Tuesday, July 22, 2008

can't find DC UNIVERSE 0

So, initially I wanted to write something about DC UNIVERSE 0 but I couldn't find any decent preview images. I thought that it would take me 5 minutes at the most to find something but it was almost impossible to find the mf - word.

I tell you , there's something wrong if it's easier to find a download link for the issue than some good official preview images. Thankfully my laptop doesn't open cbr files so I quickly deleted the %&&$?0. So I will not finish my post on DC UNIVERSE 0.

Aside from that I'm still adding labels to all my posts - now that I know how that works. I just hope I don't overdo it. I'm also preparing the stuff for my next SEARCH FOR POWER GIRL post on my other blog : SUBZERO'S OTHER BLOG. It's been a while since I did the last one so it's about time I resurrected the series. At first I thought that my next one would be about Christina Aguilera but I already did a megapost about her ( with a link to download her appearance on the ELLEN show for all who missed that - like me ) and something urgent came up. So my next entry in the power Girl series will be Luciana Salazar - for quite obvious reasons.

Yesterday I taped DRESDEN FILES.....or so I thought. Looks like I forgot to check if the right channel was on and I taped something totally different. So today I double checked to make sure I do really tape the new episodes of BETTY. While compiling the pics for this post I realized that Kylie's new album " X " is out.

My favorite Kylie video of all times is still....no, not that one. It's " gimme just a little more time ". I just love the simple idea and Kylie's ordinary yet sexy dress. But that's not what I wanted to comment on. While doing the research for the update on Pamela Anderson's piece on SEARCH FOR POWER GIRL ( did I already mention that this section is now on my new blog ? )I saw the pics of Pamela as Invisible Woman in the new SUPERHERO MOVIE. I don't know if the movie has anything going for it aside from the lovely Pam but is it just me or have they not invested too much in the design ? I mean at first I thought that Pam's costume was based on the Fantastic Four uniform but it turns out that they just copied one of Kylie's old bathing suits.

That's cheap, man.Anyway that's all for today. Tomorrow I can hopefully do the post on DC UNIVERSE 0.

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