Thursday, April 09, 2020

Time for another break with Battle Chasers

With this amount of naked flesh it is time for another break before the next assault of horny Hollywood stars, starlets, awesome Andy Sidaris babes and playmates. Thankfully there are more than enough posts I had to postpone over the years and this one even harkens back to 2017.

Since our last break post was all about DC Comics this should be a Marvel Comics post but as usual something more pressing has come up so this is an independent comics post although it does have something to do with Marvel Comics. So way back in 2017 was probably the last time I wrote about Joe Madureiras and my initial plan was to do a series on his very underrated run on UNCANNY X - MEN together with writer Scott Lobdell.

As longtime readers I am an advocate of the 90s and another pet peeve - especially with Today´s new comic readers who do not know anything about the history of comic books - is giving props to underrated comic creators who never appear in any best of lists. One of these writers is Scott Lobdell, who wrote a humongous chunk of X - MEN books in a time that was plagued by a lot of crossovers and managed to spin gold out of it.

What´s more a lot of these issues are done in one issues which I wanted to spotlight because it has become a dying art with modern comic writers who target their whole career for the trade market. So the next post was supposed to spotlight my favorite UNCANNY X - MEN stories from the 90s by Scott Lobdell and Joe Madureiras - as soon as I figured out my top ten.

Because the difficult thing was not to pin down my favorite stories - that was done in one minute or less - but rather rating them. It took me a while but I finally managed to do that and the plan was to write at least ten posts for each of my top ten UNCANNY X - MEN stories and two or three bonus posts with honorable mentions and runners up. And of course at least one introduction post with a lot of original BATTLE CHASERS art.

To back this up a little, Joe Madureiras was a real juggernaut in the 90s.

He was a monster. When all the big artists left Marvel to form iMAGE Joe Madureiras was one of the artists who took up the slack - together with the Kubert brothers and a few select others - and he became a big super star on UNCANNY X - MEN. He then left to do BATTLE CHASERS which became a sales phenomenon that injected new live into the swords and sorcery genre but he pretty much crashed and burnt his career because he preferred to play video games instead of drawing a monthly series and earning obscene amounts of money. He once said that if his wife knew how much money he basically threw away to play games she´d kill him.

Anyway, he has since then returned to comics but he has lost most of his fans and now he´s just one artist among others. His art still looks unique but most of the times his intricate pencils get butchered by the inkers and I think he was at his peak when he was doing BATTLE CHASERS.

So while I had most of the material all laid out I kept postponing this and just the other day while doing the research for something completely different I found a few more pages of original art by Joe Madureiras and I have decided to finally post some BATTLE CHASERS pages. I thought about waiting with this until his next birthday but that will be in December and I don´t want to wait that long. Who knows if I or my faithful followers are still around then and in any case I have enough material for another post.

One last thing about BATTLE CHASERS before we come to the rest of the original art, while looking for the color art to go with the black and white pages I stumbled upon the BATTLE CHASERS ANTHOLOGY - which I didn´t even know existed. So far I only had the collected prestige formats and the trade A GATHERING OF HEROES. Apparently the anthology collects all the BATTLE CHASERS stories ever published and since I don´t have that it´s a nice addition to my collection. Sadly I could only find the softcover but according to the description it´s an oversized book. But now, to quote a wise man, let me take you back to the days of high adventure.

Now I couldn´t find a video about an UNCANNY X - MEN issue by Scott Lobdell and Joe Madureiras but here is one that gives props to Scott Lobdell´s issue 309. Which was drawn by the great John Romita Jr. This was John Romita Jr.´s second stint on the book and they actually had some impressive talent working on the x - books around that time.

With the corona lockdown we all spend more time watching movies so I want to pimp one of my personal favorites that is somewhat underrated.

Apropos, I am trying to be as self sufficient as possible and only leave the house when absolutely necessary. One thing that has been nagging at me is what happens when the stove breaks down. Well, as it turns out there are more things that you can do with your waffle iron than just waffles.

Our music video is a rather peculiar one since I am not sure if it falls into the Who´s That Girl ? or the Unknown Power Girl´s Found section. That is something you have to decide for yourself. It all started with the german cult tv show Musikladen which I have featured a few times on the blog. 

Now a big part of Musikladen´s appeal aside from the music - especially for us horny teenagers going through puberty back then - were of course the go go dancers whose wardrobe went from see through shirts to bikinis.

Sometimes they even went topless which was the reason why the show started at 23.00 hours so they could do their breast work after midnight.

Among all these flexible and freeminded funbag frolicking foxes there was one particular blonde blow up sex doll who stood one cut above the rest and with her long legs up to her chin, an ass that won´t quit and perfectly shaped breasts it was a sure thing that she was only on the show while waiting for a higher calling as a porn star. I don´t know if I was already in my Power Girl induced obsessed - with - blonde - sexbombs - with - giant - sized - tits phase but if not she definitely turned me down that road.

Luckily I managed to tape two of her after midnight appearances since my parents still had the control of the tv and taping shows after midnight was extremely difficult especially since I should have been sleeping for hours.

Longtime readers know that one of my pet pevees on this blog is celebrating all the brave actresses who turn insufferable dreck into bearable entertainment by taking their clothes off or at least show what their Mama gave them and who don´t get enough recognition for that .

So naturally I wanted to share this hot woman and her sexy antics with the world but since I never found out her name ( this is where the Who´s That Girl ? part comes in ) it was impossible to find out more about her.

Slowly clips and full episodes of Musikladen started appearing on YouTube but no matter how hard I looked I couldn´t find her. As it turns out I was looking at the wrong place all these decades because there was a show called Eurotops which was a spin - off from Musikladen that also featured go go dancers and this must have been where I saw my busty sex dream.

Besides shaking everything her mother gave her as a go go dancer on Eurotops this unknown real life Power Girl also worked as a nude model but sadly not for the more expensive adult publications like PLAYBOY, PENTHOUSE or LUI. Or the lower bar boobie and tits magazines like SCORE, JUGGS, MAYFAIR, STACKED, D - CUP, TEASE, GENT, FLING or BAZOOMS.

Much rather you could see her in what I would classify as working class wank material or trucker magazines with such exotic names like Praline, Sexy. Schlüsselloch, Wochenende, Neue Revue and St. Pauli Magazin.

To make up for this crime against humanity she also could be seen baring it all in various sex catalogues for adults like Beate Uhse, Orion or Pabo ( sadly I couldn´t find a catalogue cover or inside page with her ) where she tried her darnest to convince horny shut ins to order the skimpy lingerie she was presenting for his wife / nympho girlfriend / stacked secretary / tittilating sex ed teacher / squirt addicted student / schlong swallowing stepmother / manmeat massaging MILF mother / cum crazy cousin / sex machine stepsister / spreading her legs like a fillipino whore sister / sperm slurping stepdaughter / dicktaming daughter for an all night sex marathon.

Yep, this was where we used to get porn before there was an internet.

Now you may ask where the Unknown Power Girls Found part comes in if I still haven´t found out her name, measurements or any nudie mag covers with her. As it just so happens armed with the knowledge that this bra - busting blonde bomber had been on Eurotops and not on the regular Musikladen I actually found a clip with her on YouTube which in turn made it possible for me to make the GIF below so people know how she looked.

I don´t know how long this video will stay on YouTube but you better enjoy it as long as it lasts. I know the quality is not the best but we are lucky to have even that. Beyond the video any information about her as well as websites where I can find out more about her are most welcome.

As longtime readers know asian girls are my kryptonite so I am including the choreography of Stretch You Out because it has an asian sex goddess coming in at 7:54 minutes. The best part with this blow up sex doll is at 8:47 minutes where she not only shows that she can spread her legs better than Jennifer Lopez in Hustlers but we get an incredible close up of her crotch area. Which is also a good reference for all struggling artists who have problems with that part of the female anatomy. And if that filly doesn´t make you immediately cream your jeans I don´t know what will.

We have another callback to my misspent youth with The Saint starring the late Roger Moore as Simon Templar. I never liked his interpretation of super spy 007 which he delivered with the charme of an Edeka branch manager and much prefered him in series like this or The Persuaders.

Since Battle Chasers was heavily influenced by the aesthetics of japanese anime we are closing things out with the first episode of Spirit Warrior.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Sir, the truth is I talk to God all the time, and no offense, but he never mentioned you.

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