Friday, January 26, 2018

Spider - Man Week with our pal Sal Buscema

Well, my last post took a bit longer to finish than expected ( don´t tell me you didn´t enjoy the new animated GIFs of french sexbomb Florence Geanty ) but here is the promised post for Sal Buscema´s 82nd birthday.

And what´s even better - at least for me - it is my 900th post ! Yay, me !

Now the reason why I decided to do a post about Sal Buscema´s marathon on THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER - MAN instead of one of my usual birthday posts where I include art from various titles is that I had enough original art pages in good quality. Not that I haven´t added a few more pages and eliminated some others after the usual thorough research but most of the art was already in a special folder. The second reason is that I personally like these posts with a theme better. And last but not least I want to see if we can´t get some momentum to convince Marvel / Disney to continue reprinting this run. I mean, SPIDER - MAN : TOMBSTONE was released in June 2016 and so far there has been no announcements of any follow up trades. This run needs to be available in trade paperback. Anyway, as you can see a lot of the original pages are from Heritage Auctions, I think I found the rest either at Comic Art Fans or I don´t remember. As always thanks to all the hard working guys on the internet who put the content up that helps me to write these posts and if you want to be credited or have a link to your website send me an e - mail or use the comments.   

So that was my 900th post, this year´s Sal Buscema appreciation bonanza and now I have to catch up on my sleep because one of the reasons why it took me so long to finish my last post was that I had to get some much needed rest. Because otherwise I am just useless. What is that you say ? I can´t go without including the usual links to earlier Sal Buscema posts for new readers ? Okay, the things I do for my fans. There is one tribute post about all the different books Sal Buscema worked on in 2015, one post in 2014 where I talked about his run on The Incredible Hulk where I also mentioned other favorite periods in Hulkstory, another Hulk post where I listed which pages were missing in my french issues of Gamma and another Hulk post to pimp volume 7 of the Essentials which was offered for 8 bucks at amazon. Last but not least I posted issue 1 and issue 2 of Amazing Spider - Girl where he inked over Ron Frenz and on his last birthday I did a special Thorsday post about one of my favorite Mutant Massacre crossovers . And now I have to retire to sleep the Odinsleep.   

Ah, I really needed that. I feel much better now. Okay, where were we ? Oh, yes. The links. I don´t know if I have included them in my latest Jerry Ordway posts but 13TH DIMENSION has kind of copied my idea by doing their signature 13 Covers By schtick which was all about the All - Star Squadron in 2017 and The Power of Shazam in 2016 . While I find it good that they are putting a spotlight on such great veteran artists I am a bit disappointed that I seem to be the only one who dares to call the big publishers out why they are not giving him work. But I guess that´s the benefit of being just a small blog that literally nobody knows except for a handful of faithful readers and they have to be careful to stay in business.

Another callback to an older post ( although not on this blog but on COMIC BITS ONLINE ) is P. J. Armstrong´s review Aventura Cósmica - Avengers : Kree / Skrull War on CUARTO MUNDO and to tell the truth that´s just an excuse to post three more links to those megalong posts on COMIC BITS ONLINE about the UK Marvel comics by Alan Class , the Mighty Crusaders by Alan Class ( I did mention the Mighty Crusaders in my last post ) and the Justice League of America  and the wraparound covers I promised.

Speaking of the Justice League of America, when I mentioned Aquaman and Green Lantern in my last post I completely blanked that I still have links for both of them : DIAL B FOR BLOG has a post on all the different Green Lantern oaths from Alan Scott to Hal Jordan that have popped up in the comics - which I may have already posted somewhere else - and SCANS DAILY has some wonderful Neal Adams art from Green Lantern issue 84.

WITH GREAT POWER has a review of the recently released Aquaman : A Celebration Of 75 Years hardcover that is one of the few positive reviews these collections have been getting because of the scattershot manner in which the issues that are included seem to have been chosen. Now with Aquaman it seems that there are so little reprints of his adventures ( a complete 18 year period is still un - reprinted ) that this book is a rare feast for Aquaman fans. The regular price on this book is 40 bucks but you can get it at amazon Germany for 30 EUROS which includes the shipping.

Now while you have to be careful not to collapse from sleep deprivation one of the more positive aspects of returning to an almost daily posting schedule is that I no longer have to cover the celebrity birthdays I might have missed in - between the posts or any important cult sirens of notice and can get directly to the anniversaries of the day. Speaking of which :

Ice hockey legend Wayne Gretzky turns 66 but since I never was a big ice hockey fan ( I have no idea if they showed any of the matches he was in on german tv ) the only thing I know about him is that he has an excellent taste in women since he married cult siren Janet Jones who celebrated her 57th birthday on the 10th of this month. I did a re - post of her cult siren entry last year so click here to read more about the hot babes from Police Academy like Leslie Easterbrook, sexbomb Becky Mullen and hasian hardbody Chona Jason´s erotic cult movie Sinful Intrigue and wrestling shows from the 80s. Plus a drunk Sarah Shashi, a sexy Sabrina Setlur, a classic fight by George Foreman vs Muhammad Ali, Tales From The Crypt : Ritual and classic clips from G.L.O.W. and Catch Up with Joe Williams and Horst Brack, der Bestrafer better known to german comic fans as Robi.  

Her posts have become a much beloved annual tradition so I wanted to do a new version of last year´s re - post and my initial plan here was to re - post the entire post and pimp it to the nines with some animated GIFs.

But I guess that it´s true what they say about the best laid plans of men and mice because this year I haven´t got the time and last year the strain was too big after adding all the GIFs and the page did not load completely anymore. So I had to cut a lot of stuff and pictures. In the end I made 3 new posts : one for Becky Mullen, one for Janet Jones, and one for Leslie Easterbrook who plays Callahan and had her best scene in Police Academy 4 - Citizens On Patrol where she emerged from a pool with a wet t - shirt .

Her spin - off post gets also re - posted on most years and it used to be in one post together with Janet Jones Gretzky who starred alongside her in Police Academy 5 and Becky Mullen . I also wanted to do a new version of Leslie´s post as well as Becky Mullen´s latest re - post from 2016 because there is some new material I already prepared in advance to add later on.

The post also included 80s cult siren Monique Sluyter and the Tutti Frutti girls but that part got too long and I had to give it a post of its own which I re - posted in 2016 in a new and better version . She was a candidate from my Justice League of America casting series - I cast her as Fire a.k.a. Beatriz da Costa in the Andy Sidaris Special - and before getting her solo post she was also regularly mentioned in the annual re - posts of italian mega soccer MILF Simona Ventura . I wanted to do a new version of her post since there was some new stuff that I wanted to add to it so I´ll have to see if I can get around to do it before her next birthday comes around.

Coming back to Janet Jones, her post started as a way to give props to one of the unsung heroines that transform otherwise unwatchable b - movies into bearable entertainment by taking their clothes off or at least show what their Mama gave them and who don´t get enough recognition.

It only later became a possibility for me to talk about the Police Academy movie franchise and a whole lot of other stuff like the comic books. Janet is of course best known for appearing in Police Academy 5 - Assignment Miami Beach in a stunning white swimsuit presenting her best ASSets and she is one of the reasons people still watch the movie. Or at least wait for the parts with her in them to be over before zapping to something else.

No longer with us to celebrate his anniversary is Paul Newman whom I always got mixed up with Steve McQueen. Probably because when I was growing up you got either one or the other in all the good movies. Of course now I don´t confuse Paul Newman with other actors because he´s the one in the movie Cool Hand Luke ( known as Der Unbeugsame - The Unbending in Germany which is the same title The Natural with Robert Redford got here ) with real life Power Girl Joy Harmon´s famous car wash scene. Never underestimate the effect giant, wet boobs that are pressed tightly against glass can have on the memory. Just ask Simona Ventura .

Since I don´t have videos for any of Todays celebrity birthdays ( I skipped a few that I have covered in earlier years ) I want to start with one about the so - called Archie Heroes because I think that not a lot of people know their secret origin. I mean, there might people out there who may have heard about The Mighty Crusaders or have read the comics from one of the various reboots but even I forgot that MLJ Publishing, the company that became famous as Archie Comics started out with super hero comics.

Since a lot in this section has to do with older posts I want to include a video that I found too late to include it in my post about spanish comics from my youth. It´s the wonderful Marisol showing that fan service was not invented by k - pop groups and that it has been around probably since the invention of music videos possibly going even back to the music films.

She really grew up quite nicely since Ha Llegado Un Angel ( An Angel Has Arrived ) which is the only film I have seen with her. I watched it with my mother in Cine De Barrio, a program that shows classic spanish movies.

While I missed a lot of these and am not as familiar with all the people in them it hits a certain nostalgia because I have lived in these houses with the furniture, I have watched some of the programs that are on tv, I have had those toys or read those comics and I have walked these streets. And I have definitely worn those clothes, sideburns and all. One of the reasons why I like watching these old films - besides being a good remedy against homesickness - is that I always learn new things from spanish pop culture.

Marisol for instance was one of the biggest child stars of the 60s who had less success as a teenager and retired at the end of the 70s. Today Marisol goes by her real name Pepa Flores and is mostly unknown except by the few who remember her from those wonderful movies or because she did the first nude cover for the spanish magazine Interviu which became an institution in Spain where naked pictures of the famous are concerned.

They recently closed shop. Here is a short bio of her for all my spanish readers and all others can find more info about Marisol on wikipedia.

I had to include a video about Sal Buscema and since I  could not find one from Spectacular Spider - Man here is another classic Marvel Comic bout.

Remember when they used to do these titanic clashes between heroes ?

It seems that Today every hero ( and I´m using the term hero loosely here because even the ones that are not replaced by a teenage / female / gay / black or another SJW compatible minority version are unrecognizable and seldom behave like heroes ) is fighting every other hero all the time but as soon as it´s over you completely forget it. Anyway, from the golden age of four colored donnybrooks here is Hulk vs the Avengers from The Incredible Hulk issue 300 by bill Mantlo, Sal Buscema and Gerry Taloc.

Since we are on the subject of comic books, here is The Tale Of The Ghastly Grinner which is not only one of the best episodes of Are You Afraid Of The Dark ? but also is the one about comic books. All those comic readers who became a comic fan in the 90s will recognize a lot of stuff. Now I saw a video where some guys reviewed this episode and made jokes that the main character did probably not get work from comic companies because he was just a teenager. But if you know even a little about comic book history you know that there were dozens of cases in which creators started to work in the comic industry as teenagers. The age was not that important back then as long as there was real talent.

I was just about to end this post with a video from a favorite cartoon show from my youth, Lolek & Bolek, when I realized that I actually never posted an episode from the classic 1960s Amazing Spider - Man cartoon.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

We pledge to unselfishly use our great power to defeat evil and injustice everywhere ! We will save the needy, the down - trodden and anguished, topple evil persecutors and despoilers, so that all people can live in dignity and joy, safe from oppression ! We will bring mercy to the afflicted and troubled ! So pledge The Mighty Crusaders !


  1. 900 -wow. And I've only done 5,951 posts! Seriously I have to ask why no one pays us for this service to comics? :-) I looked at the number of posts I've done and then I tried to think of what I get out of them -a few review books but you don't even get those. You need to pimp yourself out and try and get review trades. Only thing I can see that might put them off are the "not for office" photos and clips!
    I resisted the nude photos and wet t-shirt shots I did when I was younger because I'm just too damn sexy and might break the internet again....hang on...time for meds.
    My big Atlas (Seaboard periodicals) and Archie Heroes posts...well, as Archie treated me like crap and ruined their characters in recent years they are out. Atlas, however, yeah, I have all the covers so...
    I looked at the newer Avengers Kang War trade and then at one of the Avengers collections with Sal's work in. One panel by him destroys the new "artist" on the book. Odd that I see DC are still using Marv Wolfman to write comics!
    Those Kree-Skrull War covers look fantastic. Hand pencilled, inked and coloured and still better than a lot of the newer Marvel covers -I couldn't believe how bad some were.
    So keep posting but think about the idea of pimping yourself to publishers!

  2. I get what you say about the not for office content but I was doing completely safe for work posts for the first five or six years of this blog and the big publishers weren´t exactly tripping over each other to gvie me any review copies. Heck, I couldn´t even get anything form the independent publishers.

    As for panderin to publishers I don´t know if I could do that even if I tried. Because the big two are putting out so much crap and I´m just not a very good liar. IF I would do it it had to be a smaller publisher like VALIANT, iMAGE or DARK HORSE.

    The ship´s probably sailed off in that regards a long time ago anyway.
