Monday, April 06, 2020

It´s Comic Masters Monday with Larry Welz

Going over my picture archive I have come across another comic creator whose date of birth is unknown which is why american underground cartoonist Larry Welz has never appeared in the birthday sections.

Another reason is that his most famous creation CHERRY POPTART - or simply CHERRY - is rather explicit in nature ( which is the reason why I had to exclude one of the pages from A NIGHT TO REMEMBER ). So even though I found some material from time to time I couldn´t always post it.

But now I have enough material that is SAFE FOR WORK for a proper post.

I don´t know exactly when I came across my first issue of CHERRY POPTART but it must have been during my earliest convention going days because I remember that I found an issue here or there. Back then adult comicbooks were a much bigger part of my reading diet due in big part that they were the hardest to come by. This way before there was an PREVIEWS ADULT catalogue so it was much more a case of hunting down those series.

One of the things that struck me early on about CHERRY POPTART was that while the art looked deceptively simple and loose some of the pages were meticulously rendered by artist Larry Welz with hundreds of little things crammed into every nook and cranny of the background. Another reason why I kept coming back to the series were of course the parodies of other comicbooks, movies or tv shows and I think my favorite ones were the X - MEN parody and THE LAND OF WOZ. I mean if you didn´t get to see your favorite comicbook characters having sex this was the next best thing.

Being a series that was printed only in black and white this will be a shorter post than your usual BLACK AND WHITE posts since there is no colored art to go with the original pages. I hope you like it nonetheless.  

In most of my comicbook related posts I like to include some movie casting so because there are too many busty blondes to choose from I am ignoring the usual suspects and going with natural born rumpshaker Nari, formerly a member of K - Pop band Wassup until they broke up in February last year.

Yes, I know I´m casting against her established race but Hollywood is doing it all the time so if we can have a black Nick Fury, a black Perry White and a female Starbuck why can´t we have a Cherry Poptart from South Korea ?

Even if we had to change her name to something more asian sounding like Cherry - Ohnegumi Popo - Tart with a big emphasis on the " popo " part.

Nari really puts the " pop " in " K - Pop " and if the saying is true that the way a woman moves on the dance floor is a preview of her performance in the bedroom the knockout from South Korea should have no problem pounding hard boners into submission with her perfect pelvis thrusts.

When the management of Wassup announced in 2013 that the goal of this new group would be to spread awareness of hip hop music and twerking they had no idea what an incredible buttshaker lay buried in little Nari.

Very soon she blew the other girls in the group away with her almost hypnotic lower body movements and her sexually charged performances have turned gay men straight and straight women into becoming lesbians.

Nari´s special talents naturally didn´t go unnoticed by the management and soon they began to bring fanboy dreams true by providing special short shorts for Nari´s live performances that were not only fitting like a second skin but at least two sizes too small so that they were constantly riding up exposing more and more of Nari´s perfectly shaped bubblebutt.

The double - jointed mega flexible nubile rubbergirl who goes by the nickname Paula Popovich in Poland, Chu Pamela LaPinga in Mexico, Culo Caliente in Spain, Ashley Analia in Great Britain, Derriere Doggystyle in France, Christina Arschguilera in Germany and Ultimate Twerkmachine in America  really knows how to work her butt although I fear she will thrust out her hip or pelvis sooner or later. It´s a strange sensation to get a boner and whiplash at the same time but I can´t stop staring at her butt.

Finding a video for independent comics is often difficult when the comic in question does not have the benefit of having been adapted into a tv show or movie or is one of the hip and trendy graphic novels. This goes doubly for any adult comics. So you can imagine my surprise when I not only found a video about Larry Welz Cherry Poptart but one about a possible connection to Archie Comics raunchy redhead Cheryl Blossom.

No matter how thoroughly I go over the birthday lists there always seems to be one or two I miss and in this case it´s Schlager starlet Michelle´s who celebrated her 48th anniversary on February the 15th. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. I won´t pretend to be a diehard Michelle fan but she has the two breast reasons to watch Schlager shows - or at least her music videos - which she presented nude in the german PLAYBOY in April 2006.

I know, this looks like clickbait and I only clicked it because of the breast size of the woman in the preview pic but it´s really not what you expect. And it´s rather seldom that you find a channel with positive messages.

Since this is the third post Today I don´t have any birthdays to cover - except for Michelle - so I want to feature another underrated movie : Falling Down with Michael Douglas and Robert Duvall. It´s one of Michael Douglas best movies and I think he was robbed at the Oscars. The movie was far ahead of its time and still holds up. So if you haven´t seen it you might want to check it out and if you have seen it you might want to re - watch this. Also, can you believe this movie was made by Joel " let´s put nipples on Batman´s costume and turn Robin into Beavis " Schumacher ?

Keeping it in the family here is Kirk Douglas with the shanty ( or how do you call sailor songs ) Whale Of A Tale from the 1954 movie adaption of Jules Verne´s science fiction classic 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea.

Now I didn´t find the movie but I did find an almost 90 minutes long Making Of. The movie was produced for the Walt Disney Studios and directed by Richard Fleischer the son of Max Fleischer who did the famous Superman cartoons but also the animated feature film of Gulliver´s Travels I will include in my next post. It may seem like small potatoes to Today´s kids who grew up with movies that can transport any idea onto the movie screen but back then making this movie was a major endeavor. And not only because this was Walt Disney´s first non animated feature film.

I also found a made for tv movie starring Ben Cross - best known for Chariots Of Fire - and Richard Crenna - best known as Rambo´s Trautman.

To keep the underwater theme going I wanted to post an episode of Sealab 2020 - not only because it was one of my favorite cartoon shows but also because we now live in the year 2020 - but I could only find some original episodes in brazilian so here´s an episode of Adult Swim´s spoof.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

The sea is everything.

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