Monday, July 21, 2008


Is it a bird ? Is it a plane ? No, it's.....superblog ! Bigger, better, faster, stronger......

Well, if you are asking yourself what the $$%&##¬&&!!??? superblog is....that's just my own way of announcing that TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN version 1.2 is finally here.

This blog has now entered it's third year and I thought it's about time to overhaul the sucker and go back to the roots. In the past few months there has been more posts about comic unrelated stuff ( mostly hot chicks ) and that put me to think.

This year the incomparable DAVE'S LONGBOX has closed shop as well as ROCK'N ROLL NERDGUY and somebody has to pick up the gauntlet. So I decided to step up and refocus and to take on all comers. This means that the last weeks I have reworked ALL the posts, thrown out all the clips and links that didn't work anymore, reread all the words, looked that there is enough space between pictures, links and the text, and thrown out all the comic unrelated stuff.

I even gave the blog a new layout ( if you haven't already noticed ) ! But what does this mean ? Are all the posts on SEARCH FOR POWER GIRL gone never to return ? How can my readers live with that ? Fear not my fellow readers.

All the posts about COMICBABE BATTLE are still on this blog - since they seem to be the readers favorite posts. I get more comments on those posts than any other ! And it sure is a hell of a lot of fun for me to do those posts. So these stay here for the forseeable future.

However the SEARCH FOR POWER GIRL posts are now on my other blog called SUBZERO'S OTHER BLOG ( remember : keep mit simple ). There are all the entries and I have already pimped the posts on Uma Thurman ( who finally has her own entry ) and Pamela Anderson and maybe I will redo the other entries as well. Additionally you will find all the other stuff I've included over the years about Janet Jackson, Halle Berry, Sabrina Salerno or Thalia. In some cases I have just cut and pasted the stuff from TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN in some cases I've added a lot of links for pics and downloads ( like in the redone SEARCH FOR POWER GIRL posts ). All the stuff about hot babes that was on my old blog is now there. I know that there are some readers who couldn't care less but there are also other who seem to like it. So here is the official link but it's also in the link section :


  • I'm trying to keep the new blog open for all reader's at the moment but maybe the powers that be will decide to turn it into an MATURE READERS blog - which shouldn't be a problem. After all the average comic reader is already older than 18. Anyway I will post updates as soon as I have reworked the posts.

    Which leaves the comic part for this blog. Since I have eliminated some of the banners I don't know what will substitute them. So far they have become my signature as well as a sign for the reader that the post is finally finished.....since it often takes me a few days to finish a post. Maybe I'll just post other comic banners I find on the web. Or maybe I'll just do my own.

    The good side is that I can do the happy 150th post all over again. I didn't get to do anything special for the big 150 but since the overhauling has reduced the number of posts from 156 to 139 ( counting this one ) I have been given a second chance. So if you have any suggestions for post 150 let me know.

    From the remaining posts I did 48 in 2006 with a whopping 14 posts in April. Not bad if you count that I started in April. In 2007 - my first full year - I managed to write 71 post and this time August had the most post with 15 posts. 2008 has not been so good. Up until now I have only 18 posts and January had the most posts with 5. Now that may have something to do with the fact that some of the posts are now on the new blog. Nevertheless this year is not so easy for me and it has taken it's toll.

    Since I'm already doing the announcements I also wanted to say that I still have to buy all the comics I read myself so I will speak my mind in my reviews. As long as Marvel, DC or any other comic publisher don't send me review copies that's what I will do. I have heard from other people that they get a lot of review copies but so far nobody has tried to buy my soul. That means that I'm up for sponsoring. Anybody who's willing to throw some cash ( or comics ) my way are welcome to write me an e - mail or post a comment on my blog.

    And as far as pimping other websites go I will put links in my posts of all the websites I mention and think that deserve more exhibition. But if you want to be put in the permanent linksection of this blog you have to do the same for me. Quid pro quo my dear friend. That may sound a little harsh but otherwise nobody will put my link on their blog while mine is just covered with links. I have to get some traffic somehow. The blogs that are on my link section right now have been given a freebie because they are so awesome or they have put my blog in their links. And it wouldn't be fair to include others for free. And don't tell me that's not true since so far only three websites have a link to my blog on their page. By the way : the same goes for my other blog. Sorry, but this is no package deal, so no two - for - one deals here. At least for now.

    So like they always say in PRESSING CATCH : Mas TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN que nunca. SUPERBLOG starts here.

    New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN :

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