girls .

Now usually I just include a short part with them in the posts but this time I did a somewhat longer version so I could include all the new download links I found while writing this post. I just recently included a whole slew of new ones but those are just for compilation and mixes while these new ones are not only for entire episodes - which are always ultra rare - but for german episodes which are even rarer . Some of them even include my favorite Tutti Frutti girl ( whom you can see just below ).

There is definitely a them of fighting, wrestling and martial arts in these last posts not only with the Tylene Buck posts but in our last post we had hasian stripping wrestling valet Leia Meow and martial arts icon Cynthia Rothrock while we have another real life Master of Kung Fu in this post.

Thankfully I went through the birthday list one more time to make sure I haven´t missed anybody important and I can´t believe I never included Chuck Norris, the myth, the man, the legend in any of these countdowns.

He turned 80 and beyond being a pop culture icon he has become a worldwide phenomenon with some of his films going beyond cult movie status and almost being revered to with religious intensity. Just ask anybody who grew up in Latin America during the 80s about The Octagon

Fun fact : besides Lee Van Cleef who was in the now forgotten tv series The Master the cast of The Octagon also includes Richard Norton who appeared in a lot of Cynthia Rothrock movies - as an ally or an antagonist.

Speaking of antagonists, the zenith of Chuck Norris cineastic ouvre must be Way Of The Dragon where he fought against Bruce Lee in the roman Colloseum with a lot of chest hair, one of THE best fight scenes in movie history. It was called The Claw Of Death Strikes Again ! in Germany ( Die Todeskralle schlägt wieder zu ! ) because the movie Enter The Dragon had been billed here as The Man With The Claw Of Death ( Der Mann mit der Todeskralle ) and they wanted to cash in on the success of that movie.

Another german title was Bruce Lee : The Fist Of The Dragon and speak about starting on a high point, it was only Chuck Norris second movie.

Apropos chest hair, back in the 80s Chuck Norris was one of the manliest men in showbiz and in movies like Lone Wolf McQuade ( opposite none other than Kwai Chang Kane David Carradine ), Invasion U.S.A. , The Delta Force, Delta Force 2 : The Colombian Connection and Missing In Action, Missing In Action 2 : The Beginning and Braddock : Missing In Action III he showed how to chew gums, kick ass, take names and make America great.

Another quick birthday shoutout goes to David Anders who celebrated his 39th anniversary on March the 11th. He played villain Julian Sark on Alias ( the spy show with Jennifer Garner, not the series based on the Marvel comic by Brian Michael Bendis ) or like I like to call it the The Jack Bristow Show because he was the more interesting - and cooler - character. Victor Garber really killed it and I was sad when he left Lesbians Of Tomorrow.

I had hoped to see him in the Crisis On Infinite Earths crossover because there has to be some alternative version of Professor Stein somewhere but that didn´t happen. Coming back to David Anders he has appeared on Arrow, Charmed, Lie To Me, Heroes, 24 and Warehouse 13 but where I really learned to appreciated him was on iZombie where he played Blaine DeBeers. Because you need a good and complex villain and he was always entertaining on that show. I also don´t think he sees himself as evil, just as a survivor who does what is necessary. He has a good business sense in that he sees a demand and tries his best to satisfy his customers, even if the service he provides is not legal. But who would freely give up his brain anyway, and it´s not like they grow on trees. At the moment I have lost track of the series because it became more and more difficult to find the episodes but maybe I can catch up now that we are all under lockdown.

First though I have to check if I have any of the seasons at home because I know I bought some but I may have given them all away as presents. By the way, is it weird that I get hungry when Olivia whips up her special recipes even though I know she is eating brains ? Which taste disgusting.

Our fourth Arrow cast member is John Barrowman who turned 53, and while he was in a lot of episodes of Legends Of Tomorrow with the aforementioned Victor Garber he started out on Arrow. Of course he appeared most CW super hero shows like Flash - since Malcolm Merlyn was just too good as a villain to not use him more often - but his origins were on Arrow. And while he also didn´t appear in the Crisis On Infinite Earths crossover he was in the first episode of the last season of Arrow. By the way, if you are wondering if John also appeared on Supergirl, not only did he make an appearance, man, he totally owned it in the musical episode.

Which apparently he also did during his last visit to the Stuttgart Comic Con where I sadly missed him since I didn´t go to the con on the first day ( as I  have explained in this post ) but longtime readers may remember that ( as I wrote in this post about how I DID go to the con on the second day ) there were a lot of people who complained that there were no a - list celebrities present despite the attendance of Dirk Benedict, Kevin Sorbo or John Barrowman. I mean, John Barrowman was not only on the CW shows, he also was on a little british tv show you might have heard of called Doctor Who and the spin - off series Torchwood. I have often said that I don´t believe in coincidences so there must be some hidden agenda behind the fact that another Doctor Who cast member, Alex Kingston who plays Doctor River Song celebrated her 57th birthday on March the 11th.

And while Captain Jack Harkness has made one of the best surprise appearances EVER on Doctor Who´s last season we still have not heard about what the Doctor´s wife is up to nowadays. That would be an awkward reunion. Which reminds me that we still haven´t seen Captain Jack interact with the female Doctor. I have to say I have enjoyed the last season of Doctor Who to a much greater extend than the previous one.

Not only because the actor who plays the new version of The Master is killing it but also because it seems that the writers have stopped writing a female version of the Doctor and have started writing good Doctor Who stories again with a Doctor who just happens to have a female body.

For me it was never a question IF the Doctor should regenerate into a woman and more a question of WHEN it would happen because as soon as it was established that the gender could change after the regeneration it was only a matter of time until he would become a woman. Honestly, I expected it to happen a lot sooner. So the fact alone that Doctor Who was going to be a woman itself didn´t faze me as much as what I expected the writers to do. Which was not have it be just a normal occurence and turn it into an event. There is no problem with the doctor being a woman, the problems start when the writers choose to ignore all of Doctor Who´s history and go all " Hey, hey, hey, even the Doctor´s a woman now, biatch, hashtag celebrate feminists, men are scum ! " gung ho with the scripts.

It´s the same with Lesbians Of Tomorrow where they took the whole thing to a point where it got really annoying. It was okay to have gay / lesbian / bi - sexual / trans / whatever characters on the show and it was still kind of okay when that was unnecessarily brought to the forefront.

In a series where they always send the black guy on missions which would have gotten him killed in real life your suspension of disbelief is used to be taxed almost to the breaking point. But when all historical figures that you thought were men turn out to be women or at least have been complete idiots who relied on their women to do the heavy lifting and make the inventions they became famous for it not only becomes repetitive but also annoying. I mean, I can take repetitive as long as it is entertaining.

Something similar happened on Doctor Who where it suddenly appeared that all the important historical figures had been women. I don´t want to downplay the contribution women have made throughout history and maybe it is about time that we showcase that a bit more but to have exclusively female historical figures is a harsh transition. Thankfully they have gone away from that approach and are handling it more balanced.

What also bugged me about the Doctor´s gender change is the way they handled it because for me it didn´t make sense with the personality of the previous Doctor such as it was established. If this would have been a comicbook ( and yes, I am aware that there are thousand of DOCTOR WHO comicbooks ) people would have complained that he was acting out of character. Peter Capaldi´s Doctor was a very cranky Doctor so I would have expected him to be much more annoyed than delighted to be a woman because that means change and this Doctor was not okay with change.

So I expected to see a lot more of that and the only thing we got was when she made that jump and went " These legs used to be a lot longer. "

Another possible reaction to being a woman now would have been excitement because it was something new and something to explore which the Doctor always loves but we haven´t seen much of that either.

The way feminists always talk about how great it is to be a woman you would expect the Doctor to do a bit more exploring but she was just like " Yep, I´m a woman now, nothing to see here, come along Pond, business as usual. " So what I am saying in short is that while the last season of Doctor Who has been better than the one before there is room for improvement and I can´t wait until Captain Jack ( and maybe River Song too ) makes a full appearance where he finally gets to interact with the new Doctor.

Now after this long rant you probably expected a video with John but instead here is one about the Doctor Who knock - off The Stranger which is not really a knock - off as much as it is an unofficial continuation of Doctor Who. Much like Peter David´s Fallen Angel series ( about which I have written more in this post ) where it was always hinted at that the lead character was supposed to be Supergirl but everybody knew that he could ever officially confirm that it was Supergirl because DC Comics would have slapped a giant lawsuit on him in The Stranger Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant play the lead characters but we never get their names. There also were audio dramas called Adventures In Time And Space where Sylvester McCoy plays a character called The Professor and Sophie Aldred plays a character called Ace. Anyway, I would really like to see some episodes of The Stranger to find out how much of Doctor Who there really is in it.

This finally wraps up the celebrity birthdays for this post but as always you can find more celebrity birthdays from the 11th of March in this EC Comics post from 2018 . Continuing with the Doctor Who videos here is one about the arrival of Whovian four colored fun in german thanks to PANINI Comics.

It´s been a while since I posted a video with the rack - tastic Angie Griffin who is one of the few female cosplayers who can give hasian blow up sex doll Yaya Han and her huge 40D porn implants a run for her money with her giant - sized ( all natural !!! ) 41E double airbags. Here she is dressed up as Clara´s bigbreasted but more naive sister Dolly who doesn´t understand why all the older boys always want to play wet t - shirt contest with her.

I was looking for a Doctor Who related cartoon but I have already posted the anime ( if you haven´t seen it look for it on YouTube, it´s hilarious ! ) and an episode of Doctor Puppet. Thankfully I found a cartoon series with another - very eccentric Doctor who has just returned to movie screens.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

You know, the trouble with you Doctor Dolittle, is you prefer animals to people.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Awesome post, I love Ward's work!
