Monday, January 29, 2018

Mightiest Mortal Monday with Peter Krause ?

Because I can´t have two Spider - Man posts in a row ( even though we are still in the middle of Spider - Man Week ) and I want to wait with my next post about George Perez´ THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD until next month here is something that didn´t fit in one of my Jerry Ordway posts.

Because while I pimped THE POWER OF SHAZAM I didn´t get to put much of the artwork from the series in the post. As I said before, the regular artist for most of the run is Peter Krause who surely must have some german roots. I wonder how he felt having to draw Nazi villains. Anyway, originally I wanted to do just a short post with a lot of covers by Jerry Ordway  but then I thought that everybody knows his art style and it´s much more important that people see Peter Krause´s work since that will be what they are paying for. Now for those readers who don´t want to get spoilered the only option is probably to just trust my recommendation and just buy the complete series. I tried not to include too many big reveals but on the other side I mainly chose pages that look cool. So without any further ado I give you THE POWER OF SHAZAM by Peter Krause and next time we will continue Spider - Man Week with a very unexpected artist.  

Since I have no links for this post I am including one of the famous Hostess Pies ads with Captain Marvel. A few months ago while I was going through my files I put all of these as well as some other in house ads in a special folder and I promised to post these whenever it fits the post topic but so far I don´t think I have actually done that. It´s just that there is so much to do with each post and check and double check everything that I forgot.

Since I have written a post on January the 29th last year I have already covered most of Today´s celebrity birthdays but as always there is one that somehow slips through the cracks and in this case it´s Marc Singer who turns 70 and whom you may have seen as General Mathew Shrieve on the third season of Arrow. I am not sure exactly why his face looked that familiar because I never watched much of Dallas when it aired and no episodes of the original V series. It´s strange but lately there has been more content from Canada on this blog from Are You Afraid Of The Dark ? to Marc who was born in Canada to an upcoming post I am planning on Dale Keown´s Incredible Hulk run. Anyway, Marc Singer is of course best known as the main lead in the Beastmaster trilogy. Which was a surprise for me. I didn´t even know there was a third one. I found it on YouTube but the picture quality is so poor that I will have to look for it elsewhere.

Initially I had written that I never watched the subsequent tv series with Daniel Goddard but the longer I think about it the more some repressed memories rise to the surface of me watching some of these episodes.

Although the film fared only modestly at the box office, it steadily built a strong cult following over the years. It received significant local tv and cable airplay in the USA, notably HBO and TBS where it became a TV mainstay and viewer favorite. Its replay was so common that some dubbed TBS " The Beastmaster Station ", and HBO as " Hey, Beastmaster in On. "

As WATCH & BURN puts it in his review : " If you are one of the thousands who may have caught it on cable during the 80s and 90s you probably remember it fondly. Still The Beastmaster may be one of those movies that is better remembered than re - watched.  Overall it withstands the test of time and has aged pretty well, probably than any of its stars."

Speaking of the movies, Marc Singer had three stunning cult sirens as co - stars, Tanya Roberts and Janet Jones in the first one and Kari Wuhrer in the second one. They almost got eighteen year old Demi Moore for the first movie but Tanya Roberts got her part. Seeing as how different their careers went it was probably the right choice although it wouldn´t had hurt to see the young Demi Moore as a scantily clad barbarian babe.

Usually I would use the opportunity to include them here but I just did that with Janet Jones Gretzky in my last post and the post before that and an earlier post so I think that at this point readers are sufficiently saturated with necessary links. I also posted something about Demi Moore just a few days ago. As for Kari Wuhrer, while I never got around to give her her own cult siren entry I mentioned her in a few posts like my Casting the Justice League of America movie series where I cast her as Gypsy

Now the movie I chose to post is Beastmaster II : Through The Portal Of Time because I think it´s the best movie. Which should not make much sense but neither does the title of the movie since they actually do not travel through time. Producers always make these sequels where fantasy characters come into our modern world from their primitive culture and without the familiar setting it always sucks. See the awful Masters Of The Universe movie which in defense of Dolph Lundgren failed mainly because the director was too busy shooting an homage to Jack Kirby´s The Fourth World comic books to do a faithful adaption of Eternia´s greatest heroes.

With that being said it works for some reason in the Beastmaster sequel.

To quote STINKER MADNESS" While the premise is one that typically infuriates fans Beastmaster II : Through The Portal Of Time pleases from end to end. It has some sort of charm that doesn't make sense. The jokes are total crap. The acting is painful. There's no boobs. Yet somehow it all adds up to funny shenanigans that simply entertain lovers o' the stupid.

The true highlight is Wings Hauser's Arklon, who is arguably the lowest IQ villain in cinema history. His plan is seriously to blow up his world. He has already conquered the world, yet he thinks blowing it up will give him more power. There isn't some mystical element that blowing the world up turns him into a god or anything. He just wants a neutron bomb to blow the whole damn thing up, including himself. Ok, let's put that aside. In order to accomplish his goal of suicide and world-ending destruction, he decides to enlist the unwilling support of L.A. girl, Jackie ( Kari Wuhrer ) who knows nothing of nuclear weapons but knows a lot about 90's fashion.

Standing right next to Arklon is the witch Lyranna ( Sarah Douglas ) who has a great rack, wants to bang him, rule the world at his side, has super powers, knows where the bomb is, plus has the means to get there and continually helps him without getting a single utterance of " thank you ".

Arklon's moronic antics culminate when he falls into a lake of fire and shouts his victory at Dar - and then burns up to death. Beastmaster II is a breed of a different cat ( or painted black tiger ) from the first one in all sense. It should suck, but is a true majestic triumph of crap. Do it. "

By the way, if Sarah Douglas looks familiar it´s because besides appearing in Solarbabies, Remington Steele, Quest Of The Delta Knights, Gargoyles and Strippers vs Werewolves she also played Dr. Lana Zurell in The Return Of Swamp Thing, Ursa in Richard Donner´s Superman movies and the evil queen Taramis in Conan The Destroyer. And she just recently appeared in last week´s episode of Supergirl, Fort Rozz as priestess Jindah Kol Rozz. 

The more I see of Lost Hero Of The Golden Age the more I like it. I had expected to find something about the more obscure heroes that pop up in The Power Of Shazam like Bulletman or Spy Smasher but you will see that Mary Marvel was really one of the pioneers of female super heroes.

SJWs make a lot of fuss about the Wonder Woman movie and Supergirl on the CW but totally neglect Mary Marvel who predates Supergirl. In fact Supergirl was based on her. Although she had worse luck than Mary Marvel.

I don´t know if it was the fact that Mary Marvel was Billy Batson´s sister and not just his cousin but she lived with him instead of ending up in an orphanage like Supergirl. I guess comics really were written for kids back then because that sounds like something a spoiled kid would do. Or maybe Silver Age Superman just couldn´t be bothered with relatives and hid his cousin in an orphanage while he was swinging at the Fortress of Solitude doing grown up things with Wonder Woman, Big Barda and Power Girl.

Although that quickly changed once Supergirl hit puberty or rather when puberty hit certain areas of Supergirl´s anatomy and Superman decided that the best way to get Lois Lane to back off from constantly trying to marry him was if Supergirl cosplayed as a mysterious superheroine that he was going to marry. Which not only gave him an excuse to run his grubby paws all over his innocent little cousins booming teenage body but also for some heavy petting in front of Lois. To make it convincing - at least that´s what he told Kara. My, the good old times when making out with relatives could be part of the story in a comic as long as it was for a good reason.

Coming back to Mary Marvel, since her looks were based on Judy Garland Today´s music video is with her. I had to search for quite a bit because I didn´t want to post Somewhere Over The Rainbow but I think I finally found one where Judy really looks like the inspiration for Mary Marvel.

Since I mentioned the SJWs and their strange hang ups just a moment ago, guess who had her own tv show before Wonder Woman ? That´s right.

Aww, come on. You knew that I just had to include another episode of The Secrets Of Isis in a Captain Marvel themed post. This is the third episode I´m posting and the longer I watch the series the more I get into it. Too bad that I can´t find it on DVD anywhere for less than 140 smackeroos.

And to brighten up the day of all internet watchdogs who are now on my blog because I used the word " Isis " here is an episode of the Shazam cartoon from 1981. Thanks for keeping the internet safe and carry on.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Have somebody run a check on all loincloth freaks.

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